university at the seventy-sixth annual commencement éxercises to be hed at Dyclie stadium, Saturday, june 16. This number does flot include 604, from, Chicago~ and Evanston. S Harold L. Ickes, secretary of the interior, -will deliver the commence- ment address. The baccalaureate ad, dress'Ill be given by Bish op E rnest j L. Waldorf, bishop of the Chicago area of the Methodist church. Hec will. speak, Friday evening, June 15, at the First Methodist church in' Evanston. The candidates for degrees froni; the NewTrier villages are: oleecoe-Theron B. Chiids, 11)8 Cres- :cent drive, bachelor of scince; Alice 1 W. Feakins, 1031 Meadow road, bachelor1 of science Apnn L. Hankins, 470 Wash- ington avenue, bacheëlor of science; Mar- guerite F. Heron, 470 Jackson avenue.', bachelor ofscience; Howard A. Hoag-j lund, 690 Grove, street, bachelor of i science; John Rutledge, 639 Grîeenwiood evenue, bachelor of arts; Jean F.. Whit-' aker, 305 G..rove- street. bachelor 0f j science. Keilwortfr-Charlotte R Erwin, nmaster 0f science; Robert William Lindsiey, 260 Oxford road, bachelor of science;, Jean' Marx, 522 Essex road, bachelor of science in edueatio0n;ý Arthur T. Mc-j Intosh, Jr., 521 Roslyn road, bachelor of arts; Daniai SnYdacker 1340 Chestnut avenue, bachelor of rnidiceine; Charles Southward, 3060 Oxford road, bachelor of science; Loretta White, 310 Richmonld' road. bachelor cif science Jin speech; William A. Whittier, 51 Kènilworth ave:- nue, bachelor o f science. Wiimette-Arnold L. Ahnfeldt, 815 Greenwood avenue, bachelor. of medicine; Ethel Bornhoef t. 3o4 Greenleaf avenue,i elor of arts; Marion Cruniish, 1011 Linden avenue, doctor of medicine; Laurence E. Dennman, 21 Linden avenue;! bachelor of science; Katherine Elis,! 823 Greenwood avenue, bachelor of music in education; Stanley, R..Hausemnan, 716J Ninth street,* JD (Law);. Kenneth -M.! Hindley, 1035 Lake avenue, bachelor of arts; Betty J. Keck, 912 Greenleaf avenue, bachelor 0f science; Lorraine Meister, 803 Elmwood avenue, bachelor of arts. Leonard E. Meyer, 1422,Gregory avenue, bachelor of science in engineer- ing; Kenneth Walter Moelier, 726 Green 1, ~' FORI ONLY 'l $1 À YEARI Advertisers guests Saturday of the Arthur Rufs of 236 Cumnor road, Kenilworth. Mr. Ruf's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clauide Sanders, entertained them, with, Mr. Ruf during Mrs. Ruf's visit in Californiîa. 1141