pre.sent, nmany changes and innova- f ions. There will bie tvo etîtrances instead of onie this vear-one at either end of the area, facing the boardwali. There wvill be a more equal distribu- tion of 'the various play areas, gamies. rides ýand shows, so that crowds ican 'inove milore easilv. from onue o allother. Noted, Scuptor Helps Alfonso lancili. the noted sculpt.or i s lending his art to the developmenlt agrain. --IHis first design.'s sow a Play- ful group (if circus.aimaIs holding flie -Enchanted Island" signs at thé More effective. landscaping will *enhiance the appearance. The g.reatý unibrella ivili 1have a setting of shrubs' and flowers planted, ln the area ac- cupied by-the-entra»ce Iast year. The tropical. Gard-en 'is to be Illarged, ta include, the entire area betwveen the north pavilions. Fascinating New Feaýtures A novel feature on the south 'side, ; s a iaze, constructed of winding hedges abolit four- feet ,in lheighit. The building will bouse mnauv new attractions. The Little Theater will present înarionettes, imagic sos animial acts. profess.,ionial and amateur theatricals. "Adventure L'auid," a rew attrac-, fion, w'ill thrill ýand surprise visitors with its dancing stones, rubber trees, Cave of the Wiuid, Mouse City and other features. "Buck Rogers" wviIl l>e. represented in aniother fascinating show with ail his fiituristic mnechanica1 marvels. auJd Punc an Juy Show A Puinch 'hýud J Jud show wiill pro- *vide en.tertaIniment. Tlhere wilI be exhibits of children's velhicles, gamnes, loy s, clofhiug and doils. The mninia- tr *rilroa th oles. thé auto race, boats, the skooter andthe fam- oi.s Magic Mouqntain will be' waitiugý for the visitfs ni0d!anliue%%- friends. The Toy Town Taveru, ivill open its feed and amuse the children.. For adults and(licildreuti bringing their owui lunches, a raised terracej will lbe provided, overlookiug thie iilayground an d faciug the lake. 7'he Icani sho7, ,abozix ilç-ps/o of Iiunlte iphaYs in i 'lu'"Jillut iing scvcnelth ini the Ic'apuc. Tucp/hie r Alabama Statc'Gofcg( 1u & TedrfPl fin uu ccca o oard'S h'aquî's for I;akt' Forest clccpin ver; kohe,-! 11 fe-oveNc p, oruuîv 'i Ncw Trié while Highland Park %vas held to fo ur points. Stili traiding, 24 to 22, as the fo.urtlh quarter started, Wilmietclcon- tinuied its ralîv and. ient on fo a 34 to 31 victorv. I)ick Hall wva: higli point muan with 13 points.., Bartlholo- miew had 11. Phil H oelz, regular guard, ivas ni- jured early lun the irst Hugli Boyd, Minmette coach, w-as illable to attend the gaine. The battle witlh the 'aluiinni" Sat- urday nighit as rouigliand %vas featured by free throws. 1'Ti c reg- ulars whipped thé alnîini,ý 42 to 39. Again Overconie Lead At the .lialf the regular, led l)y onfly three points,, 23 to 20, flic phen- amenaI shoating of Captain EM Hill keeping. the "alumniii" ini the ruiiug.1 Hill sunk five baskets ini this p)eriod, and added five more ni ,the, second abroaci forluts. worI< iiradiology, a,, ~ ~. ..radiologist ini charge of the X-ray anid radium departînent aoflhe lias- At the saine tirne, it is aunlounced that thé liospita1lihas purchased and is 3noWmstalling $-?.000 ortli of new and.aditjnalX- ray elfulimelnt*ta furfh1er cexpalnd il s effiv c n u tis field. Dr. Case, succeediîîg .Dr. Shieldoli whio rece!itly passed awav. camnes to tlic Iiigilaii(I'Park hospîtal, witlh a long an'd distiuigtishied record l in,1sý field!. mei maititaïins Chicago offices at 1 80 North Michigani avenue, and, liolds pýositionsý simuilar tu the one, lic w~ill-have on th -e Highland, Park lios- pifai staff,, on thcstaffs'aiof thcPas- savant and Evanston hôùspitals. Native of ,San Antonlo Dr0 Case lis a native of San i A- ~Iahe 1Iai(i ~<><'tonio, .1 exas. I-is early ed(luCation .va.s. îcîlj h~Ca>l ' ?<,I.Sli obtaiined in flic - grade and higli <Ii~ kcrvaion oud ~.\orI, ,~lrc schautýls n()fl,-s Angeles. A Iter .sonic i ltel-lwod ~>tttaii>tt »<< <~~~ studiCs at flic Uivýersit\v f Cal ifor- ar,-, ch has1b ,lui IoMrv , <r,îmrna, 1w cutrolled inuthie UiverNity aof ,wk wIo lis 'Ia<Ini ic >/c içott< Ilîlinois college. of îiiedicine( ue- .Sc*i'ro1ve<trs Aobc l "a qv'qilu " aarl i tllg forai, . 'lo q!f /lu sflu 'ilù 11"lll ,/c cal]Mi M.M - ;111ar, Coll), c <'ter. i, sciini phuvv'r - ,grec iii 1905. * Ii l j>stgradtatc studies fnok hiti toa a uiîxher of 'uropeail Citiese i117 KENILFWOR TI. GIRL; SCOUTS çFrihurg, Frankfort, .InicIi. Paris, Lon s ,'don, lia s l, Bernec, atf Prague.). Cselias also îîîade vari- Troop 1 nus stiûdy tours iii thec lmntcd States, At peu soui 'îeetiîîm n 4,11 es Mcxico, Ilavanla .adlidHC principal day Nc first \%-(,lt ta our 'patrol ujuverbîties of Souîth Aiucrica. corners for inspect ion as i 'rsu4 am i lieivaýs the lbouse strg(!oiiof. tle tlien. wc ail \iveut ntdoors_ The Battic Creek sanitariiuni troin. 190)8.fu teuderfoot girls prc irc lîir coin- 1910; clhef surgeon, 1919 ta 1929, and pass tests. and filec secnni< clas> girls then berved Ili a consulting capacity. practiccd their sigialing. 'Hien %ve fciv as directoàr of flecà.-ray and, alit caile iii.,lae a gainîeAti<l sagRduidpartienîts ai tht sanitari "Taps." Pliyllis Whcrcl<'î-ksrie uifoui 1908 fo 19-1t.1111912 bc %vas, called-t o Cliicago atie daY ecdi week Troop 3 to esitbhlisli au X-ray departn.eiit af The Kenilworîlî Gr cuso t.1Lukc's iospitalatnd foinuguaf Troop,3, at théir feetinig. lhad anart imstructio.i iiiradiology iluhe flic îîîedi couitest- -%vhicil was lit eresîiig. Tlievj cal' schicoi',of Northwestern univer- hiad a little rcvicw on theïr sigîîaling si t. lcwa p1i Mdlcurr and thiey forticdf a lînrsesh6'e in radiology in 1912, and professor auI ,whiclh they inlvcsied( two liewv scouits, J lîad of the departinttl 1913, ail (ii4aLjyL>s, 411uiL Hihlnd ark tield a 20 ta 10 advantage at the hiaîf. Stage Great RaIy Starting tlie last baîf - witli Hall at center, Chambers and Torrey at for- wards and Bartholomew and Emnrick at guards, Wilmette staged, a rallyr that 'netted twelve points. Mean-I Dr. aud Mrs. Frederick, W. Merri- field, 1014 Elmwood avenue, enter- tained at a buffet stîjîper Stinday. -o- Mrs. William A. Sdhirei, 327 Cum- no rroad, Ke'njlwortli, %vas liostess f0 ýher.bridge club Thursday of last week. tereci the ?laygrpunr.( ýlaîd Recrecation, board's *second *kite oheya, nounced for Saf u rdav, mocru ing, March 31, at Washigton Park. Glen W. G'athiercoal, recreatio,î as- sistant in-charge of the tournecy, lias pamphlets, books, and other ýsources * . -~r lj *% g ]j Il G ISU lleS ec(lreqluiremelit IS onlle )ctlliar tb kieit Imust fly. There arc ta 1w four evenits wicil tflickites niay lbc ellteredl. 'lîey arc a race tai deter- Mille the StrongcSt pUIIîingkite, a 100 yard dash, a show ta determine thc largest kite entered in the Ineet and another .ta lind the. smaIIestý one.