Thle, Amtericain hointc foui;of the futitre as flic jaý)rdcit chli ioveiken, Iîiqws tbrébuid il, will be on ehiiin thefl Horticultutral bioidiiu; at A Cenlurv of Pro gress this -car. 'tlleSociety of,,American Florists %vlîich is in. charge_ of horticulture a't Garden Club Hears the fair, lhas announced a competîtîinTb for the construction, on à miniature etu o Bid scale. of, moels (lepicting the ideal On "utesday,- April 17, forty mem- hotise and garde,î of the p)resent dav. bers' of the Evening Garden club of These models, mieticulouisly repro- \Vilinette were guests of Dr. and ducing, every ext erior detail of dweîî- Mrs. A. T. Williams. of Winnetka. ing, and grou nds, with lawn. shrubs,<The.,suhject for the meeting was trees and flowers in realistic colckrin1g, Fl ow tô Attract Birds to the Gar- A expertly piantied. will he assembled1 den-" 1'. . . Hil debrand., instructor in ani(l eal village which ii be laid in.biology at New Trier High sehool, ,,ýll an bil bvci - p .annrs lgave an -înterestrng, :lecture,, illus-, aiîd huilt i cit Plnes rted bv. stereopticon and movilng Prizep to Bo Awàardod ,pictures; AivClub, societv,. scllool, chiurch. Mr. Hildebrand, with the coopera- or iividu,(al miay enter a niodel which tion of Roland Williams, son of Dr. must represent a bouse on1 a lot and Mrs. Williams, had set "traps" 75x,15 feet. constructed, on the scale onv the grounids of New Trier, and of 'j inch to the foot. There, is no the study of migration of birds entry fee. and for the six lest models thirough bainding was instituted in enterèd liberal, cash prizes -%vill ýbeý the high school biology course, so i)aid. ini~diix to gold, silver and tliat true student interest replaced broiîzc niiedals. Thle jitdègiing wîll he the formier prevalent killing of birds doône on the -follo)Wing sýcaje of poits :. by sling. shot. The migration of a bird L.ayott of house.and grounids 30 i handed by Mr. Williamis in the JIud- *Desigii of the garden picture .2.3 Soli Bay' tegion one summner was :Practical nature-of the plantig z2. traced to. lower Illinois the following XVok4xansipscale and finish 20 season. Ii'ven the age of birds may .Ever Uni Comete e discernied through banding. The village in which the niodel Precediing Mr. Hildebrand's lec- homes will hé assembled. %will be coin- ture NMiss 1,e1 aes ot{ witer, plet, wth ark, curces usiessgave a presentation of bird calis in plseveral whistling numbers.,Sbesiness center, and aIl utilities constructed s-vrlwitignmes h. accor(Iing té the 'Most modern ideas coîaida tépaob e I :other. of City i>laiineilrs. For every home a Bol> Cutier,.of Kenilworth, a junior comlplete .planx must l>eî ýsubmitted*rgaea1tnmiueal which wiIl be on d isplay for the bene- -onte Trer, gave ten miue a fitoftiiseseekin g ideas for home v, the yeCow ele a-ukr fit of thohi1h1is, cnsi dered a great menace building. to the' trees. Bob is president of the F;ntries shotild be forwarded to the Orinthology club at New Trier. Hlorticulture exhibition, Amateur,____________ Contest conmmittee, 845 South Wabash1 avenu, Chicoý. Il.Deaied n . -CIRCLE MEETING When you place your car in our bauds for paifting or re.building, yon have as YOUR PROTECTION years of practicmi experimuoe end à reputation amng our niany Oustomers for CERTIFIBD QUALITY WORKMANSHIP. There need be no risk on your part. Satiufuoou always follows quàlity service. ASK ANY CUSTOMER Don't WorryAbout tePo Corn plete Service for 411 Makes of cars Evasto, AtoPaitin ad Trînmmg Co0 - ineorporited 185U Benson Avenue PATRONIZjE OUR, ADVERTISERSi FUEL OUL Service 0 Pure Oil Products Company is pleased to announce a new Fuel Oil Service Plan for residents of Wilmette and Kenilworth. The man at your neighborhood, Pure Oil Service. Station-as convenient as your corner, drug- gist-will be, in a position toi takelcare of your, requirements, and wiIl personally supervise the fulfiliment of your needls. This specialized service, combined wi*th a .1 fully equipped, fully stocked I 24lip ,hor)--with tables~ like to loo-k or read the philateliv journai.Is Opening Mà Suite 10, 545 Lincoln~ (corner EIm), Winn& f*tlatý i the opening week --anîd you mnay. receive a <* tIg ;11bsnlutely free. ICS wortlhwhile tg) those wlo 124 at 4 Standard "C. HAHN for STAMPS!" Splbéal -tor optiningweek - QrteatBritfiln 1 penny bl-aeke6- tlie, ri isdheisive etamp civer issaed-onily Pée. Or on *over, OI *uuu aMa.a" North Evaustom Sta..o Broadway ad Cenra Ca.scaikis