nday mght supper on May~ ~v ter they showed their guestsm- n pictures which they took on eir trip to E~urope. Summer togs .coôntribute Sa mudh ta good times.ý You'Il fnd ther al here .. hand-, picked ta makesure everyane has every new fashion -point for women and misses who appreciate style . . . in ail the new fabrics-seersucker. wýash- a ble silk, catton, alpaca', linen. W, have a number of spring and surrmor dresses spocially, priced fa close ouf Our. present stock. BlO 1OM#Hall Dress Shop 1147 WiImefe Avenue - WiImetfe 340 Oriental Bugs & carpets Collection of* Robecrt FiP.Joc/'cI.1367 ;Isburvý avm .Wiuèîclka,.liasbc<'u imade Uîinctka district cluizrmuîof<the Boi.v Scouit or qai' i.a1îtoiîs. thns l'e- Coiiq chieif x'Iti" oficer of alIl troo/'s i t/te illil.fli, -r. l)oPeý pcf lias loti q bi'ti ',ev iîtcreated in the Boy 1.Scout iiioveeft. uaud' iqs deoec uc/ i utolvil. Ilic is (Iisia aproiuit zlfi qureiiv busi- nîess and cvecire/es. heîî Scre ta ry- treasu r<'r of il ra ulit-Bos. O11 Comîpanyi, pasi /'residcîit of' the on th flcnorft shore. Fi n qer It k the Contention of the associa- tion that a reduction ini the fee will actually bring iii more money bc- cause it %viil more than double the uumber of faiies using the beach. Invite Villae Leader. Loeuis K. Gilson, -president'of the Park board, and other niembers of the board, and Carbon P. Dubbs, president. and- memibers, of the Vil- lage, 'board are being, invited 'to at- tendl tlh meetingand, participate ini the d iscussion. Special invitations also have beemi given to \Vilnmette Post No. 46, Arn- enican Legion. the Optimist ýclub, Rotarv club, \Viliette Chamuber of Commerce, the various parent-teach- er gronu)s, the Catholic Xorn's club. Business, and- PrOfessional Wonaù's club, \Voniani's Club of X\ilinette. Wilînette Civic le ague. Nvihinette Association of Federated Churches -and thleý Northwest fenis clubs. 1). .. L\Walther. commiander of \\'i1muete Post No. 40, Amnerican Le-: gion. speaking of the miass mieeting sai(l: -The 1, çgion's purpose is to se- cure. througli discussion.- accu rate in- foriatioin. as to wbhetler a lower l)ach rate is: possible. We are' not pre-judging the question, and have nio set opinions. We expect that the meeting wvîll place us in possession of the information necessarv to iorrn an opinion." In addition to the quiestioni of the fee, there %v111 also be a discussion of the manageenit and rules glov*erli- ing the beach, it is stated: ln this connection attention iwill 1c called to the action of the Evanston city cotuncil in voting to allow swinmers to wear white suits whiclî have been barred lheretofo)re,.and lto permit m1en to wear trnniks alone. .There wvi1I also be a discussion of the extra charge and :the regulations for the admittance of persons Ûot residents of Wilmette to the use of the beach. ENTERTAINS FOR GUESTS Peter K1ujian, A uctioneer 1728 SHERMAN AVEM EVANSTON, ILLINOIS The Wilmette Store for Mena 1164 WilnSette Avenue, Wilniette 23 ) IP