House by Miss Mary Williamis, and through Sacred Heart church by tbe Rev. F. J, Haarth, who explained to them the -"Sient Aisie of Prayer." .Promi Winnetka the group, went to Mundecein, where the ,Rev. Geurgc Picard was their guide through- the buildings. He shoWed themi the collec- tion of vestmeénts, many of them more: than one hundred 'years ,old. They also visited the nearby Beniedict - ne convent. The return tripas made' by way of Skokie boulevard, to-enable the group to see the, C.W.A. reforestation project. The tour' Was, concluded at the' home of Mrs. A. J. Eiden,806 Foxdale ave- nue, wvhere coffee and cakes 'vere serv- ed. Lear-Kefling Weddïng Is SImniz.J Sat4r4ay Miss Catherine Frances L1 e a r y, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Leary of 430 Tenth street, will be mar- ried to Robert S. Kelling of Wilmette this comning Saturday morning at 10:30 'clock at St. Francis Xavier church. The ceremony will be performeci by the Rev. Bernard Brady and will be followed by a wedding breakfast for the families at Shawnee Country club. Miss Eileen Leary will. attend her sister as niaid of hoinor, and the brides- maids. are to be Miss Maxine Kelling. sister of the bridegroom; and Miss Marian Condy of Wilniette. Walter Somerville of Chicago will serve Mr. Kelling as best man and the ushers wil be Charles E. Lauer of Wilniette and Hcrbert J. Prussing, Jr., of 'Kenil- Worth. After a wedding journey the bride and, bridegroomi will be at home in Rog- ers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Leary are giving the bridai dînner tonight at their home, 1630 Forest avenue. Gives Dessert Bridge Mrs. Carl Zipprich, 623 Forest ave- *nue, entertained Wednesday at a* dessert bridge in, honor of Mrs. Walter W. * Morey, a former resident of Wilmette, whîs moving to NewYorýk MViss DorothyPettinger of Wil- mette c a.ç oue of the tupo co-chair- men, of -the junior comm litice assisi- ingqlte hostesses at the early suii mer Part y giýven ,lasi ;Saturday nïght for the matire parish of St. Francis Xavier echu rcbai Sha.iunee Coidntry club. GammBa Phi BoIa Alumnae Groups Elect Officers The seven alumnae chapters of Gam-' ma Phi Beta in Chicago and its sub- urbs,. held a joint meeting and! luncheon at the Nortbwestern Chapter House. last Saturday. The seniors from the Northwestern chapter and the newly installed chapter at Lake Forest col- lege were the honor guests. The niewly elected officers of the Chicago chapter, which consists of al Chicago and suburban alumnae groups, were installed at 'that time. They are as follows: Mrs. Harold Brown of Wilmette. president; Mrs,. J. Rittenhouse of Win- netka, vice-president; Mrs. Donald C. Caihoun, Evanston, treasurer; Mrs. E. O. Krueger of Chicago, correspond- inig secretary, and Mrs. Otis Buswell of Oak Park, recording secretary. -Other officers, who are ýappointive, were to be selected at this meeting by, the new officers. Bridge- Luncheon Mrs. Lo~uis H. Ingwersen, 422 Woodstock avenue, Kenilwortb, was hostess to a group of wornen from the former Vista del Lago club at lunch- con and bridge Tuesclay. Offers a àrerninder For maàny- years, the EUGENE L RAY Studio has a service -the. standard..of whikh is recognized. by al ~who apprecit. the BEST IN PHOTOG- RAPHY. Arrange now ..for the Photo- graphie record of tuis happlest of ail occasions. We soicit yoqsr r'isit and inquiry 12 Photog'raphs as low as $8.00 8ugene £Ja STUDIO 1606 CHICAGO AVE. Vernon Country. Club Appeols to Golf ors Who Want the Very Best Vernon, is- eleven yearsolld, fait- ways and greens, ý re in perfect conditioni, and: the rolling ground has, literally hundreds and bun- dreds of trees. We invite comparison of Vernon' with thebetter private clubs. JUSt 1!/2 Miles$IVeat Of Deerfwld 1j VERNON CoUNmTRY CLUBý PorIRAYts.,That Please EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 2238 1< 1.1~~~'. 'v.