IlDeadlisse for Jmertiom Cla"sIfd adv.rtIsementa wilbe.;.- IWLME'TB LIFE or mlli three papers; Wednesay 9i P. M.' for IlWINNETCA, TALK and Thuraday 5 P.4. for GLENCOE NNWB. ile eehns Wilm1ette 4200 Wilnek 2006 (Winnetkm 500 miter 6I P. M.). GrIeeleat 4300 or Sheidrake6517. N Ot n]E U I S E V C DO Y OU ATto ElncCA* quickly on. your houisehold furniture. CALL. L. N. FLECKLES .Public Auctionqeer £04 GRÂCE ST. CHICAGO BITTESWEET3«40 LOS? ,AN4D FOUN(D LOST-GIRL'S RED 26-INCH> ELIN bicycle with new black aridwhite ýtirern and new bell.:- Easily recognimed becaube of fresh aluminuin paint on' *ome ot tiSsuP.ette. 1387UIT te WWitka 3438. 3L45-Itp LOST - SC4fr'rIE, IBLACK FEMALIE, wearing red colar with bow. Answers. te naine *Frisky." Evanston license. Rteward. Phone Kenilworth 884. 3LTN4-ltp LOST-CHILD'S PET RACCOON. DIS- appeared Monday. Reward. Phonle Glencoe 1336. 3L45-ltp ANTIQUES GLAN-YR-AFON FÂRM HO011E AN- tique Shop bas re-opened at Glen Ellyn, M1. Eleanore Phelps Pratt. Ph. Glen l Rlyn 850. 7LýTN45-Itp FOR SALE-R1ÉMAINING PIEOES .antique fumniture. Reasonable. 198 Forent Ave., Winnetkm,. 7LTN45-Itp *UILpiNQ A^ND CONTRACTING MOPERNIZE., YOUR HOME!- L£T US MODhUtNIZE YOUltlHOuE!. Bgasement recreation roomu, additio'ns, mUle ,modernization, home repamlrtlnn il branches. No job too smaIL Semuon- able low price.. We have built more than 100 homes on the nortii shore a.nd know oui' business!' F. H. GATHERCOAL 1611 Mighiand Ave. Wilmette, Ili. MeKIBRAN -CARPENTER, HOUM5 repairs, paiptlng, ementpast.rer patching. acreens, porchescabinetwok >ians, estilmaties. Wiimette 2644 16LTN45-4tp, CLOCK *PAlItINe CLOCIC EXPERT, CHIME, HAL, AN- tIqUe dockrepalrint. Lemrned *trad* iEurope. (Formerly with TIfrany &nd PIelId'M )Will call. Fyee esitimai.. Daviid Johansaon. Pbone Dlverrney ?ftSt 20LTN44-S8tp COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAICERS 0Fr Gowns - Wraps - Suits - Cots Made to order, restyled or altered. 833 Elrn St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN42-4tp DRESSMAKING I DESIGN AND) MAXN DRESSES Also dresses made up for salé. Remodeling. Reas. Ph. Wilmette 2158. 22LTN42-4tp LET ME PLAN YOUR SPRING wardrobe, smart dresses, suits and coats. In your home or mine. tReas. prices. Ph. Gre. 4901J. 22LTN45-ltp GARDENINQ IA RDWO01D FOR FIREPLACES- spiit and eut in 24-incli lengths. Oth- ci' lengths by order. $7 per ton, $14 per cord. eLACK ZSOIT, No lumps or Skokie dirt. $5 *three- Syard 10ad. Sod 4c sq. f t. Moving; Rubbish 'removal. Phone Winnetka 2108.' 27LTN-45- 1tp looking for---3-yearý old, pure COW MANURE $3 PER YARD DELIVE11ED Northbrook 183 Weilmette 9098 27LT*N45-ltî) BLACK DIRT CEILINGSCALC.,, $1 UP RMi. PAPIBRED ' $3 UP. ICHP pafntd, 6 p. Antique wails washed ad uotarcb.!d 2.50 u>. BathrM. enain. eled, $5 up.Papr leaned 7uc. Weil LSWIRi WIL& 5034-WINN. 2511 42L45-ItP ALL-SXIORE DECORATING SERVICE 1046 Gate St., Wlnnetkg Wlnnetka 1300 - Giene 1920 Rpe-sonable. Trvr u!and h Pntiittled YÔiur friends know us. 42LT1!ft42-4tp ËULL BLOODicD ENGLISH BULL puppies. 8 weeks old. Maie &,femaàle. Dark Briàdlo color. :$25. to $60. 1739 Shermer Ave, Northbrook, Ill. AIT I~14. PIANO TUN48N& PIANO TUNING ALL IIAKES TUNZ~ED, RECON:Dl. tioned and i'epaired. Ph. WiI,,wtre 274à 4SLTN3 1-tf p EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. REPAI.R .work guaranteed. 22 years Chlckering, Ro.ton. M. C. Thomas, 517 Fs lrview. Park Ridge 699-R.- 45LTN45-4tp PUBL.IC STENOGRAPHIERS MARY D. MeLAUGHLIN PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 746 Elm St. Winn,. 1234 471,45-Itp SEWINS MACHINE REPAIO«tING SEWING MACHINES AND~ VACUUM CLEANERS, *ALL kinds repaired. Establlshed more tlian fifty yers ggo. Now located at 1008 Oakwood Avenue, Wilmette. L. E. Blunt. Tel Wilmette 754 or 4368. 63LTN29-tfc LOANS LOANS ON AUTOMOBILESý- Confidential service, legal ratep. MOTOR'LOAN CO. State Bank BIdg., Evanston Gre. 3200 SITUATION WANTEOCk-FEMALE COMPETIENT HELP Plnnsh, 36,' jen. 14 nos. ref. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 -Elm Street Winfietka 3399 68LTe45-ltc CAPABLE, EDUCATED WOMAN would like a position as boùsekeeper. Can bako gýood bread and pies;- can do good laundry,. Phone GleicOe 1495. >68LTN45-ltp COMPETENT COLORED GIRL, EJC- .perienced incooking and hawk.>de- aires good place., Phone Univ. 8371. O8LTN45-ltp WHITE WOMAN WANTS TEMPOR- SarY work by day or week. Housework or getting up dinners. N. S. ref. Phone Wlnhetka 689, 6gL45-ltp EXP., WHITE LAUNDRESS WANTS 1àufldry to do at home; dried outside. Beat IBeferences. Cali, for ýand deliver. Phone Glcncoe $55. 6. 8L45-ltp, EXPERIENCED ,WOMAIX WANTS day work, . aundry or cleaning. Good refs. Phone Wilmette 3220. 68LTN45-itp EXPER. WOMAN WISHES GENERAL 1housework ooking and l-,unlry-. Pre.- fer going home nights. Good> refèences. Phone Wilmette 3310. 68LTN.45-itr RUGS BEATEN OM RACK ANI) cleaned. Satisfaction gun-rantfed. Cati any Urne. 1444 Wllmnette Ave. Wilmette 4i44. Robert W,%hitehead. 69LT45-Itp CHiAUÜFFr-EUR,EPE.D R I VE R. aiso expLr.,,about work around bouge and Iawn. Cali Greenleaf 6623. Larson, after 5 p. m..6LN4-t -*PE riEF N cEf:D WHITE M-AN wishes housecleaning, ga rdex work, or windowv washing. N. S. refs. Phone Wilmiette 3073- 69LTN4;-ltp CAPALE JAPANESE ,000K, housework or butler. 'Chauffeur. Phone Glencoe 1922. 69LTN45-ltp SOIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMA-LE. COUPLES Germnan, 30 and 31, Finnish, 29 and 30,1 Swedish, 35 and 38. (lerman, 29 and' 31., Danish, 35 and 35, 3 ref. ?innieh, 25 -and 28,1 ewedish, 26 and 29,1 IReinhart's.Enii 748 E01,mSt. KENILWORTH WgLI 2 yrs. WiI. ref., 17 mos. Win. ref. 13 mos. Glen. ý ref. 8mo. -ilen. ref. iYyrs. Evasnston, 10 nmos. Win. -ref. 1 yr. win, ref. ipi.'Ageticy 1Vinnetka 3399 70LTN45-1te GIRL .OF IJNUSUAL QULA tions, liigh school graduate, for cblîdren by hour or day. erences. Telephone Wilmette EMPLOYER WILL HIGHLY, miend whlte girls wants hou& care of chjildren from 8 to Il * blgs. -Cmlli Winetka 1457. -68i raT; ICA- PAUfLINE' EP.AG tare 421 Fourth St. ref- 71L WHITE3 GIRL FOR GENERA >lp work. Stay nights. Phone OM- 2545. lk or1 HOUSEKEEPER WAKT E lors- j aisily of four. Phone Wilni ,ltp 1 evenings. 711L ltg à Î 1 il.