Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1934, p. 57

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M is vYorsnip on Lînd1en ave- nuie and Sheridan road, WVilniette. The speakers on this occasion were Hooper Harris of New York and Bishop Brown who holds the chair in the department of economics at the -University of Pittsburg., A pro- vrainiOf îmusic vas-also gîvenl. A o'clock, on Sunidayý the Youth menm* bers fieldl a dinner at th eria bote!,. Evanston,ý at .'vhich were, SeVenty-five young Taha'is whü. a!floig thielnîsélves,. discussed intir.i,, tlieir own problems. - Thie sixty-fi ve delegates frouf ai- iîoSt as miaux' cities from ail parts of the country and Canada convenied lhursdlav in order to elect their, Na- toaiSpirituial Assembly aiiI'to ini- :iugurate a program for the cnisuing vvar. Carl $cheffler, director of the, Evanston Academy of- Fine Arts. a e lecte(l ehairman and Horace llollev, j editor of. World Unity, ws hoe Secretarv of the Convention. At the election of the convention, thie.111ne memî*ers of thbe National Spirituial Assembly wvere re-elected i and xiii carry on for the year a con- structivc program i n the nîany, dî verse fields of the cauise, one of the niost important being the comipletion *fthe clere.story section of the dome (If the iiette temple. just at the qb)einig of the convention thiere ar- ricIfroni the Washington plant. nù ore of thle castings of the beautifuil qurzornamiextation, as weli as 1he niaterial for casting on the spot the reniainin g details of the dome, of this \ýorl(i faînous shrine. HoId Puablie F.ast * . On Fr'iday evening a public. fcast i. as gîveni, at whicb a number of ini- ternational pioneer teachers -xvere present and gave. brief taiks to thet <elegates and visitors on their ex- pûriences ini other lands. Aînong them xvwerc Miss AgnesAlexanc(ler, * îndc;atigabie worker for fifteen years in japaii, China, and Korea. a U resi<lett anI delegate from Honolulu: ..Miss Alima Knobloch, now of Florida, giving. some interesting incidents of. * ber long and successful teaciîing ii 1()33, in consideration of bis work on this temple. Hear Youth Leaders Among the Youth group at the cofivention, Miss Mary Maxwelll of Montreaf, and Miss Sy.lvia Paine of' Urbana, Ill., gave talks on their exi)e riencés in Baha'i work fromi the standpoint of yotth., The convention' rèceived reports on v arious çommrittees, whvlich were discUssed and acepted, with recônm- mendations to be put into effect as far as possible h) the inconling A ssemb iy. *Jack. Hicks, son, of the E.johnl Hicks of Kenfiiworth, returneci Sun- dav froui Dulie uniiversit%-. Hie will leave Monday, with lis parents and mbotr to see'bis brother, Tom,. grad- uate 'from.,Dartmotth. Tolu . accom- panied by a ciassmnate, Jimn O'Keefe Of Boston, wiil sail J tne 24, -on the St_, Louis front JBoston for a Eur-o- pean tour. MNr. andi Mrs. Charles NIcClouid of Los Angeles, Cal, are ieaving MIon- day after a six weéks' visit with their son and familv, the Bently MNcClouds of 338 Keniiwortîi avenuie.. Bent, Jr., who wili graduate from Princeton,- the following week, is returning home todav to.:bid bis grandparents good- bve. MNrs. George Benson and dauighter, I<athryîi, 210 Meirose avenue, K<en- iwortiî. have issued invitations tQ a large garden tea Saturday of.this week in honor of 'Miss Barbara H-Tol- den-, whose wedding takes place ti:e foiiowiîîg Saturdav. go, daughter of *Mrs. Nelîe Barnes of 422 Meirose street. Miss Barnes was electeti by,-popular vote of. the students to rule over-the ceremonies. - One of the features of the occasion. is the presentation of, iited Ianterns to the new students as a symbol'of their initiation into the fife and traditions.'of Kemper' hall. Kenm per- Hall was founded ini 1870 as a memoriai to Bishop Kemper,. the first missionary bishop of the; Epis- copal church. 'It is one. of the oldest giri's schools in the middie-west and las been under tle direction of the Sisters of St. XiMary for' many. years. T'i -A.- C. -'Buehier faiiy of 151 Abingdon.avenue, Keniiworth, wiIl go:i out to Morgan Park Military a cad- emy juneý 11, tosee Carl, graduate f rom the lower schooi. M BDrns PRODUCTS Phae S WHAT DOES and k-now that it l FULL Y-A GED. As the ageing vats 'are filled with Blatz Old. Heidelberg Beer, each vat is sealed and mark- ed with the exact date the beer was brewed.

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