Dedl.Iinefrsrio » laslted 4vrtieements 'WllI e e .~.. e 10 Afl~vdQlD cePted up toe'ruenday 9, P. M. for IWLMETTE LIFE or ail three, , pers; Wednenday 0 P. -M. for UtWINNETICA TALK and, Thuraday 5, P. M. %for GLEN4COE NEWS. IlTelephonea: Wfimiette 4300, Winnetka.21000 (Winnetka $00 atter 6 P. if. pGreenhleaf. 4300 or:Sheidrake 5687. LOSi AND FPOURS SMALL B3INDLE BULLDOG LOST- .Wfnnetkst license. name, addreps on coilar. Winnetka 1203. 3L;49-ltp BUILDING AND CONTUACTINS MODERNIZE YOUR HOME!, LF7TUS MODERNIZE-YOUR HOME! Basement recreation'rooms, additions, attir moderniration, home repairing ln ail branches. Ne job too smaii. Season- able iow prices. We have bulît m ore than 100 honmes on the north shore'and know our business! F. H. GAT'HERCOAL 1511 Highlqnd Ave. 1 Wiimètte, 111. Phone Wilmette 225 15LTN2I-tfp *UUiN Sg$»VICE E-LECTRIC WELDING. BOILER welding, automnotive machine shop and parts joib.Jèrs. PAVLIK BROS.. PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 16LTN25-26tpý Refrig. Service, 75c 80-day spocial inclujdes eiling, clean unit, adlust controts, beit, etc. Winnetka 900 16L46-tp PIRE WOQD ' OAK, $7.50 PER TON delivored. Black dlrt $2 a yard. Mov- ing. Rùbbish taken away. WONDER- GROWTH for the gardon, $5 per 100 LBS. Guet Anderson, 100f6 Ridge Rd. Phone Wilmotte 452. 16L'j!N44-4tp STAII<OR - FI2TRRIER- PRMPAIPING -- REMODELING - RE- lining. Reasonabie_ prices.1 J.1 T. Roaberg, 830 Park Ave., Wilmetto 2590 16LT1444-tfc ÎÎARDWOOD FOR IRE:tPLAC.ES-.. esplit an4 eut,,In 24-Inchlengths. Oth- or Ie'ngths. by order. $7 per ton,.$ 14 per cord, dellvereëd. B3LACK, SOIL No lumps or Skokie dirt. $e three- yard load. Sod 4o sq., ft. Retten'cow mhanure, $2150 yard, Moving. RuPbbish removai. Phono Winnetka,2108. 27LýTN46-ltp BLACK DIRT AND MANURE jURBIN LEVERNIER Phone Glenview 21 or Glencoe 912. 27LTN45-4t CURTAINS, BLANICETS, F'URNITURE covers and other laundry work done reasonably. Call and deliver. Winnotka 1924, 886 Willow Rd., 'Wlnnotka. 34LTN46 4tpý EXPERT WASHING AND IRONING. 'Wlll call for and deliver, Phono Wil- mette 2153. 34LTN46-ltc MASSAGR ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, COM- plote scientific massage. Ultra-violet and infra red lamps. Speciai offor, 4 treatments ai $5. 627 Grove St. Green- leat 1642. 38LTN46-4tp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WANTelD TO 'BUY-G-RA.ND PIANO Priced reasonabiy, or wilil move your piano and store free li excha.nge for use. A-1 reteronces. Glencoe 115&i. 40LTN46-Itp WANTED FOR CASH - STEINWAY 1or Mason anîd 1-aitnlin cii£id, mia- hogany case preferred. Phone Univer- sity 2322. 40LTN46-lte, PAINTING AND DECORATINS Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGS CALC. $1 UP SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING SEWING MACHINES ANI) VACUUM CLEANÊRS, A.L L. - kinds repaired. Established more than flfty yearsaago. Now located at 1008 Oakwood Avenue, Wilmette.ý L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilrnette 754 or ,4368. 53LTN29-ltcj UIPNOLSTERY AND OSLOIP covERS SLIP. COVERS DRAPERIES AND CURTrAINS MADE te order. Ol1d'drapes relined. Expert workmaniship. Alào material. Phone Glencoe 1419. 68LTN46-4tp Girls' dresses and coats, 12-14. -Women's dresses, 38-40. 750 Glencoe Rd. Glenicoe 1849.1 59LTN46->ltüc LOANS WANTED WE .HAVE FUNDS FOR A $4,000, $ ,500 and $2,000 first mortgage on wvell-secured Northi Shore residentiai property.& O R 530 Davis St. Gre. 1080 65LTN46-1te LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates. MO0TO0R LO0A N CO. 0 State Bank Éldg., Evs.nnton Gre. 3200 65LTNSS-tfe SITUATION WANTED-PEMALg COMPETENT HELP No Charge to EmPloyer. Efficient Service for North Shore Homnes We Investigate References WE A&RE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agencies 421 Fourth St., Wiimette Wtlmette 2171-2172 68LTN44-tfc EXPERIENCED HELP' WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE1 domiestic help), ail niationalities. No charge to emplQyers. References investi-1 WHITE W O MA N WI-SHEàS DAY work of any kind. Laundrye or clean,- ing. $3 a day. Also caterinàr, 50e anh hur.. Cali Wllmette 3753. 68L'N.46-ltp YOUNGc WOMAN WISMES QENERAL housework by day or hour. Phione Wilmtte 809.68LTN46-î;te IMIDDLE AGEKD MAN,ý ENGLISH, E X- . perlenced in care eort dogs, poultry, gardening. $20 month. Room and board. Hayes,. 109 N. Semlnary Ave., Mt_ Morris,. 1i1- 69LTN46-Itp GA RD E N E REXPERIENCED IN, large or sinail estates, offers his services by day or menth. Best, Of references., Caîl Winnetka 2711. UP-TO-DATE GARDENElg] .WOUD like te *work In a private place 'or day wnirk. ,Bost referencos. Cali -for PTete, Glencoe 1933*. L4-t KENILWORTI* WELPARE CoNMIjT. tee can furnlsh unemployed men an. womeon for houaework, outaide work, also skilled labor of certain kinda. Please call Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chairîna nf EmPloyment Commnlttee. Kenilwnrtb 2820. 70LTN32-tfp. COMPETENT DOMESTÎC HELp., availablo. Ail nationalities. S-H-A-y AG'CY 14 W. WASHINGTON CHICAGO CENTRAL 90 70LTN46-1tce EXPER C I, COUPLE, CHAUJFFEUR, cook. housoman., Rets. Winnetka 498. 70L46-Itp HIELP WANTED-YgEMALIC WANTED AT ONCE 50 GIRLS FOR GENERAL.-$S, $10, $12 and $15. 25 COUPLES-$75, $85, $100 and $125. .FRED'S',EMP. AGENCY, Over Walgrens H1-ighland Pk. 252() 71LýTN46-ltp WANTED IN SMALL ADULTTAM- Ily goui. maid. Must be, good plain cook: and laundross. Electric Washer.- Pleasant heatod roem. 'Kind treatment WILL MAKE ANY SPR' We aise, do tailorlng ar ef ail descriptions. Phone M. BOLAIý GOWNS, SIT7S,' AND Ri ln your ewn home' Ph. * 147 ALL MARES I 6-2tp rioned and reýpairei EXPERT PIANO TI ING work guaranteed. '659. R.nton, H. (' Tii -ltP1 Park Rldgo 699-R. rUTNEE ,d. Ph. - ~nI<'Eeflflg, 17 Waîrvîpw. I ~7 45LTN45-4tp j OOOD C061- a week. Orb treferenoes.( 68IJrN46-ltp -.-..7 1-u&..v D SERVER., ýWANTED AT C» Iay or heur. Genoràl maldjs. Comnpetent.: WInn. 2022. $16 k.. %ulzls'sEmp. 6BLJ'N46-ltp 4th St. Wilmette. g ir. .$81 to ncy, 421 'Nï-ltc ýUU i BMUATIO N WANTÉD-MAL&