Winnetca, wno retired this spring as a 'member of the New Trier board o'f education after serving in that Capa- i City for nine years. Thé dedication reads: "To' Mrs. Janet S. Gordon, for~ her generous. spirit and loyal efforts as a niember of the board, we. of the célass of 1934 are honored to dedicate our Echoes.', *Bowen la Ec *tor Williami Bowen of Wilmette w as editor-in,-chief. of this year's Ecboes. Laury Botthof was business manager and, James Donovan art editor. Don- ovan was assisted in the. art. work by Dick Oppenbeim.' James, Kingery served, as advertising manager, Bill Blades as circulation editor, and AI Bethtelheimer .as financial secretary. Others who took an active part in the work of preparing copy for, the annual included Dick Hall and Helen Bellows-, assistant editors; Alice Eb elin .g, activities editor; R fi t h An4dersçni, 9rgaizations editor; Ethel Jane Moe, girls athletics editor; Louise Cowan, literary editor; James Kingsley and Sheldon Fox, boys' ath- ltcco-editors; Locke Rogers, head of the album staff; George Maxwell, group pictuiresý (Maxwell was assisted by Dick McLaren, Cy Maciinnon and Alice Holiloway, . who contrihuted much time in, the 'assembling and mounting of. snapshots) ; Phlhlis Carleton, head of the typing staff, and e-Imer Erickson, photographi editor. Carpeiter Faculty Sponsor Robert Carpenter again was faculty sponsor for the annual. He bas!i j served in this capacity for severall years. The.1934 Echoes is. divided initofivie I main sections-f aculty, classes, ath- letics, activities and advertiers., "Bleeding" cuts (cuts that extend tu, the edge of the page instead of within the margin) and balancing pages are combined with the use of modern type if.,thlis year s -annual. Mo.t- Complet. on Record The increased copy space, whichf The attractive maste 4 $cetbt ýer bedroom -in the have this modern conveniece-au 0-- Nmrs J. J. Large, who bas been living in Iowa City, will arrive the end of the week to visit her son and family, the _Judson Larges, of 1942, Thomnwood avenue. ILL I I L ML T E LE PH* N E c.. c., le, Ln SE@WNIN.-IME MODEL HKOME'S