Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Mar 1934, p. 1

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IF Lurilq PLANT, Village Board, Minus President Dubbs, Attends toa Variety of Busineg T'he Village board. leld its regular session Tuesday even ing. j nst man-, agiiig 14 s(luee;,e ini a quorum, Presi- (lent C. P. l)ubbs. Trustee.s Hiarry C. ýKinnie,.and( W. C. Fa rrar being ab- sent Trustec Arthlur. Lee was niade president pro tem during the absence of P residentlubs An appropriation (if $1,500 from %wa;terwvorks funds ivasrruade for land- ,caI)îilig the groutids at: the, water- %%'(rks,. :iincludiing l)lanis, and. labor. (Other extra s or chlange: amnounted to $1.100. l'ie Chicago Federation of Agedý and Aduit Charities was given -a per- Auit for uts animal tag day Monday, Mta% 7. Seule .Damnage Claim Nîrs. >A. Ni. L,.ai-ermiati 832 Ridge raad. was dwr(e< $50 in settlem1euit' fo laini for (lainage. to lier prop- vrtv y .efof the'N'illage ýwater t ank. Iloward L1 <jarner wvaý v-oted a per- Mit to operate his practice golf course atLake avenue and Hlibbard road, provîde<l lie remnovesadvlýertisiiug sigus, frouin bis slhack. Thle battie of the ('eulttlrý vas' staged byv Triustee S. \. Tlidleian and ChIarles A*\ lutilberg, 10101 Elimoo .;]Nlenue. representung thle WVadéford L>ec»tric omi.pany..electýrical conit:rac- tors. on, tie -waterworks job. Ton great a 'difference. ii weiglht carried victory >to the trustee. Observers t liougihtt it, piuch a(loo about a matter. nif $50 or so. Village MNailager.C.. M. Osborui re- poitrted, that for the week ending Mardi 15, the Village emiployed 225 *CAVA men. wvho %vorked a total of 5,503 mnan hours, tbe payroll' being $3,511;l1, This brought ni) the sub- Ject nf relief work, 'Mr. Osboriu stat- iig that ail CWA work is to cease to lie Discussed b>' Civic League -The Liquor Question as it Affects North Shore Suburbs,"e will be, the su l'bjeet' discussed by Mayor Charle'; H. B arlett of Evanston, principal, speaker at the luncheon meeting of Wilniette Civic league to bc held in the Missioný roëm, Marshall Field and company's State street store, Friday, March .23,, at. 12:15 o'clock. .The meeting will hée open to al residents of the north -shore., Uer- nman T. Reiling, State 6246. wi1-àak e reservations. Official representatives of the different villages, expected to be pres- ent are:. President Auguste C. Bab- ize; Glencoe; President 'William B. MoUlton, Xinnetka; President Harry P. Harrison. Kenilworth, and Trustee Ijarry C. Kinnie, Wilmette. Village Attorney XVillis D., Natice of Wil- mette,. wil blandle the qjuestion as it bears upon areas in New Trier town- ship otitside of the iincoporated vil- lages. TÀX PAYMENTS REACH$7509000 Get About One-Haif of Laut Year's Total, Collection; Keeps BooksWeek Longer Due to the fact that the paymient of the 1932 taxes now ini course of col- lection have been coming iu so slowly. Collector Sanborn Hale announces that the tine which he inaN' retain the books for, collection lias been ex- tended from'March 21 to March 27. But, be warns,.March 27 will:be the lastdate oôn which the' taxpayers of Newv Trier township may pa% their taxes locally. ý --: ' The collector again reininds that by paying taxes locally taxpayers are aiding the local taxing bodies, who will thus receive1 their share of thé nmioney without the .delay occasioned when it must go throughi the bauds 'of the couinty collector. At the close of business Tuesdav, eyening Mr. Hale reported, that lie hiad coilected only a litfle over $7.50,- 000, wbereas, the' total collection last X-Pnr lun Q _M 4M M Urganize for Campaign to Keep Out "Saloons" Few Tickets Availal For Tibbett Recital Some tickets are available for 1tbe concertby Lawrence Tibbett. Thurs- day- evening,. March 29, under aus- pices of the Artist-Recital conmmit-, tee of the Winnetka Musi c club in the auditorium of New Trier Jiigh school. Aide publicity bas been giv- en the concert itii Chicago. In con- sequence the committee advises those wisbing to bear this famous artist to obtainf their tickets in advance- of the recital and flot wait to-pur- chase them at the door the night of March 29. The tickets are on sale now ! .By March 29, none may, be. procurable! Caîl Mrs. Roland D. Whitnman' Winnetka 243, or Mrs. Bessie M.* Grant at the State B3ank of Winnetka,- Winnetka 10, Iboid NeXt Union Lenten Services- at Con g'I Chu'rch. ,The commiunity union Lentenserv- ice Sunday evening, March 25, at 7:30 o'clock will be held in the First Con- gregational church, L4ake and iI- mette avenues. The Rev. John G; Hiîmdley, minister of the church, will* preach the sermon, taking the sub- jçct. *'The Arrested King." Five churches cooperating in, this Palm Sundayv observance iinclude the Wilmiette Baptist, Fjrst Congrega- tional, First:,Presby.teriaii, St. Augus- tinle's Episcopal, and ýWilmettëeEng- lisl Lutheran. MNIusic ill be furnishied by the Congregational .church. choir under the direction of Emily Rober.ts, with Carman Learn, baritotie, and Robert B3rown, violinist, as soloists. The comnilete musical program follows1 .Ail t Ilel Ea rt ()ffrr Citizn Taire Stepa toBrn Overwhelming. Vote Against. Lquor Sls nVillage A mass:meeéting sponsored by the Wilmeétte Homhe Owners' association was',held in.the Village bail Monday_ evening, the stated purpose being to organize aggressive campaign to keep saloons out of Wilmette. Those pres- eut >revealed' an. aroused, enthusiasmn in this effort tô protect the village against that whicb some speakers termed the first real threat against, the best interests -of the community since pre-prohibition days. Robert E. Ricksen, president of the, association, presided. After stating the purpose of the meeting be threw it open and calied for suggestions as' to ways and means that would in- sure victory in the election. Respond- ing to bis invitation were:* Clinton B. Cochran, Village trustee; 1605 Wal- nut avenue; Paul A. Hoffman, 1638' Washington avenue; ,Lemuel F. Owen, 725 GQreeniwood avenue; Dr-. Hubert Carleton, rector of St. Aug-' ustine's Episcopal churchk 1103 Forest avenue; Paul'C. Lang, 933 Ashland avenue; W. H. Shelîman, 727 Elmi- wood avenue, Thomas H. West, 723 Ashland avenue, and others. Proposes, First Voter& 'Croup Miss Jean Duncan-Clark, 228 'Wood court, suggested that an organization of boy and girl first voters be formed, asserting that many young people of the village are intenselY interested iii- guarding . the. village ait agency that. would despoil its cultural and moral tone. Mrs. Fred M. CIlarke, 93l Oakwood avenue, sug gested that the. precinct and block.organization 50 efficiently employed in the Comimunity Chest drives be enlisted in the campaign. Flid Ballot CornEusing The concensus seenied to be that nev that w i iand Onf On 'V.!wei i fr th( 8p. i a.s..l-. .-..>Uig, IIUFCII. -. Baptisms by appointinent. Eater Ba. Ainpil 1 HpJy Communion, 8 a. ni. Chireli s;ehool service, 9,:45 a. ni. .1 Holy Comn- munion wlth, speelal music and sermon, H1omeeand LGardenl..... 505 Junior -Life .............54 Music ..............38 New Trier News ..... 30~ Recreation ..............6 Society Pages ...,..40, 43-47 ISprmng Fashions....... 16-19 weucome at uothnthe dumner andathe lecture. "This is an opportunity to ineet and hear this outstanding world leader wbose message uever fails tc, inspire ber audience and whose per- sonality is niagnetic with' religious passion and firc," reads an announce- ,meInt fropu the church. offices. CONFIRMATION SERVICE A Con firnation service will be held at the Wilinmette Etuglish. Lutheran cburch PaliiiSuniday imorning, iMarcb 25, at Il o'cIock. The Rev. David'R. Kabele, pastor of the, churcb, wil bave.charge of, the observances.

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