questing said Clerk of the Village of fQlloiing forni:, Wilnxette tuo submit Wo the voterýs at 11 OFFICIA'L BALILOT the annual Village ele'ction to le held (Place a.cross,(X> in the square to the on April lTth, A. -D. 1994. thé question right of the word indicating the.:way "SHIALL. THE. SALE, AT RETAIL OF you desire to výote.) SHALL THE SALE AT RETAIL, YES or ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR BE PROHIBITED 11N THIS VILLýAGE? NO On the,*back of said ballot s ha l1 ap- pear the following: OFFICIAL BAILLOT. to vote upon the question 'SHALL THE 'SALE AT RE- TAIL 0F ALCOHOLIC LIQUOIR BE PROHIBITED IN-THIS VILLAGE?". at the. annual Village. election for cboosingý Village otflcers of the Village of Wilmiette held in said village on Aprhl l7th. 1934.. Voting Precinct Nurnber Polling Place. (Facsimile Signature) Village Clerk of' the Village o f Wilniette, Illinois. SECTION 3: That 'for the purpose of su'mitingsaid question to the legal voter5 of the Village of Wilniette the sanie election precinets and votlng places established for the annual Vl lage electonijfor the choo.ding of Vil- lage' officers,- ro be held on April 17th, 1934. be used. SECTION '4:' That for thé purpose of subrittlng said question to the legal HIGHCRETPT.A The Highlcrest, Parent-Teachier as- sociation will have its next regular meeting Tuesday evening,1 Matchi 13, at the school. Dr. Martin H. Seifert, Wilmet te health commissioner, wilI be the speaker.,.. During the enter- tailiment following the business meet- inge Robert Jones, world champion, voters of the Village of Wiliiiette, the sanie persons designated to serve 'as judges and clerks of, election for the annuai Village election for thech oosing of. Village officers, to'be heid on April l7th. 1934, shall serve as judges and clerks. ofelection for sid queâtion. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be- corne effec-tive immediateiy upon -its passage and approval. PASSED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wiimette on the 6th day of March, A. D. 1934, and deposited aind filed in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village tis 6th day of March, A. D. 1934. NICIIOLAS P. MILLER, Village Clerk. APPROVED by the President of thé Village of Wilrnette, Iluinois, this 6th day of Mareh, A. D,. 1934. C. P. DUflBS, President of the Village of Wilmette. 'VITTEST: RETURN FROM CRUISE .Nr. and Mrs. William Wil'liams of Kenilworth- returned Tuesday of last week from a Most interesting trip. Goizig to New Orleans, they sailed on. the Zacapa to Havana,.to Cristobal, Canal Zone, to Almirante, Honduras, and to Havana. They were on the water sixteen days. with a breath like Gen'ral Johnson 'For' al this writer knows, y0u may bring ,htavý ,'snows .,.And shotild I dress * too 'scanty, or oe windows in1My. shanty, or expose my naked feet to your driving snows and sicet, my 1 nose'll BE ,(don't show your GLE9 1) almost as red as San- t.y's., with a swelling like Durante's Though you rnay start quite Iamb-like, on that point I'i1 be clam- like. I'm more likely to rely on your relation'to the. lion.. Though I hadn't ARTER to admit I wear no GARTER, your "breezes" twist my socks and other, garm ents (shocks!) . .. Stili I bear you no. begrudgement, .tbough I fear I've .corne to judgment (Perhaps ',you blow 'great . guns- to punish me. for puns> . .. But March, remember it's a lark-and spare the Bruins' basebafl park. ISN'T THIS SILLY? Il the moon ukore near enough to touch And I1<vore thse stars in my /sar; If thse moon-man didn't inid me much And the galloping Houssds .tmutren't there; I'd mounit the white and glittering stafrs Of thee miraculous milky wpay, And at stigkt I'd sit and drpwn iny cares WVith a bottie otfPol Roget. .-Shan. The. Iast lihe of the foregoing poem çcalls to mind the interestiaig labels now displayed on many boutles. It uised to be that speakers illustrated their points; now the manufacturers illustrate thefr pints-yea even quarts. At any rate, the bottle bas corne out into the open. In those synthetic and yeasty:,days of îyre, 'even the bravest bottie hesitated.before stick- ing its littleie eck furtively from any- one's hip pocket. 'Twas a corking good gamne -of peek-a-boo. But, now tbe bottles are bolder. last Saturday. Happs'l ini the state meet nrked bis swirnming career, so school is concerned. LEF In the pi'eliminaries, of the !00-yard4 f ree, style event last Friday, niglit HiLpp finished- second. Réach, of'Uni- versity High, who won the event in the finals, finished in third place be- hind Happ in the: prelimiharies. An- de rson of, Peoria Central, won the- event in the preliminaries.- His time: was 5609 seconds. Reach won the event in the. finals by Éwimming the distance in 57.5. Aniderson, was. sec- ond. R.Iay T.àanc.omPotes Coach Edgar B.. Jackson -of New Trier also sent bis 10-yard relay. team into thé state meet. The, team placed ini the preliminaries but not in the finals. Coach Jackson predicts that bis, senior-. team u-ext year wiUl be better than this year's senior tea m. which finished in second place in the Sut>-. urban league. Not only will several niembers of this year's team be baclc, but new strength will be added front the ranks of boys who were on the junior team, Suburban league chani- pion, this year. Thwe. to Graduae. Besides Happ, John Conrad and Don Patton will be lost by gradua- nucleus of tne senior team next year, besides Paulson, include Bill Beebe. anîd Bill Cunningham, junior swins-. mers 'who lave been used in several senior meets this year, James Bar- nard, diver, BobWatt, crawl stroke man, John Sprenger, whose specialty is the breast stroke, and Mack. Women Voters Will lUê33 Davis Shoot EstabIISkOI Evasotus. iu* k'etersofl, 1of last at1 formeriy t'" -nicago. ao K CO., k0 .K* C099 Inc. Mrs. Willis Litteil, 2121 Beéch- Mary Jane. Miller, 106. Sixth street, U#* 3. Ffrst 3he wood avenue, entertained1 at a gimall was mnade president of the. sophomore HM6hlmud P" k bridge tea Friday. class at Grinneil.