vithFJU aono -6- .. ,- -i , àswmfhO of 96Y Méxlco's florid iadvànc. ofi,.hefor.ef1his Spting.,< id fhm irresistibte et $2.00 fo $7.5o. Dorothy KunJ.r- Gladys DeIang 1 163 WiImefte Avenue phono WiIm.f. Il 60 J FoRk 9 D STAINLESS HA.RMLESS. E~.. <MTH PRO OFING SERVICE APERMANENT EM) TO f f MOTH DAMAGE! Once SPRADLINIZED articles are ABSOLUTELY INSURED, FOR FIVE YEARS by a NON-CANCELLABLE Insurance Policy:. Wash- ing or Dry Cleining does not reducc- the effectiveness of the protection. (>Uit A "lO SlB3ATI%IED -NORT11 SHOREJitOMýESi For Service in~Ih' , Ph. Winn. 334 Il 0 S H fubbard Woods Kashian Bros. i 301 blues. YOU'IU Open Evenings by Appointment - Phone Wilm.ffe 4545 CY ,ileCBé utyShlop ~CYRILE WIINaut 4 17 Fourtk Street, WiImefl. Springr is the timely and pertnevnt query put by N. A. Hanna, Inc., 952 Smar~t (!LN4io, Spanish court. N. A. Hanna prom- ~ ' "'~ V j'. ises to assist in' having you very The off-the-face s il houe t te is young-iýn. -'off-the-face bat or de- spring's millinery fashion first, Wom- murely sedate wearing one of the an, you must bare that brow t Rolled new roll brimmed Breton effects ')i.brims, cuif brims, slash brimfis, berets, e-aster Morning. Fashion, they tell ýcloches,, tricornes, bicornes - take us,, forecasts a windswept spring. your choice, but your forehéads miust Nothing, is' static. Everything is he exposed. swept along in a gay spirited motion. Tricorne and Bicorue Hats' are back-sliding, coats. and The' tricorne and, the bicorne1 are dresses are blown forward, evening, two of th ostioratsin -gowns are swept backward in a ligbt- millinery fashions for women of. al hearted*manner. ages. They are becoming to most everyone, and while they are. off-tbe- Village Cleaners 0*1er face, they dip down juqst a bit oe Aid fr Eater Pradeone eye,, and break the expanse* of Aïd or, astr Paadetoo much, forehead. The Village Cleaners (Schultz. and Roiled. brime, rol off -the-face, of Nord) at 1152 Central avenue tell Us course,'but they give some side width that an entire Easter wardrçbe May that makes them easy to wear. In be obtained by sending, your last fact some rolled. brims compromise yeai's Spring-clothes-over for a Cômf- with the new silhouette and- roll up in plete, rejuvenation and. freshening in, back and at one. side, but go ini- for readiness for the fashion parade- a hint of eyeline brim 'on the other Twenty-five years' of experience in side. the cleaning business is held out as Cuif brims turned up ail the way your best guarantee of a tboroughly aorund may hug the head quite close.- satisfactory treatment of those tir, or stand Qut just enough to giv Eastertide garments. a suggestion of width on both -sides$. Bérets Continue Ethel M. Mannerud Has The off-the-face beret started the Valuable Suggestions spring trend, for Pusbing bats back- ward instead of pulling themi for-, Ethel M. Mannerud, hosiery, jewel- 'ward, and it is, stili a smart version: rand lingerie shiop at 1161 Wilmettei of the new silhouette. aveui introducing new Springý Cloches are always with us, but frocks and crisp, fresh lingerie for, their crowns this season are like the Easter season. Also, there one1 baby bonnets. The brim turns, up will find rare selections in sports wear liii back, and the crown fitsofa andhoier fr te new season. To back on the head that the brim the hosiery customer, MriM-nnerudl curves around the face in a1 frame. suggests: "take your Spring legs Slashed and pinched brims are smnart seriously. There's a shade for every, for ail off-the-face bats. costume and we have TubasTerbn, o Turansrefuse to be, Ieft out of ]DISPENSERS 0F BEAUTY the fashion picture,_ whe ther, for >The Wilmette Beauty.Shop, 1137I spriing, summeÉr,- faIt or winter. 0f Central avenue, is'eager toassist in course,:.they si.wybakonyUr having. milady look ber best. at Easter head this spring, but have ways o .f time. ýBeauty culture in all is branch- their own to keep f rom Ilooking1 lik .e es is at your disposai, according to skull caps. Twisted halos on turbans; Mrs. Cleo Baer, presiding genius are very smart. They suggest tiaras, t here. and achieve a slightly raised effect. ODORLESS COLORLE SS 1I . r?-: 1152 Central. Avenue t pi 10 id id d de eýeeoo,&4 peler]