Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1934, p. 53

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421 - iourtf St., Wi'vIIlet. ECPEýRIENCED R EA 1 H S T -A T E ,;alesmnf or saleslady. ,31rx44-ltp UOLJk'LE, WÎIITE, MAN N 1Y HAVE (ther emhplnymient, givizig me part timel. $40 per inonth. 'Refs. Phone l- coe 13.73LT44-ltp FOR SALE-AUTOS ___ JIUST PUT ON THE SALE., FLÔOO"R. Prices substantiallY reduced only because we. have_ duplicates of many of these. If you aet ut, nn.m 'ou can. avail yoursef t.areal buy. $TUL>EBAKER,1 1931 Presid2viît 8 Broughamn, perfect condition. Beau- tiful twortone s and tan Iiniishi, li1ke new, 6 wire wheels, 2 à4de moiUts, trunk on rea r.*Rtconditi<)ined ilrouglh- out. Price below code at. ..... . 19 8.0ii TERRAPLANE, 8,1933 dn.Ter- ord breaker for 19ý33. Traded. foi- a new 1934 Hudson. Guarantteedil el lýnt condition. A ride ilenn' you..........................50 ESSEX CARS. We have aà ec ion (4 e-xceptionally,,clean 119214 sedan.s, and coaches, available at v ry low prictes.. XilI suit you if -You looking foir low price and economical transîmr- t-ation. Priées $1,11.00 to $2.O HI DSON 192() Broughi0xn traded hy a I 1,ake l"oreSt owneé after having lind IitIle raleaige,. Priced tu seil at $24 5.00) A1111 O F OUR UE)CARS ARE GUARANTEED HUDSON-TERRAPLAN'E DISTRIBUTORS Open Sundays and. Evenings 1961 Rdge Ave. *1135 Chicago Ave. U-ni. 7400 qhel. 7000 77LTN44-lto M,0 FORD COUPE GOOD TIRES, EX-. cellent running condition. Very rea- »onable. Phone Wilmette 569 after 6.00 PM.77LTN40- tfp weNTrID TO *UY-AUrOs WANT GOOD, SECOND HAND CAR, $150, cash. Must be ý in good. uîndi- tion. Phone Winnetka 407. 79L1N44-ltp FOR RENT-ROOMO N 1C ELY FURNISHED JROO-M IN private east side homie. Near tranS7 portÀation. Gentlemian enmployed. 'Ref- ,pencîles. Phone Wilniette. 3251. 82,TN44-ltp 11home in private family. East side lo- c,âtion within 5 blocks >f transporta- tion. WriteB- 3 Box 4(j,Winet . . *. 83 LTNW4ýItl; WANTED SUITABLE ROOMS IN RE- old son in Glenco)e. Wîîh or wi.hout meals. Write B-186. Box 40. imte Dii. 1.T44-ltp FOR RENT-LT. I4SKPrG.RO S 1 A 1LL APART'MENT, PARTLY Olt, unfurnished. Very reasonable. apply to Mrsq. Clauson, 1733 Lake A.venuW, Wilnîet te. Phone WjIlmette, 17330. VE-RY R EASO -4ABLE. LI( HT HUE keeping rooms, clean, ëonfi)rtable, anid convenient. Hot ivater h4eat. Phone M'innetka 2844. LT4-t *O0ARD AND ROOM TH L K ENJLWORTH INN OFFERS su. a real home, fine large roim, sus, ia g at. od fn-d NT"d.r:îe rie.Keiilworth 5491. 84LTN44-Ite, FOR, RË1NT-APARTMENTS THE, LINDEN CRE ST W utn-iie s *ist Beauitui Building 2 room apartrnents consisting of large, 1attractive . living room i wth in-a-dor bed, dinette. kitchenette, and tii. bath., Free 'refrigeratiorn. Reduced prices. * KROLL, & S'MItH, AGENTS 424 Linden Avenue Wllmnette 500) 92LTN4O-tfc 5 RM. API'., 2 BEDROOMS. $48. ALSO excepîionally large 1 bedroorniapt. -Elec. reftig4 Facing on residential street. A i U~ BALJr. j2 El tWinnetka 7,504. - ____ 92LTN44-1tc, UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE 4-IZOOM apartinents ovelooking park. Cen- trally locatted. Frigidaire, $50. 1Plî -Glenvoe 45 or Glencoe 21li. 3 AND) 4 R'M. APTS.; TILE BATH with shiower, breakfast nook, edec. refrig. Reasonable rent. Wolf-Criffi.4 Bldg. Pihone Wilniett'e 1724. ________________ 92 LTN44-4t 1 5 ROOS, HOT WVATER HEAT. RUN-: reasonable.* Phone Wiltnette 2378. 92LTN4 -ltc IMMEDIATE POSSESSII arranged 2 -rm. apt. Bdr and shower. A-1 condition. Ph., Winnetka 1800. 5-ROO-M FLAT, H-OT WA screened porch, garage, locattion. ('ait owner, Wilm [ON. WEI r?,'- tti, hia are stitfeéniflg, but we are convinced from our records that good propert les arp, nio longer going begging.- Vou can save timne and nîoney now by availing yourself of our complete R. B. wNHI'rAKER CO. 34 w teet Winnetka 32i)( WINNETKA 0Open week days froni 9 to 9 97LTýN4-î4te 10. r 5s. Sbedrms., slp. pCh., 1 lis. I-50 9 rmis., 5 bdrms., sip. pch., oU. 3 bs.'12i 6 rnis.,, 3 bdrrms., 2 bis., mdem.. Io< 9 rms., 2 lis., slp). pceh., 2 c. -g.... .. N5 6, rnis,, 2 be.,ý H. W. H., 1 c. g. 6 rins., 1 b. H. W. H., Oil, 1 c ..7 ,8 rnis., 3 bs., H. W. H I., Elec. reêf...0 j rnis., 2 bs., H;. 7H1., nir. transI)..4; 5 rins., lst fi. duplex,. beated.....0 Apartmnents $35 and up. Fumnished and unfurnished' hotmý:s, all sizesi $50 to $300. B. . ARNETT. 526 ('enter St. .Winnetka t65 97LTN44lt -Skokie IHeights, Glencoe <'HARMINO MOU ER N SPANISHI type home îith tile roof. Large liv- ing rooin, sunparlor and p)owder roonm on lst fluor. Canvassed walls. 3 faily bedroonis, 2 tule baths, also maid'e rooin and bath on 2nd floor. Exceptional op- portunity to rexît owner's honte at rea- sortable price. McGUJRE & ORR, )j30 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 31l6 Park Ave., Gleneoe Gleri. 13 97LTN4 4-lic RENTAL OFFERINGS 9 rmns-3 baths, 2-car gar., oil hit. $150 91/i.,2 bathe, oil lit., -crgr.. 125 .6 rmi,., 1 bath, 011 ht., 2-ca? gar..... 75 6i rms., 1 bath, H. W. lit., 1-car gar. 60 A MOST COMPLETE LIST1 AL1I SI-ZES AND -PRICES BAIRD & WARNER,. mc. -52-t PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTJi Kenilworth 5566 Ienlworth 4785 9 7LTN4 .lltc DESIRABLE COLONIAL HOMEN. sools and tranigp. 5 bdrms., 2 battis, 2 glaàzed porchesý. Fumn. or unfur.l $100 month. Other. renta Is $75 to $500 mo-nth, Frances J. \Vinscott Spruce St. 'Winnetka 12&7 97L TS4 1-t Ail'l SzESqANDx PRICES BAIRD & WARNER, hIc. 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 97LTN44-tc INTERESTING VALUES ENGLISH COTTAGE, 4 BEDRMS.,. à b4ths, oil ht.,' 1-ear attached gar. Brick Colonial, 3 bedrms., 1 bath, lava- tory on lat, hot water cÔal, 1-car gar. $M~ White brick, bedrmns., 1 bath, hotair coal, $55. ANN MORELAND 663 \Vernon Avenue Glencoe 305 97LTN 1-t KENILWORTH Brk. 4 bedrmns. 3%, b. 011. 2 c. g. $135 Brk. 4 bedrmns.. 2%, b. 011. Att.'gar. 125 WINNETKA East. 5 bedrn!8. 2 b. 2 c. g .... . 80 5 bedrmsi. Heated. slp. .2 b. 2 c. g.. 100 on -acre lot-fura. 6 bedrms. 41, b. 011._ 2 c. g.............5 Nancy Levinson 1064 Spruce St. Winnetka 269 971,.44.&Itp 6 rnis., 3 bedrms., H. W. oil, 2 heated porches, 1-car garage. $65 -7 rmfs., 4 bedrms., 2 pchs., H. W. oil $55 7 rnis., .4 bedrms., 2 batha, lav., 1-car, heated garage.... ...$105 9 rmns.,, 6 bedrms., 3 baths,, 2 'porches, à-car garage......$125 L. C. ODH REALTY CO. 933 Linden Ave. Wlnnptka 115, * 97LTN44-Ite' Il EAS)NABLE RENTALS E. 'inn. -d ni. cottage, 4 bdrins. W. Wiim. Well-built 3 br., 2 ba. home. 1,enil. Well-built 4 and 5 br., 3 ba, hiome-. *Winn. 5 br.,- 3 bà., Riparlan hiomo. The above homes in A-i condition, ûil beat, garages attached. F. E. STULTE REALTY CO. 460 \\. innietka Ave. Winnetka 1800 97LTN44-llc WHITE COLONIAL E~XCELLENT CONDITION. '4 BED- rns.2baths, and ex. lav. adj. maid'a rmn. H.,W, loi ht, att. garage, 1 creened porch.iý or 2 at,8110. S SMITH.-& GOSS, Exc. Agentsý 725 Eu ,St. Phono Wlnn. 2500* 97LTN44-It. Wil..7rn* . 1 b., 2 c. g. east ...$55 WII. 6 rnis., ex. lav., h. w., 1 c. g... 70 Wil. 7 rnis., 3 b., 2 c. g., east ...100 Win. -. rns., 2 b., att. g., oil...... 100 ,5ZLTN44-i1p LARGE FRONT ROOM AD SINGLE room. Nice, -sunny rooms at. reason- able rent. Crentlemen preferred. Win- netka 2669.* 2LTN44-ltp NICE ROOM FORRENT. SHOWER anmd:runnlng hot water. PhOne WiI- mette 4416. 2LTN44-ltp. auS USuvv,, W I MU - =__ To Place Classilied (Ask for Ad.Taker) Advertising- Phone WILMETTE 4300 7 ROOM HOUSE, 3 BEDRMS, 1 BATH. Furnace beiat, garage. Phone Wil- mnette J1497. or Owner, Glenco.184. - 97LTT444-tp

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