Feshion forecasts a windswept spring. Nothng iSs sat'ic. Ever Aa asytbing,ïs sweptalong In ga, prifed mofion. Hafs are back-slidng . coats and, dresses are blown forward evening, gowns are swept backwýard ýin You May bevery -young in an off- the-facé hat, or demurety sedate wearing one. of theé new roll brimmed 'Breton effects on Easter morning. A new, print dres good calcula- tion to pep up your wardrobe for bright spring dlays. Prints in gay floral and smail geomneirical de- signi vie for favor.. anain i Ud1. i e uruwn nas the baby bonnet silhouette, the off-the- 'face line extends back on the head, so that the uipstanding ctiff brini looks like a tiara. Stiffened sheer fabrics, such as starched, marquiseétte, are srnart for evening hats.. They may match y ou r gowni or your wrap*,,bt iif yvou want to be real uppity, have, y out' evening bat dyeéd to match your hair.!, slog~anj tIIVse tuay at, The Mt a, :Sho1 Blazer stripes, in colorful combina- conducted by Dorothy Klunder and tions, are the new'est spring fashioii Gladys Delang at 1163 XV'ilniette ave- for children's hosiery. 'fhere is uoth- ne prn sju st. arouid Ilie ing more youthful than blazer stripes. "uv, thev aver, and with it is and their colors 'ruxi riot, with plentY bringing those Pontapel straws- of rr- of brüon and bNe, to .miatch basic freshing Cruise Nlue and tiiosie cocký ensemble' colors, . accented bv briglit sailors awaiting - to he moored to Ilt shadles in coutras ting blazerstripes. cr-mo or juesse coifftr. There -are geomnetric. pattern's andl____________ flecked designs. 'too.« in a. host of' new, fresh colors. SAI LORS ýAHOY.! Socks w-ith doub>le tops and Lastex, The sailor bat survives iin tie xiiîd't knitted in« to inake them fit smioothly of ail this off-the-face furore. The are an . nlnovation thlat shônld 1W flnewest sailors are verv . pert, and hiailed with joy. youthful. They znust bc shallow, aîid w-orn at just the riglit lilting angleý. VerY young spring suits ý%vilL do wl ADJUNCT TO BEAU-TY to have a straw sailor in-reserve for. Charming for Easter, suggcsts a comple-te change of silhouette Cyrille- Beauty Shop, 417 Fourth Spring sailor hats are trimime ,d with street, are the new coiffures for the ribbon bands in self or bright colors. new bats. "Easter Hats," one is told Plaids, are still aprother. possibility. achieve the' unusual and permanent Feather bands in a riot of tropical waves are styled to enhlantce their colors add a dressy touchý to sailors satindivi.duality."- for wear with dressmaker suits.. tliings are finie for Eý-aster,' Shore Uine Cleaners agree, "but if the fami- ily budget is winter-worn, too, some of 'the festive attire will have to corne f rom .your closet rather than fromn the ,,h6p." Shore Line empioys the Miraclean svste.m of renovating clothes. "Heading for Spring,," Decares The Hlat Sh1oP "Ueadin g for Spring"-that's t le ONLY NINE DAYS TO EASTER the bib 952 Spanish Cou rt Phone Wilm.ffe 467 730 ELM STREET, WINNETKA WINNETKA 3360 'Il" GLENCOE 1900 -j q ((%oidt~e Spring £Rusi4 CHILDREN'S'HOSE m