Catholic club' of Wilinette at the 1, Vista del Lago on April 18, wvas street frocks and suits. dinner dresses that the party was one of the and evening gowns will be on dispIay finest social suiccesses of the by shops from Winnetka, Wilniette and Hubbard Woods. clubseaon. The unirs lso Miss Vera Anderson, Miss Agneý anniouicethat the l)arty %%as .Ericksoin, Miss Mildred. Martin oi fi'nan cia lIy satisfactory.. Winnetka, anld, Mrs. Henry Lustgar- One -hùidred fifty guests. danced te.n of Wilmette are on the committec to the, melodionis strains. of Dick for the fashion review. Tables Wil ~Vrsorchestra in the colorful*bail-' he ready for auction, 'contract, and room of the Vista.- At Il :30 'dancing 5M0 and there will be a prize. for eact sto pped long enoug1»h. for the pre- table.. Mrs., Dudley Lester of ýChi_ sentation of the Tango by Victor cago, Mrs. Louis Flinker of Wilmette, Jovc of ilmue ad Mss Bbbyand 'Miss Phyllis Dally of Winnetka I.insa f Nes ente. ~ho ereare on the committee: in charge of the received enthusiasticall v. 1Re fresh- card party.ý Refreshments wili be ments, were served at midnigit. ered'nthe Ç grp' lub roMs Guests of :honor - were. the Rev. which isthCapFrron.M' j 1ohn J. Keenan, spiritual advisor, Mr. Margaret 'Pastor and Miss Virginia andMrs Ge rOreienfKn- St. Clair of Evanston are to be host- ilorh acM. nd Mrs. George Ote n,' ee1sses for the evening. Pettinger of Xilmetie. ITerceso h at ilg The, Misses'Dorothy BichN. Marion p artly' towards the needy families who Ortseifen, L.orraine Mor. aura are heing taken care of by the league, 2Lo Ricban,,and ooh'Pt hile the largest'amounit will go t0 Lou ejcman. d orohy et-the Lorimner Industrial tenter. tinger were with a part.v of tw.%enty. Miss Brooks was in a Party of twelve. Fourteen made up the group %vith Mfiss Cecilia Beniz anid two other 1 officers. Miss T)orothv 'Marshall and .Miss Pat.ricia McCartli%, were seieil; ing writh. the color of ber dress. in Parties of twelve ecdi. Each ofi The annuldne o ohr the officers and cirectors whô vas and~ fathers bas been postponed fromf anl officiai for' the evening. ýMay to té be announced wore a shoulder corsage correspond-1 later. INTERESTINO DARING LOVELINESS y An unconventional Plowered Print Crepe -Tangerine and Yellow on a Black backgro und with a border hemline of Tangerine audaciously clever. The jacket is Black Taffeta.A delightful co stume at $xi35.oo for . Cocktail or Dinner Wear. The Black Hairbiaid Dnner at at $31.00com-' S pletes this mostfascinating Ensemble. Naturallyfrom the collectitxi of the WEATHERED :MISSES. SHOP AT, OAK STREET Supreme. GIFT, fior MOTHER Je.DeTOLOýFF Il PhoneUni.2178518 Davis St., Evanston I Phone Uni. 2178-