to 0, in an extra inning battie. New Trier previously, had cropped two league gaines, one to Evanston ani another to Proviso. The Suburban league teains. play seven inning gaines, but an'extra inn- ing.was necessary to decide the wWn ner of t he New Trier-Deerfield, scrap Monday. New Trier won on an error. In the eighth inning Dick Cul len. New Trier second basemain, aliowed a third strike to sail past him, but, the Deerfield, catcher missed the ,bail and Cullen was. safe at first. He advanced to second on a sacrifice, to third on1 a passed bail and home' on another passed bail. Greeniblatt, New Trier pitcher, ali- lowed only,three bits in the-eight innings.' He struck out nine batters and walked none. Kuhn. the Deer-j field. pitcher, gave New Trier only one bit but walked seven men. New Trier, in the game with Deer- field. showed a comnplete reversai of iorm after taking an 18 to 4 driibblng at the hands of Proviso last Friday. Six errors, contributed to the down- fali of. New. Trier- in the Proviso battie. whiéh was, staged at Maywôoïl. Provisogot nineteen hits compared to eiglht for New Trier. IMaIIi»ckrodt News 'The students of The ýMallhnckrodt enijoyicd the privilege of a visit fromi the Rev. Leo, Sponar, a mnissionary of the Congregation of the. Precious Bîood, of Cartegena,, Fridav, April 27. In atn. inteiestinig taIk Father Sponar reviewed: with the studeënt, scenes ýof bis, extensive travels in Europe,.,particularlv..thos,,cin Sunny Sp)ain. The treasures of art and archi- tecture. beauties of nature. manners, customs, and soul1 culture of.the people %vere a il gr4phical1y pr>eseii.ted. Many a humorous sketch was also inter- spersed, occasionîng .f requent smuies and peals of laugliter ainong bis lis- teners. The taik w~as both etertain- ing and educational.. * series .Mary the first -that of ,ier-was 0 cic and ,$250 Douglas have Âne avenue toý READY MONEY For Al Types of Financing LOW RATES On Collateral Loans. Secured by Stocks or. Bond4s KNUDiTSON MORTGAGE andLOAN,:COO; 1167 WILMETTEeAVENUE; WILMETTrE.1116 the. Liii, .us te il Yeu. Se broulht Word$: m* te tthe ,C's try.»ý ary Pimza-tw. C IhI rabegaJît"M h<A. Haut . of upgKtn Orriniglon et Church direcion of 163vrigt Un.a m OIL:COMPN WlIIow Roud. West of Skokie DIvd. Winnetkai (Plan* No. 6) Wilmeniuta 900 - PHONES Winnetka 85 5 Everyone knoWs that gasoline is improved frequently by the discov- ery of new methods in refining. By the same type of Iaboratory research better. fuel oils are devel-. oped. Today the best fuel ois are macle by.refining to definite specifications instead of using the old-fashioned standards of gravity. Sigwed CHAS. J. MICHELET, JR. A group of alumnae inembers spent last Sunday afternoon at. The Mallin- ckrodt planning details for the annual senlior banquet. After the more seri- ous business was completed, they en- joyed a tea prepared for thein in the school auditorïum. 0 PH4ONIE GREKNLi.AY 302 nu ZKimbalAvumea IPHONIEs wio. Rd. ON w