dren was held Tuesday' aiternoon, June 5, at the WMinette Village Green. The contestants representing -the varjous rooms of the scbool systeni from the second through the eighth grades, competed in two meéts. One mieet ivas for.,children, in the second, third, fourth, and fifth grades, and the other meet, a. senior meet, was for children in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. Medals were awarded tà first, second, and third place win- fers in each event and were presented, by J. R. Harper, superintendent -of scbools. Those who received çrizes were:- 40-yard dash, secorid grade girls: First, Margaret Sehuber, Miss Petry's room,, Howard school ;. second, Patsy Jane.Pearson, Miss.Petry's room; third, Jean Brady, Miss Joncs' room. Logan: fourth, Vitoria Jean Brona, Miss ,Turn- er's room,. Central school. Tinie: 7.1. seconds., 40-yard dash, second grade boys: Flrst. John Hunter, Miss Carmody's rOoom, Central .schoyol, second, Ren Wisehart, Mr.Hrrn' room, Laurel; third, lýeeButler, Miss Petryls roomx~; fouiËth, Johin Mayer, MrJlerron's- roomi. Time: 6.9 seconds. 40-yard dash, third grade girls: First, Lauretta Sheier, Mrs. Joyce's room, Howard; second, Dolores Malm- quis't, Miss., Schriner's roomn, Howard;J third, 'Barbara Greigg, ;Mrs. Burtner's-, Mrom, Central, and fou rth, Betty Jane Steffens, Miss Petry's room, Howard. Time: 76 econds. 7 P. rl-il'Pifa y g r o u n d ball. Brownies vs. Gym Class. Village Green. FRIDAY, JUI<E 8 7 P. rnl.-florsebaok rlding claa. Rid- lug Stable at Harms road. Meet at Recreation offioe, 914 Central avenue. 7p.hm.-M-en 's Pigyground baIl1. .4oft" pitchlng league. ElmWood a ve- nue Neighbors vs. Winberg Drugs. Vil-* lage Green. 7P. m.-M.e n ' s Playground -b ail. "Soft" pitchinàg league. Hoffmaïnn Flor- lsqtls vs. St. John.. Village Green,, 7 P. ni.-M e n.' s Piayground lb a l1. ."Soft", pitching league. Mthodists, vs. 'Y.P.C. Village Green. 7 p.m.-M e n 's Playground baIl1. "Fast" pitching league., North. Shore Chevrolet vs. B3raun Bros. Silver Flashes. Village Green. 7 p. m.-M e n ' s Playgrouzid b 1 1. "Fast" pltching league. Wilmette Tail-i ors vsq. Ail Stars. Village Green.- .14 S7 p. m.-M e n ' s Playground :b a 1l. "Fast" pitching- league. C. W. Vrltèr vs. Village Cleaners. Village Creen. 7 1). nt.-M% e n's Playground b aIi.f "Soft" pitching league. Winberg Drugs vs. Unkinowns; Village Green.1 71p. m.-M e n's Playground h a l. nue Neighbors vs. Cobblers. Village 7 e'. .m.-. e-n ' s Playýground )à a 11I. ',Soft" pitching league. Y.P.C. vs. C.S. Village 'Green.- 40-yard dash, third grade by:Fatpthing league. Last games in First, Gordon Schaefgen, Miss G'r firs Zt round.' North Shore Chevrolet vs. room, Hlghcrest achool; second, Ralph AIl Stars. Village Green. Kramr, iss.Shrners roniHowrd; 7 t. M e n ' s Playground j) a I 1. Kramr, issShrner' rom, owad; Fast" pitching league. Braun Broc thidBrue nilhMr. Burtner's roo Siler flashes vs. . Village Cleaners. Central; fourth, Roger Miller, Miss VnVillage ( Green! ons 7vs UV~ se-~ p.m.-M e n '-s Playgrond. b a 11. onde. * . "Fast" pitchlng league. Wiimette Tail- 40-yard dash, fourth. grade girls: ors vs. C. W. Weter. Village Green~. Pirat, Patsy Symons, Mrs. Joues' room, 'Howard; second, Susaiv Lamprey, Miss THURSDAY, JU-NE 14 Hardick's room, .Central; third, Eunice 4 p. m-Horseback riding ciass fer Simons, Miss Otthoff's room, Howard; women. Harms Road Ridi'ng Stable. - *fourth,, June Whiteside, Mrs. Gleunon's Meet at 914 Central avenue. room, Central. Time:* 7 seconds flat. 7 p.mn.--Gl-'rls' playground bail. Y.P.C. 40-yajrd dash, fourth grade boys: vs. TNT. Village Green. First,, Dean Doose, Miss Brickey's roomn, 7 p.m-irs p 1 a y g r o u n d ýbaIl. Logan school, second, ýJack Novascone, Brownies vs. Lnknowns.ý Village Green. Mrs. Joues' room, Howard; third, Wendy 7 p. p 1il' a y g r o u n d bail. Hoilzworth.ý Mis-Gunderson's, room' Troubles vs. Gymn Class. Village, Green. Howard, and fourth, Alden Heerens 7,:30 p. m.-Monthly meeting. Wil- Mrs. Joues' iloomh, Howard. Time: 6.ï mette Playground and Recreation seconds. . Board. Recreat ion office, 914 Central 40-yalrd* dashi, fifth grade girls: avenue.. First,' Nancy Henderson, Miss Van, 50-Yard da.sh, Clasa D boys: First ICimbali Brown, Howard '7C; second Bill Roberts, Hfoward SA; third, P'au Casterline, Stolp 2B; fourth, Charles vol Tesrnar, Stolp 2A. Time; 6.6 second-Q 50-yard dash, Class E girls: 'First June Gonzalez, IHoward !A:; second Maurine May, Howard 6C-; third, Caro Specht, Howard '.7B; -fourth, ' nite Blum, Stolp 6C. Time: 7 seconds fiat *50-yard;dash, Class E bl'oys:-.First James Wolff, Stolp 1C; second, Warrer Peterson. Howard 6B; third, Bobby Col. ton, Howard 6A; fourth, Dan McCalluni Howard 7C. 1'lime: 7.1 seconds. 50-yard >dash, Class F girlsa: First, 'Virginia T'odd, Howard 6C; second Margairet Mehlhope, Stolp 6C; thirdl, Bet. ty. Erickson,. Stoip. 2A; fourth, Betty Crawford. , Time: 7.1 seconds. 50-yard.dash, Class F'boys:- First, Lawrence B011in, Howard 6A; second. Donald Kreusch, Higheirest school: third, John.Miller, Stolp 2A.. fourth, George.Moore, Stolp'2B3. Tfine: 7.1f sec- onds. ,Ctunning broad jurnp, Cla.ss A and 1 &,rls: First, Lois ]Kýunzelnian, Howard Aand Ruth, Stanwood,_ Howvard 7A; third, Marcia Smith, Hloward SB3; fourth, Ruth Seheibel,,Stolp 2A. Dis-tance: 13 ft. 3 in. Running broad juinil>, Ciass A bteys- F'irst, T1om Carney,. Hloari d7A ; -econd. John KClein, Stolp 2A; third, Bernard Regan, Howard 8A; fourth, Rïcbard, Ogilvie, Stolp 10. Distance:: 17 fit. 1 In. Running broad jump, Ciass Ê boys,- Pirst, Jarvis Lingel, Stolp, 1C; second, Bric Samuelson, Howard '8B-,'thid, Cul- ver Hand, Stolp 10; fourth, Douglas Huck, Howard SB. Distance:. 15 Lt. 6 in. Running broad jump, ClaÀss C girls: Firat, Frances Akely, Stolp 20;seo, Adelaide Koenen', Howard 7B, and Betty Todd, Howard SAý; fourth, Martha Hart- man, Stolp 2B. Distance: 14 ft. 91/2 in. Running broad jump, Clasa C boys: Flrst, Ted Riley,. Stolp 2C; second. Bol) Bernold, Howard 8A; third, Bert Simons' H{oward SA; fourth, Nels Moe, Stolp' 6C. Distance: 14 ft. 111h In. *Running broad jump, Class D girls: Eirst, Doria Trego, Howard 7B; second, Charlotte Schaefgen, Hlghcrest; thlrcl LTrginia Schackel, Stolp 2D; fourth,' Mary Mae Crawford, Howard #B,,. Dist- ance. 13 Lt. 3% In. Running broad jump, Class. D boys~ F'lrst, Wm- Roberts, Howar d SA;; second, )ick Moreau,_ Howard 7C; third, Charle.ý von Tesmagr, Stolp 2A; fourth, Paul Cas- erline, Stolp 2ZB. Dist ance:- 12 Lft. 8% ~in. .Running broad jump, Class E girls: Pirst, Gerda.Streicher, Howard 6C; sec-, ond, Maurine May, Howard' 6C; thlird, Carol Specht, Howard 7B; four-th, M~t Penlck, Stolp 2B. Distance: 12 Lt. .1 in. Running broad jump, ClassE boys:~ ýeen at 7 o'clock. Juine 7 Y. P. C. vs. Troubles Brownies vs. Gym CÇlass TNT >vs. Unknowns june 14 Y. P. C. vs. TNT *.Brownies vs., Unknowls Troubles vs. Gym Class Jupe 21 Y. P. C. vs. Browîuies* TNT vs. Troubles, Gym Class vs. Unktnowns Jirne 28 V. -P. C. vs. Uinkîiownis Gym Class vs. TINT Brownies vs. Trouble., July 5 Y. P. C. vs. Gymi Class Trouhles vs. Utikîîow)ývii TNT vs. Browiiies ietre rotund Bo)b Ber-old.'IHoWazd SAi,and Bob, Ander- son, Hioward SB; fourth, Neis M",re, Stolp 6C. Height: 4 ft. 412 in. Running high jump, Class D girl.-: First, Doris Trego, Howard ,7B; second, Pearl Anderson, Howard SA; third, .Alic e Jane Husak, Hloward 7B; fourth, Ar lene Clark, Stoip 2B, .Virginj'a Schakel, tolp 2D, ,and hRuth. Mestjian, Howard 0. Height: 4 Lt. Running, high jump, Class D boys:. First, Dlck.Moreau, Howard 7c; second, Kimbali Brown, Howard 70 ;third, Don flerblilger, Stolp 1C, and b~l cebl S3tolp 2A. Height: 4 Lt. 41/ in- Running high juinp), Class 17,E girls: First, Edith Mendum, Stolp MB; second,- Madelije Vanaîstine, lligliciest schooil third, Gerda Streicher, How-)%ard 6B,' and Patricia Penick, Stolp 2B. Heiglit: 4 ft, 2 ini. Running hlgh junqp, dlass E boys: First, James Steen, Howard 8A; second,, Calvin Hill; Stolp 2B, and 'WalLer Baron, Howard 7C; fourth Ben Moon, Stolp 6À, ,and Dick Coch 1r'ane, H'.ward .6C., ËKeîght: 4 ft. 1%4 in. Running high jump. -Class F girls: First, Jean Temple Sol ; ecnd %làrian Sommers, Stolp ,6C; third, Vir- ginia Bittner,,Howard 7A; iopurth, Maryý Woodbury, H-oWard 7B. Height: *4,.tt., Running high lump, Claiss F boys: First, Bob Lawrence, Stolp 2D'; second, Carl Mayer, Stolp 2A; third, George Moore, Stolp 2A, George ICoerder, *10w- ard 6B, Clifford Johnson, Howard '6C, and. Donald Kreusch, Highcrest.-Higt 3 ft. 9% in. eçt -~,., ~~un, ~iwar SA fouth, Clffor Uinhi g h kunip, Class. C girls: Hlowa-rd 7B, and , Miss H-ardlck's Goodman, Stolp 1C. lime: 6.2 seconds. First, Adelaide Koeneu, Howard 7B; The meet was Lfce:- 6 ft. 14 ln. 50-yard dash, Class C girls: Flrst., eodElarLpshHwd7A 1,0polte Imp, fourth grade Frances Akely, Stolp 2C; second, Betty secod, Earear Llpsc, 'ow1an d ord00 o le trac lard, Miss Olthoff's Todd, Howard 8A; third, Beth Hlndley, Virginla SimonsRe, Stolp B. , ami o4 rd 0fany traoo SGerschesske, Miss Stolp 2C; 'fourth, Eleanor Lipsch, How- t10u.DaelMDvi rt;thll:d, John a rd 7A. 'lime:* 7.1 seconds. Runung high Jump, Class C boys, uÛder Whos U s' oom Cetra; 5-yard clash, Claffa C boys: Frs, istDikHallHoward 7B;secnd,hed ed by more than tatteudance rec- t thîs year for 'e, accordlng te Lor of recreation, )n the Ineet Was 'b WED-Niýsl)AY, JUNE A,ý -7 ij.-'m.-M'e n 1 s , playground -b a 1 1.