will be presented at Commrunity House, winner and a, powerful figure in -Nor-. Winnetka, the week of March 18, is wegian political and cultural develüp.. probably unique in the art life of the ment in the latter baif of the last cen-. Chicago area. Exhibitions of religious tury and the early years of this one. plastic. arts there have been. The late He .wrote this play f rom a depth of hu- Mrs. Charles H. Dennis of Evanston inan.insight which makes it a vivid. and began sorne -three years ago to brinig compelling .draina even atter the lapse .together an. annual exiition "of ýre-ofityea. igiious plastic,. art ewbich *as -shown Rarely is -àa play to be founid with in the Evanston public library and the such brilliant opportunities for stîrring' Shawnee *club in. Wilmette. The the puises. and -prQding the imagina-' Renaissance society of the U'niversity tion. Its appearance on the north shore of Chicago .brought, togethier an un- at t.his .time should add ,clarity to our, pressie exiiino1elgosata Lenten 'dévotions., It :will offer food 333 N. Michigan avenue three «r four !for thought to 'those who omit Lenten years .ago. , Musically, the North Shore i devotions, as such. Festival association has, for many. years 'rThe play bas three scènes of intne niade its great contribution to the Art- ialniost sanctifying emotion, pae life of the comnhiunitY. -The F est.ival îwith- passion and beauty by Miss Helenl of eliiou Ar, hwevr, is unqu Aldrich, who takes the part 'of the in, itg- bringing together of artists 'i miracl.e-%,orking .pastor's young daugh- manly different, media around the coin- ter,: Rachel. 'Her sympathetic portrayal mon 1theme of religious art.. of the ardent- and 'thougbtful young: The range of' art presented is Yid girl, tomn between the cold reasonig and'the distinguished character of the 1of a new-found intellectualisml and a people and organizations who will bear deeply rooted devotion to ber f ather, the banmers for painting,ý sedlPtPr, vO- j i the play a poignancy which is cal and symphonic music, draina and untiforgettable. John Milton is .playing public speaking is indeed impressive. the sensitive eager soit, brother of Chamber Music-Profram Racbel, who loses his father's f aith and Thie flrst prograii of the festival widll is won back to it because unlike his open withý a'chamber music group by sister, in spite of his exposure to tbe memnbers of the North Sbore SYm- intellectualisin of the great university, phony orcbestra. under tbe leadership h sdant ttmeaetly of Robert B3rown ofKilot.Atrrresistiblv. which Dr. Ernest Fremont Tittle and ~ Talented Cast Dudley Crafts WVatson will speak., eacbi Int contrast to the scenes of emotin for lhalf an~ boum. . Ttl lsektiere is a saîty, crusty, amazingly me- on "Art in RZeligion"; Mmf. Watson on 1eln~eewihnrrv ahr In the following list: of niew books at the Minmette Public library aire vol-' urnes on -a wide variety of 'éubjects, including literature, travel, history. hi- ography, detective stories and fiction: Plctlon of lterary: MetlU Buck-The Mother. Hilligarth-Bia.ck Mountain. Nordhoff-Men Against the Sea. O'Faoain-iNegt of Simple Folk. Parrish-Sea .Level. Romains-Passion'a PlgÉrims.* Deteetive Storles ColE-End of An Ancient Mariner. Çrofts-Wilfu1 and Premeditated. LaIn-Cada'ver of, Fodeon Wyck. Reily-McKee of Centre Street. Rinehart-State vs. Elinor. Norton. Street-Venner Crime. LlgbtFition Kelland--Cat's Paw. Lewis-Work of Ah. Shanks;-Enehantc-d Village. SouthwodM-Beeêdon aand Sons. Tabot-Gentiemen-the Regiment! Weber--Mr. Gld and Her Neighbor-ho' house.1 Literature rralii.haw-T'wenty Probiens of thie Fic- ,tion Writer. Eliot-Selected Essays. Lueretius>-De Rerumn Natura. Travd'I Aditniic-Native FIemilng-Brazil Liteile Lund, former Northwest- er,î coed and imember of Kapipa i-lp/ha Thefa sororit3', who appears in her first storring picture, "Pirate Treasuire," zhich open$ at the . Va rsity theatc?'s iatinec ibis, SaftrdaY. "Pirate Treasture" zws he1Lu.filhImed mil iseries of ttc'elz'e chai'- fers. anid a icu'e chapter wziIl be Eeart. sotp ai audymtne Greatest State.- hn ahSardymt». a showing ofthtfe plastic arts. It wîni be especiafly. interesting to see what local' artists. have donc with religious themes. 'Rudolph Ingerle and Frank Peyraud, men known throughout the cousntry for their magsterly paiuitinL,.of, landscapes, will be repesned. Mrs. Hazel E welI, gifted potritpa inter, Will. show hem womk., John David Brciîi, ..hose monumfental head of a "Volga Peasant" stands in the current Chicago Artists Show at the Art in- stitute and Emil Zettier. Will have illuninated nmanuscripts tror Ricketts' collection. In add medieval pieces there will porary manuscripts f roinM own, studio. On Tuesday, Wednesday promise of one. Tom Ratclille, Lloyd I i Faxon, Charles Eastman~. Dudley K. 2 %îead-Cc Smith, Arnold Wame and Richard Shields play the reluctant clerics,- and there will be no question as to the. wisdomn of their casting. \Villiani S Lloyd, in the part of the oîie 'pastor wbo cèmes of his own Volition to wît- ness the miracle, breaks into the con- ference and with his urgent prayer changès its tone... Mrs. Matthew P. Gaffpey. vill. play in the -r....i. ars. Ir iwin smrragIUIIII ~I~~Larci d*j....viyn ....F%> . -- ...C&.làne-'r .,.".... c u U.P fition to the Radcliffe, Robert Fasttnan, Clyde Peas-, Trir I-igh school's lightuweight ternn; Harold JoJh be contem- ter of ligting; Miss Phoebe Massey nsinstiy for foaur years, Roy Leonard, former K. fr. Ricketts' and Mrs. John Harvey of prompting; memtber of the Keniluorth U'.ktiozt7m; Cha rles Bo Mr. Fred Kaempfer, Mr. Magnus Mar- Ohio St aie; Ed Schuette, former vaasion High an hus io ndM.LuwgMartin of sound Warbie, a other former New rier ployer. is tiLI.Jug ,. on. Finance. worth. an a wad at Clyde PACE IN N. S. CAGE LEAGUE,