Her Lessons Chidren of the fourth to the sixth grades had an assernbly Friday, April 31). It was sponsored by the. Hor- llck Tip-.Tép circus. They. were hav- igthe littie circus *hile the seventh. adeighth grades Were having school. It just happened that the 2B class was having a study period. Everyone wanteçl to see the circus: but Mr. Replogle said that.we were too big to sec such baby' things.. After a while many çhildren began te. leave the roomf on many excuses.. But just about, everyoile who,.got a chance to leave the room went into the auditorium to see the cîrcus. I got a chance te see a.little of the .crcus-and this is, what: I saw. A big clown was standing on the stage cracking. some jokes. Then he touched his hand and saidsome fun- ny words--and his hand was gone. Hie bad on s rne shoes that were wooden and, about three feet long. He fell ail over the place and then he finally did some pretty good dancing. Weil, then 1 had te leave, but I came back and talked to the nmidget. He said, "I amn 33 years old and have neyer been kissed." Then I had to leave for good-and that's aIl I cai tell you.-Patricia Roche, Stolp 2B. Fine Musical Pro gram Presented b>' Students Miss Brown got the Iittle chorus" fropi each roomi to sing "The Linden Tree". and "Barcarolle," and a group of children to play on the pianio.or other instruments for an assemnbly program. 1 played the piano as well as sang in thechorus. John Cox and ýBob Nicholson *-played the shortest piece on their clarinets, which lasted half a minute. It was a fine produc- ttu-IIHedgcock, Ce ntiral 6C. Pupils Ainazed When The week of April 23 to 27 was Howard School week. It was talked ia council meeting, andi the mem- bers thought it was a good idea. The purpose of Howard, Schoïol week is to start the pupils taking care of the ýýschool by refra*nng from playang on, grass, running and talking in the halls, and dropp ing paper in the.halls. In art class snime of the: children mnade posters to bce hung arudthe building. WVe hope pupils wilIi makt, every week a Howard 'SrhooI w-eek by ob- serving al thé, rules.-R1chard Tay- Hr -oward ý8B. Wilmette Track Stars HoId Intensive Practice Thle peewees, lights and lieavier ,'ave been. having bard practice in rack. Every niglit that there is ,ractice most of the boys go home feeling very tired. S Sone of the stars N are Bill Roberts, Kimnbali B ro w i *~a n d L eonia r d Borre, of, the pee- wees-; Bert Sy- mous, Ted Riley and Milan May, of the ligbits; *ni Carnev, Bernard Regan andl Red Lonergan, of the heavies.-Dick toreati. Howard 7C. Members of Glee Clubs Now Develop Memories Pity the glee club people: tw mernorize nine songs. The girls and boys have to leari "Thanks Be To God," "Golden Glýow.ý "Travel Daffodils," ' > Forest Concert," and "Praise Ye The Father.Y The girls also have to learn "Chit Chat," "Forget-Me-N4ot" and "re. The boys have te learn "Brown BRear," "Gypsy Trait" and "Mari- anna."ý-Bettyjeani Arcus, Stolp 2D. 1 A DaseDall game pIayedj on April 24 resulted in victory for Howard D-1i over Stolp .D-2. The score was 21 to the le4d un- iuing when D - 1 forged. ahead byI a- of Howard's were Bruce Frankln Kulp,, Bill Roberts, Kimbal Brown, Hugh Welter, Lee Freund- lich. Ray Small and Tom Huck.- Tom Huck. Ho ward 7A. Weekly Globe Trotter. Contains Varied Items A few of the pu pils iný Room 211 have started a .fleiwspaper narned The Weekly Globe Trotter." They have employed a reporter ini eachi seventh grade. Janet Bichi is re- porter of Ro6m 2B, Jeanne Sta.rck of Room 2A, and Barbara Collier of Roomi 2D. The printers are Dick LaBonte and Knox Bettinghaus. l'le paper contains various stories. inter- views and news items. If somecone does sornething lie shouldn't during class period, it is reported ini the persona] column. Then the paper is5 passed arouricite the teacher in whose room the mnischief was (Jolie. That 18 a good way to keep uis all out of trouble.~-Dorothv FaRville4 Stolp 2B. Pupils Enjoy Listeni.ng to King Arthur Stories King Arthur stories are very good. Mrs. Jonces..our teacheri 1 readîngc thcm to us ilow. I 1read one callcd "Stories of Great Adventures" and it, was a very good book. There is auother King Arthur story cahled "King Arthur's Court." 1 have not read that book.-Kathleen Ebibert. Howard 4th grade. Water Works Wednesday tnorning, April 25, the S ixth and .seventh grades of High- crest school took 'a trip: to the. Wi- mette water works. The first, thing wve saw ivas thé chemical roms, hen the, mixiug basins, the settliug "asins and the four sand filters. A s the: laboratory is a gas rnask t uise in case the' chlorine tank should itart' to leak.I It was. funny when Willard McDerrnott put on the mask. Thé man told> him to talk We vouldn't' hear him very plaiuly., ýWe had three cars.,to take us. Lenora Giambastian's sister took thc, :îrls. Mr. Murphy took some of the %ovs. Carl'Olsen's mother took some, and the others rôde bicycles-Ber- iire Braun, Highcrest 7th grade.. Curtain Gets Stubborn at Beginning of Drama Miss Wyman's roomn recently gave, a play', "Rip Van Winkle.". Roddy Jo'yce played the,. lead. Just before, time to start soinething went wrong lwitii the cuartain and it refused to budge, but our reliable janitor fixed, it' ini record time ýwhile our, audienic., waited patiently. It was great fuit. giving the <rama anid 1wsl t could give another eue l.*Cvrvonle helped. even if hc. had no part io play.-Bud I)rake, Stolp 1C. Warren. Rapp Conduots Drama Program at Club Friday, April 27, 5B had a club program conducted by Warren Rapp. It was, a. play called "The Mystery of the WVise Man's Spectacles.", The cast was: the king, Warren ,Rapp. the priincess, Peggy Kirchner; the, queen, jean Lindstrom; the prince. Morgan Berndt; the finder of best articles, Bob I)od ds;. the wise man. Dick Kahn.-Dick Kahn,.-Heward SB-., TEST Recntly 1 Miss Van H the Civil w' a history test in trali oirn. It wras on tel yen people got Uni Howard S5.4jard ies.-Muriel J anic rand_________ won the game, '27 te Il.-John Sar- or a H IOWARD SC WINS, ~ gnHwr ~ [hus- 'Iuesday, April 17, Howard SC GATHER CURRENT ÉVENTS 1 to basebaîl team played Howard SB. 'Iu Miss Lar$'o's grco.m .we arc the I arn' in 5C. Our team bea t SB,, 66 starting to get our own current 0w- to 27. We hope to win ail our events. It's lots of fun.-Howard 'g4mes.-Dick RellihenziiHoward X. Ringholtü,,HowaËd 6C. f s'