* against unhealthy feet When you look at COýMFOPEDIe ~~'SHOES through our X-Ray ma- chine you'II see a smnudge of black extending fromn thebeel over the large arch ... tliat's the. Sizesfroni2 £02 stee brige -he reason h years - prices from. COMFOPEDICS are recomimend- - ~ed by famou&-Orthopedie sur-, $ 75 t $575 . geons. The other features of construction (the building Up of' the heel and the varying thickness of the sole) can be quickly shown and explained by our exerienced salesmen. Extetnally CO.mFopEDics are just like aiF other smairt, good-lookingghoes, but that steel bridge prevents and corrects weak feet and ankies. The Ev4Jlston Store iurch anâ Sherman MARSHALL FIELD. &COMPANY.. Formerly sold for more than $50.00 Steering-post control Air'piane dial ~I950 $250 Extra in grotiiunds hs 1mmer are under- going complete checks. The ships are now storedj in one of the Pal- Waukee hangars. As announced~ previous.ly. in these columns, Pal-' Waukee bas renewed its contract with' A Century of Progress exposit ion. Last year more than 18,000 visitors. to the- fair took rides. in the ýplanes operated by. Pal-Waukee froni its ranip just soutb of the Gen eral MNo- tors building. Ground -Crew for Blimps to Be Here Next Week The ground crewfor the two Good- Year hlimps which again a re to be staioedin Chicago duririlg the period of the 1934 World's fair are ek.pected to arrive at Pal-Waukee aiport about May 1. The two blimps will return to -their 'dock at Pal-. Waukele later in May, but in ime for the opening of *the fair on May 26. They bave ýbeen at Miami'. Fla., during the winter, and on the trip north will stop ot the Goodyear base at Akron, . Ohio, for checking 'pur- t poses.p Watch Company Officiai .Buys Waco Cabin Plane Lloyd Laflin of Lake Forest, Elgin ti Watch company official, arrived, at tý Pal-Waukee airport last Friday ini a ta new Waco cabin plane whichi lie m purchased recently and flew hiere S froni the Waco factory. A Coni- w muter owned by Laflin is store(l at se the Curtis s'irport. bangar.j Soloes After 3 Hours, 35 Minutes Instruction Harold Dale of Chicago s'oloed at Sky Hlarbor on April 15 after he had complet ed three hours and thirty-five minutes in the air with his- instructor. This, acording -to Duante Howard, who is in charge of flyving instruction, at Sky Harbor, is an unusuallv good record. vvîîmeure squadqron ot the e bcenItly organized National Flving Clubs association is being planned., ami every young mnan of the Village interested in aviation bas been in- vited to visit the douwntown head- quarters, of the association on the second floor of the Traders buildling. 3O0 S. LaSalle street, any afternooîî of the weelk or. any > even ing exc ept Thursd'ay. The National Flying Clubs associ- ation is an organizat.ion, incorpor- ated flot for'-proýfit, but 'to enable everyone 'to learn to fly, at a, small rost. The procedure to, be followed will be clubroom lectures follomied lbý individual instruction in the, air bI experienced pilots. 1One of the primary purposes of the newly foirmned 'associatlion is to prov ide an opportunity for .the youn .g man of limited means to find out whether lie is adapted to, aviation and to help him prep 1are for the mnany- opportunities which will fol- low froni the governiment sponsored program of mass production of lw priced airplanes now uû ,nder wav. 'Equipmnent will range froni primnarvý gliders for boys under sixteen ear to high-powered ships for the x perienced'student« pilots. Parents especial-ly have. heén .in - Vit-ed to' Visit the do.wn.townl head- quarters with their.-sons so'thàt'they na ecoine acqutainited' w.itth-e prrpose and ideal.s of the organiza- tion and so' that they mav assure themselves. tha't, everv precati1on is aken -for h--- esaiety of the club) riembers. The cltibr-oom)s are operi Stinday afternoons and eveiiing. as weli as during the week, !for hs ieeking informationI. 1s Visitor, at, Curtiss Among the planes'arriving at Cur- tiss airport last iveek wvas an 0-25 D)ouglas observation shili piloted by ieut. Robert Travis,. Lieutenant Travis flew here ,f rom Boston. He' is doing inspection, work in connection with the carrying of air mail by armiy ships. Froni here lie went to Cleve- -a nd, Jacksonville, Fia., and New Orleans are on his itinerary for th(, Îiear future. Flying Club President Winu.&a CheStmbt and Oak SItreets Ph... WIDRtka 3616 Weat Winmetka 1804W Iow Éoad Phone Winetks 148 Hubbai Woods LInden at Gage PhoneVIaneka76 Anumber of ships from nearby airports were at Curtiss field last Friday for re-licensing by the Depart- ment, of Commerce. Among them was a J6-5 Waco fromn Sibley, Ill. Pilot brought it hee fronWisconsn. TC) OVERHAUL ENGINE D- N. L-aux of Winnetka plans to, have the engine of his Stinson over- *hauled and the ship recovered. .. I iL