nfesday f rom Lawrenceville to spen. bis spring boliclays wlth bis parents. 24 Yeairs, of Oriental &Domestie Wiette 1200 "Trudy," as she is kcnowýn to ber fellIow students at New Trier, is the Illinoja state wonien's table tenniq si-ae saïligi a ten days' cri their spring icut college. e iyes and ner ffters of Mr. and Mr. 'and Mrs. Paul Cummings of s, 519 Laurel ave- Evanston (Ruth Wenter) left Tues-_ Ly fromi New York day by môotor for New York. i'hey to Bermuda dur- left their baby with Mrs. Cummings' ation f rom Con- parents, the' Frank Wenters of Wul- mette. (Contrbutcd) Ail good thingç cotne to an -end. As a fitting climtaz f0 a sea ion unusually esccoisf,, the dancing- comntittee of the 'Cent rd-Laurel Pürent- Teacher association o» St. Patrick'.s Day, leased tire auditorium. of the Wil- mette Woman's club, as spacious a_ if is lovely, andý there surrendered the aftrno»andevnig t a hPpy a. troue of hours. as ever toôk over *children's actuvities. ACTRESS AND DANtZ!lt One will not seen f ôtget the gay and Jean Muir, the new First, Nationaltafidcriosth csumsn green and white, the colorful, zippy player whiô bas the leading femninne tunes. Of the orchestra, nor the flushed role opposite Joe E. Brown in bis happy faces of ail wbo attended. The latest coniedy, "Son of a Sailor," j party favors were Erin-hued, belled as p ofi ient a d ncer as he i an w ristle s'of celophane flow ers for the 4comlised atres. girls and long tasselled horns for the acomlised ctrss.boys. nowball showers in an air- fildwth serpentine were exciting in- W alt r M Itit sh, 1 lOO G een ood cidents and selection of partners was Waltr Mcntoh, 100 reenoôdmadeitresting by bail rolling, match- avenue who as bee spen ing ngof Irish names and other fun-pro- eral rnonths with., is faniuly at their voking stunts, and songs of the Ern- winter hon in Winter Park, Fl eraîtd Isle were loosed on the air. will return to Wilniette on May .1..upl fth alt n a Ris sister, Mrs. E. McIntosb Merrili, c h'ppl f the b allo and ta of Wilrnette, spent several weeks with lasses were guests of h cainar her parents. presented several lovely dance numbers __________________________ jduring the afternoon parties. The eighth grade came out enmnasse Sfor its party in the evening, its rnem- ~C IE M RA L bers bringing thirty-five guests. This HAT CLEANERS group now takes leave of our schools WELCOME EASTER -Voti41 thinik your Rat ;'s ne<, Terminate GymnasiumI and so wilI everyone, too, when Activities Thursday1c decean it for yon l Prom no chance witn aeaday monoxide gaS from the exhaust or with the bazardé of driving uninsurd. Cati1 .on -as' anjti ue- for, advice about the pro per isr ance for your' car. EBERLE s of 1 Mr. Wakeley as its choice to succeed Jul jus A. Petersen, whose terni as president expires this spring and wbo is not a candidate for re-ýelection. The two others included on the -citizens' advisory commit tee's siate of candidates for the. Kenilworth school board positions beconiing va- cant this spring are John Nuveen, Jr., 520 Warwick ro'ad, and Mrs. Clatie, H. Vaught, 511 ,Brierstreet. They were nominated to succeed Harry E. Weese and Miss Barbara Erwin, whose ternis expÎie this spring along wîththat eof Mr. Petersen. Indications .this w'eek wer'e that there will be, no. fight in the. Kenil- worth schocol- election this spring. Noô opposition ticket had been filed witb E.«L. Nygaard, secre.taryof the Ken- ilworth.board of education, up to TJuesday of this week The liling deadline is. Saturday, Mardi 24. The election is to be held Satur- day, April 14. The menbers are edec- ted for three-year ternis. Harry J. Williamis, Mrs. Leon T. Ellis, Walter H-. Anderson, and De- Witt Stilînian are the niembers who' stili have one or niore yearsto-serve. "Trudy" Schnur Wins Table Tennis Titie Gertrude "Trudy" Schnur, Ne* Trier High school junior and daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Schnur, 141 'Park avenue, Glencoe, won the wornen's sinigles titie in the western taâble* tennis tournam~ent at the La Salle bote!, Chicago, last Saturday night. 'She defeated Miss Virginia- Booth of Chicago in an. uPhili finals battie, .7-21,'1-1 21-174 21-12 an4 By virtue 0*ofbe.r.victory Mis s Schnur is .ëntitled to represent Chi- cago in the national table tennis tournament in. New York April 5 Mathié* Fra:neis Photo