Northfield Hopes forFeera Ad REMODELING A T MODERA TE COST in Home Building Wliethe or flot the housing di- Nis'o&i of thie PWA (Public Works ad- iiist rationi)'at Washington approves -yt the plan for a $450,000 federal housing project ini Willoway, an eighty-acre - subdivision in the eastern section of Northfield, this splendidly located tract is the séene of perhaps the greatest real e state. activity to be founld in anv section-.on- the north shore today. Lewis T. Dodds, who foùesaw the development possibilities of this. tract, reportsthat lie lias sold teni lots dur'-U ing the past ten days to private in- dividuals from Wilmette, Winnetka . and Glencoe, many of wliom , con- teplate building in the near future. There 'are already tnine houses, on 1tle property and bids are now, being taken for tliree more, Mr. Dodds ex- piaied. File Application Regarding the request for a $450.- 000 federal loan for the one-liundred- horne building project there, lie said thtonly last week, lie had received mnost encouraging news from Washi- ington relative to tlie reception of the plan. The' Village board of Northfield haS Wied an application witli the Public Works Emergenicy Housing corpora- tion for a 30 per cent grant and a 70 per cent boan for the erection of nomesanpz, uw.90,UVU Lum ~VV)liorLIII family dwellings. MIr. Dodds lias a variety of ap- pealing designis of houses of tis type, and .Alfred K. Stern, head of the Ilinois state lousîing board,,af.ter visiting*tie property and going'over the proposition, lias given it,,his lear- ty approval. The NorthAield Village board at a recent meeting uinaiioubsly adopted a resolution to be sent to Washinig- ton setting fortli that the site lias un- usual advantages and expressing tlie beliéf t liat tlie hpuses may be reaclily, sold. The carrying out of- this plan,- the board further points out, will give a great deal of employment to build- March Indicates More A dvance in Suburb Butilding The old. depenidable nesting* instinct, always- felt .Most strongly inii the- spring, seems to be 'the basis of a very substantial .gain: ini suburban building, for the figures represent ai-, Most exkclusivelyhomeés and iMprove-, ments to homes, according to Straus Securities corporation, Chicago. , "XVWitli statistical service striving to report every possible evidence of im- ,proveinent," Straus Securities assert.. "'this survey considers it a privilege to record the fact that suburban build- ing in the. Chicago region in the month of Mardi shows a gain of 118 per centover February-and not only this, a gi of 165 per cent over March, 1933. "The amount of new permits for Mardi, 1934, reported by the build- ing commiissioners of the fifty-foiir communities contributing to this' sur- vey amounted to $524,758. This ,is compared witli $240,729 for February of this year and $198,324 for March. 1933. In doing so one observes that the amount of suburban buldn more than doubled in Mad a~is nearly three times as much as Maýl, 1933. "A comparison of tie half- Ifllion figures of March with other good- months in the past two vears brinR±t 1932,$56,000 - and -' ctober', 1933, $583,000. Perbaps we are on the up- grade toward the highly desirable poi nt where the permits issued per monti, in-tlie Chicago suburban reg- ion, even during the depression, to- talled one, .two and e ven 'tliree million dollars per month. It is apparont, however, that we have a long way to go. "The unusuiaI nnuroietmentonil and east Dy the new icokie park and '-a" '--til .' - -,- SAwer iAU lagooni development jnow being con- which a sewage system, wben later the beaui structed by tlie CCC on F'orest Pre- authorized, mnay readily be connected, perennials serve grounds. it is explained.. L. Mor Tie lots range in width f rom 50 to The price of the. lots bas been Arnold an 97etad are12fe ep. Water, placed at the lowest figure at which building, gas and electricity have been in- building sites of this nature have been sound, wi stalled and the Village.of Nortbfield, sold on the north shore f or many very smai witiottcost to the property owners, yearsi. (Ci 'gan Yost of the firm of d YOSt, Pirst National Bank Wilmette, bas taken this Al bu:lt old bouse and at Il expénse for the betiefitsý 'ntinued on Page: 50). dlamage to the property the other to the, Rose company, wbich is buil tion and. otierwise re residence property at M nue, at a cost of $700. rig the :el ave-