RachmanlnoKt, O)ffertory Anthem-"The Beatitudes- Next week la Division week. The Rachanirofffollowing divisions will meet: Posiud-"OBla Ae Te"ino First-Thursday. March 22 at 12:30- Organ Ttud 0 lschareowsy -Me.. B. C. Davison, 1437 Forest ave-, nue, il Second - Th ur sda' Ma rch 22 at Plan to attend this service au wel as 103-M M reîg,72 Cnta the remainiflg SundaY 'evening Lentenavne services. Invite youlr friends and neigh- Fourth-Monday, March 19, at 10:30 bora to attend with yOU. a. nm. Mrs. Newman P. Baker, 619 - ifth street. Mis. L.. W. Jones, co-, The lgh :School chaPter of the Zp- hostesA. Worth' league will meet ;3unday evenlng et 5 :30, o'ciock.> Miss Ovîdia. Hansing The Sixth division wlll meet Tués- of Chengtu, China, wtll, be the. speclal day. March .27. at Il o'clock at the speaker, Noýte the change In the hour,i home of Mrs. R. L. Walters, 751,Mac- te .5 .:3, because of the, evening churchi lean avenue, Kenilworth. service., Tis is a very special meeting1 and ail membera are urged to bepres-, The Third division,, will meet. Thurs- ent.' Members will go te First Presby- day, March 29, instead,, next week- The terlan church, Evanston, following the meeting Will be beld 10.:30 et the league service to particip)ate ln the home of. Mrs. J. R. EËrpcr. 719 Park, plays of the Chicago Drama tourna- avenue. ment. The Young People's choir'meets -for- The Young People's chapter o! thel rehearsal Sturday .mornings at .10:15 Epwerth league wi11 meet Suniday eve-ioclock, under the. direction of Miss ninig at 5 'clock. Marie Briel. Mr. Joe Toma from Bagdad, Iraq., will be tie speaker. Social Hour willI "OLT WEEK SERVICE~S follow. Meeting willi close at 7 o'clock Tuesday, March 27-8 p. m.-"The due to the fact that the evening service Rock," a Lenten Play by the League la et 7 :30- Players. - Wednesday, March 28-8 p. m.-Illl- The You n People's, league will. have nols Wesleyafl College choir. a roler -skatinig party at Madison, Gar-, Maud hrdy ac 9Sp i den's on March 23. Louise Koerper j~-~e~ca1n<f the Lordl's Supper. in cargeof eseratins. c.ood Friday, March 30-12 te 3 p. m. in cargeo! eseratiois.-Tho- Three Hour Service of Devotion. The Church sehool meets eac h Sun- 8 p. m.-'The Seven Last Words" by day morning at 9 :30 oclock. Thereý DuBois. are 'classes for ail ages froni the Nur- Ti redyIdai ilhl seryto te adit d~arte»t.pot-luck dinner, theater party, and - - - I'rWIitecau. vidaY. Ma,<ih 16. et- tended meePt the church. Al members are lnvited to particlpate. k- JUST A BITE? When ture la ,short and appetite mrail., stop in for a CUP of! our fragrant Coffee, as. a stimulant, andi a slice of our .4icioii ie as a satisfier! Coffee, at the Library Plaza, la always whole- soinely fresh-brewed. Pies are fiaky-erusted and filled .wlth the season's Fresh Fruits. , Orrington et Church Under direction EARLE P. PRESS 1633 Orr ington Uni. 8000 You Will Find a Comploe.Lin. of Thea. Leadang RADIOS RCA Victor Phlilco Stromnberg- Carlson Capeàhart -Midgef Radios and, Exchngod Soifs LYON & NELY * 615 Davis St. Bvanston Plan to attend the "Çhureh Nlght', program this -evening, Thursday, March 15, and next Thursday nlght, Maxrch 22, the last o! the serles. The ichedule la, as follows: 6 :30-7 :15-1>nner willI be served. te-j night by the Phiathea ýclÈsa and next week'by the,,Womn's HoÔme Missionary 7 :15-8-A iservicç. of worship under the direction "of theminister. 8-9-Four Interest. groupa: Group I-"Studles ini Religions De- velopment." Leader: Dr. Leslie L. Fuller o! Garrett. Marèl 1 5-"Tlie Idea of Resurrec- Y 44- A f Y' nout* Aprti 6 anlu 7. Mr. Harvey, assistant. minlater, w111 conduct a trip by Greyhound Bus, to the American Passion Play at Bloomn- ington, Illinois, on Saturda.y, Apnil 28. AnYone, Interested ýin such a trip la asked toecalli hlm at the church ofmoe, Wilmette 2348, a!ter> 3 o'clock ln thie afternoon. A speclal one-day trip, ail expenses included ltrithe trip tee. The Fifth divisioni will nmeet Thurs- day, March 29, at 10:30 o'clock at the, home o! Mrs. C. L. Ketth, 222 Nlnth Street. pli----------------m(Q Regular 60e Value p PERACOCK*S 523 Fourfh Str4 gCE CREAN I.. RADIOSEVICE DEF Tubes tested free at shop - Ail kinds carried ini No service charge for checking set wlien ve Radiola instail a new set of tubes Sparton Bosch- 625 Fosyth Street WBinette lm Edison stock - 411 radios repaired Fàda Ceneral gieetric Victor Atwater Kest Majestic Stewart-Warner Kellogg Stromberg-Carlsop Koister Brunswick Philco- and mmy others r WiImi$.4-120