General Electric gives you OTECTION. sealedn-stoet usuchaniso, for oui, y5 Uapamiieled rformance of the. famous Genera] Ie.uric Monitor Top mechacism né. s!ct possible for Gmieral Eectric to protect "Ms ag may Possible replacemeant Bedsdes maches. 0echanism, General Blectrc I ZZ~~ r aia mémorandum on hç,r Aeica Self -Contai ned," by the day. C~mte on Ameriça Self-Con- tainetd, Mrs. William G. Barry will review "dRecommendations of the Comtt1ee on Commercial Policyll and "The, Deserted, Village No. 2*1 by_ thé Chemical Foundatioin. At. 2 o0'pclock Harr'y-D' Gideonse, associate prfesor of economnics,, Universit-v of Chicago, will discuss "The Inter- à Economnic Situation ini the Spring of 1934." For. the benefit. of those nmen and women who are bewildered and un - happy over -taxes but who . ish to understand thesiuto and form ai, intelligent oPinion to guide thlem ini future action the Illinois League of Women Voters has prepared a new study kit on the problem of taxa-. The five lessons in this kit cover t he follô*ing subjects: (1) Services of. Government and Sources of Taxa:7 tion; (2) A Taxpayer in' Illinois.; (3 Proposais for Changes in the Illinois System; (4) School Finance; (5) A.Taxpayer in Cook county. Inadditioný the kit, contains a list of reference mnaterial, somne of which are: "Taxes and Tax Trends '" bi' Katherine Frederic, published by the National ILeague of Wotnen Vters: "Taxation in Illinois" and "The Ser%,- ices of Government," by, Mrs: B. F;. 1,angworthy, chairman of the Illi nois League of Women Voters Coinmittee on Public Finance; "The Tax Prob- leux in Illinois," by Walter Wellniai . Cook, published by the Northern Illi- nois Conference on Supervision: "Or- ganization for Education ini Illinois," by Griffenhagen- and Associates:, 'Iln- miediate Revenue Legislation Neces-, sarv forý Cook County Government."'ý by JosephK BX tan and "Essen- tials of Taxation," by, Ha rlev L.I,utz and William G. Carr, puhlïshed 1)-, thé' National, Education association. Mrs. Langworthy has recommc',(ýi(c<î this kit to those voters who (lesire to understand taxation in Illinois and who seek an intpIfliL-t-nt çlil.a- - Mrs. Walter Andersen, 127 Robsart road, Kenilworth, was luncheon host- ess to ber bridge club Friday. --- Mrs. W. J. King, 611. Forest ave- nue, will-be hostess to ber Tuesday luncheon bridge club ýon May 1.