tutional The March meeting of. the Wilmette League of Women Voters, to be held Monday, in the B aptist' church from Il. o'clock in the morning through. the luncheon hour at 12:.30 and on into the.afterno.on, preésents Mrs. Laura Hughes Lunde :on the "Situatiion of Public Educa-. ton in Illimois," asits morning speaker, and Mrs. Paul Ritten- bouse on "The: Constitutional. Co6nvention" at 1:15. "Reservations forý the- luncheon must be made to Mrs. S. e. Wells of 150M Forest ave nue, -by, Saturday noon," the league emphasizes. In February Mrs. Lunde reported at the executive committee, meeting, that the situation in Sprinigfield on' the éducation bis is critical, the league points out. "Législation which will. probably pass will only pay up back debts. Because of the drop in the assessments, Cook County. schools. will ftart 1934 with a déficit. Accord-I ing to Superintendent Blair, hundreds, if flot thousands, of downstate schools will close if more state aid cannot be secured j 'Apparently the only way to take -care of this situation is through,.state aid by an increase in the State Schoola Distributive fund. Bis have beenù put in to do. this, but the point is a whether. the législature will. passM them. Mr. Leland says if Illinois n will use sources of revenue such as are used in other. states for school ' funds, fifty million dol' s should be available. The legislature wants to e go homýe, because ýmost of the mem- tc bers wish to win their nomination in W. the primary. Every effort should be a ç made to get 'the -Genteral Assembly 8C to, stay ini session until it provides for bE the schools; and letters should also go to the governor. MLr. and Mrs. Leonard Paidar, 732' Cumnings avenue, Kenilworth, will be bostess to twenty-four gucats at a cocIr- tail party preceding. the Kenilworth club dinner dance Friday. "Scie cc i told like *a tille of advÙeltiire," critics declar-e, w/en Dr. Lut/wr S. H. Gable, consultant authoritv nuta ilt 'n nr red rays, 'olvs .or /s adiene 'he yst r fo!theCosmtic Raýys. Whhi *z-nonstratiOnis. Ae gives "vi*rtuallv, a persoitally coliducted tour to the çuPt and< the' pldftets." H-e lechures at the Womak's Cluib of Wilrnette Wednesday aftcr>&oon. Royal Neighbors WiII Have Hard'limes Party The North Shore camp of Royal Seighbors, of. America will hold a. hard times party Monday, March 26, Lt 8-30 o'clock,,in the Swedish Fra- ternal hall, 1415 Sherman avenue, Ev- Lnston. Prizes for btznco and cards will be given as well as for the fun- niest costumes. The Imperial Aces will furnish the miusic. A rummage sale will beheld Mardi N, at 1725 Sherman avenue, Evans- 'n. Royal Neighbors, or anyone vishing tô contribute rummage are tsked to write Helen Thompson of. )8 Clark street, Evanston, and it wiil )e called for. at the Temple h, until Monday, Api ers next been pi 9. 1<enilworfh Wom.en Volers fo Hear Mrs. W. Rarnsey The Kenilworth League of Women Voters is meeting Thursday, March 29, at. the Kenilworth club, with luncheon preceding. an afternoon ses- sion which will be given over to a talk by Mrs. W. W.,. Ramsey of Chi- cago. The speaker of the afterazoon has chosen for her subject, "The Primary." A .member of the board of the Illinois League of Women, Voters, she is chairman of the com- mittee on nominations .and elections. The luncheon hour is 1.2:30,o'clock. Womoanis Club Book Review on April 2 Bake Sale for Guild, The Woman's guild of the Church of the HoIy Comforter in Kenilworth wili hoki .a bake sale in the Choir room of the church Saturday, March 31, from Il to 4 o'clock. Mrs. Mel- vin Hawley,,is chairman of the sale. Junior Auxihiary of Woman's Club to Present Dr. Luther H. S. Gable in Thrilflng Lecture On Wednesday, March 28, the junior, auxilia ry of the Woman' s Club of Wilmette wvill be h ost- ess, at the afternoQon session, to the senior, club. Mi.ss Betty Mulford, junior program chair- man, ,has secured as. speaker, for this special occasion, Dr. Luther, S. H. Gable, erninent ýscientist, .Who will1 lecture on,- "The Mvs- teryý of the Cosmie Rays." .'The titie,": Miss. Jane Nystrom, publicity chairmnan for the juniors writes, "we admit, is a bit forbidding, but Dr. Gable is not coming to relay reams of unintere9ting scientific data. His story is, a tale. of adventure-a, fasciniating tale that uniravels the mysteries of the healing and creative powers of the violet and red rays and the destructive power of thé Death ray, powers of which we are only dimly cognizant.- The. conclu- sions that he cornes to regarding pos- sibility of, barnessing these- rays,' of. the Grentz ray, to eradicate disease, of applying the Death. ray to ultra ,Modern warfare, stagger the imagin- ation. This is flot* science, ýit is ro'- mance!" The civics department, whose chair- man is Mrs. Frank Church, has ar-' ranged the first part of the morning program. at 10:30 when Mrs. Ray- mond S. Knapp speaks on «ýFrom Yesterday to Tomorrow," a comment on current events.- A student of po- litical economy and recognized, as an authority on .citizensàhip, she has. given many talks before organiia- The literature. department, whose cha-irman is Mrs., Frank Adams, sponi- sors the noon program. Mrs.' George N. Lanib willý read "h Wilder 'ness," by Eugene O'NeilIl. Luncheon is at 1, the afternoon program at 2. Mis s Dorothy Hall is president of the Junior auxiliary which on Wed- nesday gives its annual program for r.enue z ii at L station. Mrs. Roy Browing, 318 Prkave- nuwil entertain her, bridge club for dinner nekt Monday.