Second Vice President, Mrs. Ben- jamin Jacobsen Secr.etary, Mrs. H. G. Vàtn Winkle Treasurer, Mrs. Lowell Todd : Through an error on the part, of. the publicity chairman, it waÉ stated last week,.that these officers were to bie installed on May 1.. The installa-. tion taktts place at the June meeting. We apologize. Many pretty and becoming dresses were modelecl by thieir makers when .7the' girls of- the eighth grade gaver th e annlual, style show, as the main feature ý of the meeting. Musical nu:nbers were furnishéd by Mrs. IE. Devlin, music chairman of, the'asso- ciation. Thé association congratulates the 'Cent ral- Laurel P. Tr. A. whose Year- book was chosen at the state con- vention as one- of eight to be- sent to the Washington office of 'the Na- tional Congress of Parents and 'Teachers. Since only eight are chosen out of more than 500, this is -lruly an hionor. "Girl Scout" cookies are to >be on sale every Wednesday in Mav att the Howard school. H ere your chiil. dren may buy as many or as few as are desired, not necessarily a full dozen, as is customary when the' cookies are brought to the house. The profit belongs, of course, to the Girl Scouts, and the Logan-Howard.c P. T. A. is happy to cooperate with9 -themi in this way.V Are you following the splendids :radio programs, noted ini the Aprile broadcast, which come every Mon- day, from 2:30 to 3 p. mi. over KYW, t and are presented by the University s -of Chicago and the Illinois Congressa -of Parents and Teachers? The last ýof the series, on June il :wiIl bea ialk. by Mrs. B. F. Langworthy (re- b: cently. elected the President of the National, Congress of Parents1 an d i Teachers) -on "How citizens may aid il in solving school problems." Don't tfiss these talks. Id homne nas a right to expect from tb4e schools." The school shôuld be at- tractive, weIl ordered (the Highland, Park schoois are ideal in.-that re- rspect). Trhe school program should show a definite line of- activity, de- manding initiative an- co* rai' on the part of the child. The teach- er 's should be personallypleas ing in manner Iand dress, and. should be persongof>.true culture, able to 'Ivisit with". the child on topics outside of the school, curriculum, s0 as to fiwiden the vision' and stretch out the horizon of the child!" Dr .S.I.HÜlbert of Aürora spoke at the parent education dinner, about the. problem chiid, emphasizing the need of analYzing the infiuenclng, factcors In each ehild's lite, since these' could be changed, and since the heredlty factor was. of course, final. The health of the child's. body and mmnd was of utmost Importance. 1deais ;nust be taught and practised athomie. Oilidren muet have self-respect and respect for others. Atthe Puýbliefty dinner, >frs. Walter Buhllg of Chicago. 0f former president of the Illinois Congres0f Parents and Teachers. said that public should be R force that wouid bulid our P. T. A. wolk flot only locally, but throughout the state and nation. ljectives of education, and the laws of Iearning through whioh these objectives can be achleved, lie should flot try to teach," sald Dr. Wilbur L. Beauchamp, of the Department of Education of the University of Chicago, Ini hie address "'The parent's part In education." Hie compared the education systems of a geferatlon agé to a *cold storage plant, wherein unrelated facts were. 8toirêd awaY for futureuse, with the hope that sometime, If an~d wljen needed; they could be. produced The present-day ýystem 0f education resembles a tac- tory, lie said, with the brain acting on the facts (the 'raw material'), as- similating them, and making the facts an aetuai Part of Itseif. The real .unction of the education Is to teach Youth how to miake use of the facts." MeorizingAi fot useful, for we learn by dolng. Habits of observation and an nciring turn of mmdà are of-greatest- mportance. ' The school should be- adapteà to, t4he hid. fot the child to the school. Mrs. Holland Flagler, outgoing pres- dent of the Illinois Congress of Parents anld 1'eachers, nrzedeah rirni.ain local groupa. . Mrs. A. R. W-11-11 electedpresident( gresof Parents a coming year, to si New Streamàlinied Train to Traverse North Shore ýA four-day. exhibition tour, wi nding up a ngtion-wide. exhibition swing- around that has taken it* over, 11,000 miles of American'railroads, will be macle by the new streamlined,, light- weight, pasenger train of, the Union Pacafic starting .Tuesclay. May 1,1 when it1 leaves Omiaha' for a tipý to Sioux City' St. Paul-Mi.nneapo)lis, Milwaukee and Chicago over the Chicago & North Western Railwaày lines. The train Will paSs throughi the north shore towns late Friday night, May 4. Mr. and Mrs. Miles McMillen, 125 Fifth street, returned last Sunday. from a two weeks' visit in Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. McMillen had spent six weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Prescott, at Fort Lauder- clie before going to Excelsior Springs. Mr. anid Mrs. 1. A. Archambault, 300 Sherid~an road, Kenilworth, i»o- tored to Momence, Ili., Sunday to sec the gymnasium exhibition of St. Pat- rick's acaderny. Their son, Jack, is captain of the flrst -and- second grade team. STOP MOINS 5 YRSII New sclentflfi proceas killa mnothi, pré- vents re-infection 5 years. Free estimnateà on davenports. chairs, ruga, drapes, formai clotiies, uniforms. Phone today. CHANOR INC. Gme. 0234 Wl... 1324 rchorus was a Ileas-M I' IA TSOPU ~ inoitin4~STOMACII CAS CAUSEû oms the Ilnomalon- W. LU Adama was bloated 'o wIth Df te Ilinis on-gas. that hie heart often mnssed beats nd Tea chers for theý after eating. Adierika rld hi' of' ail Lacee Mr. ollndgas, and nowhe eats anything and feelsfine At LftdIoe Th (Adv.)f Everytlalng ter A etemebiles One Thousandth of an Inch Error WiII often cause ýtheý new cars to behave very poor- Iy. We have the. latest in- struentsto make these adjustments. 721 MAIN STREET day, May 14*, at 1 :15 P. m., in theC 'Todây' Music Room of the Howard school. One resolu -Mrs. Dodds is anxious for a fuli at- ap prove t tendance, because this is the last tIon to di, meeting of the year, and plans m s c th be made for the éoming year's work. î9tate hike Phono: Another ,If un