's Colonial Dapery,,Fabrics MexcanCrash, with ail the' beauti oful 1olrings for your. Sun room or breakfastrom 7 5Cyard. Cottage Curtains With cushion dots. Tetyoursl t couple of, these new TI-ES Plain or fancy, as you wash. You'Il find- them bard to wrin-. ki because they're baud made with expert tailorn--and .011 for $1.o w- Vý Sheets .and .Cases We have à complete stock of these euee sheets and cases-for, your selectioni. Sheets, Sheets, 63x99, each 72x99, each $1.50 $1.65 SHIRTS- *ith Van Heusen collars ust- t9ched. White and colore. Each$,5 Departmont Store. 1146-1148 Wilmeffe Avenue- Phones Wllmet*e 588-5 89- Men's Store- First National SBakkBuildiung- Phone Wilmefte 2655 MAY 3p 1934. equot