VENETIAN BLIND$ 45. per square foot isstagI<d Phone Wilntt.557 In plannzing aii additiov t'>. vour homne,: pro- porti o n easis success or failtire. Titi's beaittifilv proportioned addition to tiet Mark A. la'4 of IHa;ide;n, Coitaecticuit, twas azv~arded a prize in the 1933 national Bttter Hlomes Com;- test sponsored b Btttr omes, & Gardens." Tire horise is Ahozci*b'f rt g id -"after." a B . aMajor addition tg) a house into the main, portion perfectly, and B is. often a diftîçult. prohletn. but it enhances the entire structure. was success fulUy solved by \ir. anid. The revised treatment of the front Mrs. Mlark A. May of Hatmden. Cotin. entrance and of the chimneys is also T heir homne implrovemneit, entered in worthy of study, if you are planning the Nat '-ial Ietter Homies contest ýan addlition to your hdme. conducted last year by Bete' omes& Yard improvenients inclùded the ad- Gardfens, as awarded one of the cash dition of-* stepp ing stones to the rear prizes. porch and 'a. cornfield in the rear was *The original house, as shown iir thée transfre noaIvl lwrgr "'before" picture, was superior to the den. Planig fsrbbery, tees average of ïts Class, although the en- vines,,were made. trance. portico was rather poorly de- .,T.he outstanding ,significance of this signed. The. new -WIng wit t )atre eoeigjob,, which brought the first story and lowered roof. une mterges praises of the judges of th-e contest and the architectural editors of Botter Homes & Gardens, wvas that the neW addition is architecturally correct and ini perfect harmony with the house as a whole. So successful. was the 1933 national Better Homes contest, that the maga- zine has announced a new nationwide contest for 1934. Cash prizes totalling $3,000 will b e awarded by Botter Homes & Gardens.for thebest examples of homei improvecment. The. contest will close on December, 31. Copyrigh t, 1934, Better 1-fle.9. and Gardens 45c Waterspar Qulck-drylag, Enaaid la easY to apply. It dries ln 4 jiours; leaves no brueshstreak.. Youlltlad that one coat la ail thias g.uwsy n..ded for furnlture end woodwork. 24 rich colons. 'l pays Io corne Io the Ridge" HOFFMANN BROS., For Feed, IJARDH'ARE -aud Ferlisier Wilmuette Avenue-Ridg. Rond Phonie WiIuette 69,1 Macon. Mrs. McIlraith arrivedi home last Saturday morning f rom a week's iiiotor trip to B~uffalo., N. Y., with -Mrs. Lester Elias of 843 Sheridan froad. Buffalo is the .latte r's former Quinlon êTyson, IN.La Salle Street Chicago Central 0227 1571 Sherman Avenue Evamiton Univertity 2600 R. B. WHITAKER 841 EIm Sr..f WINNETKA Co. Phone. 3250 atr vYOUE OOPY or Ou» POLDte"AUCHI=lSOTPLANWÉED MODEufN8ZAYI@N" HOME niue,1 lness1 trip to "fiao 1 gt