VALUES athe iL Tr a We straighten and repaint fenders and take out body dents so skiI1- fully. that you .can't detect any traces of the damage, however "diagnose" your car's troubles withoutý the expense of tearing it down. 4th STREET AUTO SERVICE. AL RoU1.%KIRK, Malnager 516* Fourth Street Phone Wilmette 5440 TOASTE D ,or Wheat CHEESE ,THiNS Thinsies; Educator. 2, pkgs 5 KRAFT'S VELVýEETA CHEESE'. .2-1b. pkg..... 15e, B3AKING rPOwDER. Calumect. Lb.'canl. B.\K ER'S ý12lb 24c CHQ0COL.ATE. 2 r39e T. ýA. CTZEK'S Shield of Qualiy Store 4o5 Linden Avenue Phone Wilmettc 4646 (ilf the brakes had only held i f we'd only had them tested. Now séecwherc I ai . Be warned, Mr. Motorist, it c osts plenty to ]earn this lesson TH1S W-AY! Keep your brakes ini good ordcr* ah.wiiys . ... Drivýc in regu- larly at Linden Garage Atlas Tires and TIubcý Red Crown Gasol ic 332 Linden Avcnu c Phone Wilrneýttc 5430 *1. .REAL REEI. is the only portab le reci that you are able to conncct to the faucet and thent reel' off as- much or as l*kttit as, you like. 'Al, steel construction. Itolds, 125 t615o: feet of bose. It's ;Ilways ready! SPECIAL $3.95 LAWN MOWER' gion, aa uservea as uts iirst com- mander. He was- a judge of the Municipal court from 1922. to 1930, when lie was elected to the Circuit, court bencli. John W. Costello, 1618 Walnut ave- nue, is chairman in charge of ar- rangements for Memorial Day' ob*- servance. Mémorial Program. The complete prograi n and line* of inarch .follow: 6:30 a. m.-Raising of tlag a Village hall Junior.Legionnaires and. Boy Scouts Cannon salute:. .......Legionnaires 7 a.: n.-Raising,- f flag at Memnorlal Park ceretery- Junior Legionnaires and Boy Scouts 7 :1.5 a. m.-Mferorial service- Willrette post No. 46 and Evanston. camrp No. 57, United Spanlsh War Veterans 7 :30 a.' m.-Legion ritual at grave of Russeil C. Johnson, who pasIsed away Iast March- Commander D. J. L. Walther 8 .30 a. m.--At Washington park--Tribute to the dead. Pilacing of memorial wreith hy ?as. Gertrude JohnSon. president of ýVonien's auxillary, Wilinetlu post No. 46, Amerlean Le- gion, inn menory of the following niemibers of Wilniette ýpost No. 46 vho lhave died since the,%war: Edwin H1buttt PaulCatrie Frank Pse- nickat, Walter S. MoLean, Carrôlli Harrington, Ralph C. Wessel, Irobert Wilson and Russeil C. Johnson.. S:45 a. -Prd assemtbly-Washlng- ton pajrk. Joseph E. Shantz, mar- shal; (Jeo. Rý. Harbaugh, George Turner,(anA Peterson, a.-sistant niarshals. Divisioni Police escort * Marshai Staff Gi. A. R. Legion commander MaIqs colors Legionnaires Dr*uni and Bugl.e ewps Junior Legion Police departm-ent Village officiais Legion auxiliary Division 2-, .Mass colors New Trier illgh school band Brownles lea Scouts Cubs Ci %,eognitin Fire %epartinent r band e coT3»! 4111 son Service Garage 515 Fourth Street Phone Wilmette 636 Mrs. Arthur Speedie of Winches- er, Mass., formerly of Kenilwortb, svis iting ber brother-in'.Kenilwortb. fer daugliter, Mrs. Raymond Kreut- er (Mary Alice Speedie) of Evans- on bas been spending sei*raàl daysý rth her., Food Bar-ais I