LIun .Ave., iiubuard Wooas, 111. 72LT5-ltp 7 COORS TO BEGIN JUNE 12TH, 9 cooks to begin June 30th, wages $21 week, board and rooi. Call at once in person. FI{EIR E M1 F1PL. AGENCY .Over Waigreen's HighIand Park 2520 '2LTN5-lte 1 MAN TO REPRESENT US IN WIN- netka and Glencoe. Caîl In person, between 7 and 8 P.,ni. Friday, 8th. Porter's Electric Shop, .797 Eum St., Wlnrietka. 72LTN5-ltc. HIELP WANTEgD-MALE, AND I#EMALt PAULINEL I \VILMETTE \VANT ED AT ONC E COUPLES $75 to' $125' Palfine's Enipi. Agency Fourth and Linden O)pposite "L.' Ter. 1 Blk L.inden St. North Shore Line, 73LTN5-1t - O PILE POSIIO0NS 'i'en at $100. 1 with no laundry. chaitbergirls and seconds. tt$15, 1 at $14, 2 at $12, 2 at $110. Sgeneral housewvork $10. Caiat once in FRED'S EMPl,.' AGENCY Ovrwtlgz*eCn's , Ilighi.ind Ilark 2520 DOIVESTFIC HEL? EXYP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED Good Openings at Once [Indren mpi. Agency Establlshed 25 years d'49 Elnî St. Winn. 1047 ______73LTNI.4fe Cisôn 1)I lmp1. \tc * 84 1ixuSt.Winnt. 3122 REISERNOW Couples, Couke, Seconds &;na ad ciO 17PFLi, ~XERENCED.,GOOD 0ook, N. S. reTsi,. Careful driver; noô car wlýhinlg. Simall hou.,éejjnd yar.2 adults, 1 child. $80. innetka 24440, 73LTiN45-lte 1930 LA SA LLE TOWN SEDAN, 6 W]RE: whe.el,. iMust seli. Phone Uiest 59t62 aftt'r 7 1. . Mr. Benson. 7 -.LTX 5-1 t v NICELY FUJRN. . R-A. N1ÉAR TRANSP. Also garage for rent. Ph. Wilmette 4254. S2LTN5-ltp COMFORTABLE FURN. ROOM. $2.50 per week. Phone Willnette 3792. 82LTN5-ItP ROOM AND BATýH. SUITABLE F OR one or two. Garage available. Phone G'lencoe. 1395. .82LTN6-1te NICE LARGE BOOM.- SINGLE ,OR double. Coo.king privileges optional. Winnetka 2669-. 82LTN5-Itp. -looARD ANDfo oON IN BEAUTIFUL KENILWORTH,ý near good beaches,..Newv England typle Inn. Honie-lIke rooms, suites wlth bath. Excellent meals. Moderate prîces. Ken-.: iiwvorth 549l.. 86LTIlS;-ltc CAME 0F CONVALESCENTS . RING YOURAGED OR HELPLESS * Marie's Diet and Rest Home ln Wilnîette,. wherc- the. bestof male and femiale nurses' care ls given day and nigbt. Doctors' references. Phone WiI- mnette 2548. .87,TN5Z-ltp F*RRIENT-APARTNENTS THE LINDEN. MANOR HUBBARD WOODS.- 3-4-5 Room apartnients; tMe bath, re- frig., in-a-dor bed. Reas. prices, FRANK A. REID 954 Linden, Hubbard Woods Winn. 1300 92IirN5-ltc wh-r e tht- WIND.S are COOL,ý a 2- 1toi 'ni ai)artinent for the summier over- I okngSpuiish Court-$22. S1PAN [5H COURT PYROPERTIES- 930o spanish Court Wilniette 432 GARAGE APART.MENT ON SHERI- dan Rd. 5 rms., 2 bedrnie., 1 bath, with .1-car space, $50.00. per month. Stmith and Goiýs. .725 Elm St. Win- netka 3500. 92LTN5-ltc WELL ARRAN GED) 4 'RM. APT. WITH freplace, bedrm;. and ln-a-dor bed. Reas. rentai. E. E. Stults Reaity Co., 460 Wlnnetka Ave. Phone -Winne.tka 1800. 92LTN5-ltc. VERY ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED apartnient, 2 or .3 roonis. Humphrey. Bldg.,, Winnetka., Also well located. office. Phone Winnetka 97 or Witnnetknt 3328. 9LN-f VERY: DESIRABLE, APARiTMENT, 5 *roo nis, exclusive. front and bâck, en- trance. ý$45 wlth heat. 1008 Oakwond Ave.- Wl mette. . . 2LÀTN4-tfc TWO UNFURNISHIED AR ET., includfing Frigidaire. Apply at. 819 Oak St., WVinnetka. Phone Winnetka 497. CalI, phone or write R. B1. NWHITAKER CO. 81Eli St. Wlnnetka 3250 W I NNE TIK Open week days. from 9 [o 9 Originators of "The W%,hitaker Plan" 9711'N5-ltlp 6 rnis., frame, hah, nr. transp.: . $42 7 rnis., Trame, hah, 2 É,c.., nr. transp . .... .. .. 55 9 rnis., 2 b's., gis. pch., -hwh,ý 2 c. g. 65 7 rnis., 2 b's., good lot,. hwh, 2 c. g. 80 7 rmis.. 2bs, slp. pch., kwh, 2 c. g. 125 9 rnis., 3 b's., eX. t. & I., hwh oil, ex. loc,.......... ............... > 15 10 rnis., 3 bas., hwh 011, ý2 c. g., 1g9. lot 160 12 rns., 3 b's., (3, acres), east,2 c. g. 300 Other good values, furn. and unfurn. houses and apartments, ail sizes. B. H., BARNIETT 526 Center'St. Wlnnetka 965 TION THE LAKE 1 TIS CO«MFORTABLE 9-ROOM house with private,.beach. Two tue ba ths; two sleeping porches; break. rooni; glazed porch overlooking laite; o11 heat; 2-car garage. Can be'rented furnished or unfurnlshed-at extremely low rate. Inspection by appointment. NORTHWESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis St., Evanstonk Uni. 9500. 'ATTRAc,'rIVE RENTALS Ask us forour coniplete Eist of North Shore- Homes. Al sizeb and prices. Many sum- mer rentais. BAIRD & XVARNER, mnc. 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH 346 PARK AVE., GLENCOE Kenilworth 4785 .GIencoe 1554 Rogers Park .6151 Briargate 1855 97LTN5-ltc FOR fiENT - LOVELY H OM E 1N East Winnetka on large corner lot. 5 miaster bedroorns, 2 tile baths, also inaid's ri. and bath. $125 per mnonth. HILI & STONE, r543 Lincolin Ave. Wjinnetka 1544 97LTN5-lte *1WILMETTE - I RMS., 2 kBATHS, new1y deeorated house. Large.wooded- corner.. Goodý east ,;!de location. Reas. C ., BRETHO714LD- WILMETTE 65 9'7LTN5 -ltp FOR RKI4T-FURNISHED HOUSES 5 rnis., bungl., east, 3 months.$ 65 5 rins., bungl., tnr. transp., 3 nionths 65 6 rnis,, bungl., nr. transp., one year 70 Suoa ýl. -Pnn Wlnnetka IoR 2 ROOM OFFICES, Road. Reas3onable rent. mette .113. 95-t, FOR SALE-HOUSES ENJOY OWNING THIS WILMETTE HOME FOR $48.50 A.MONTH 5 bedrm., 2 story Trame, close to public and parochial séhools, on 5-tt., deep, wooded lot. 2.-car garage. wIJI brinc $50 a month rent but non-realde nt owner will sell for * $5,750. $750 down and $42.50 a month until $5,000. la pald, plus taxéesand Insurance.Ask. Mr. Drayer., NORTH. SHORE REALTY, EXCLUSIVE AGENTËS 523 Wlnnetka Ave. Wlnnetka. 81 10e34 Elmwood Ave. Wilmeétte 819 BARGAIN COLONIAL IN HOICE SECTION CONVENIENT to everything. 6 roonis, sun "di s1pgé porches, bath,. heated gar.ý Lot 52È160. NIcely lanidscaped. Se. tht. exeeptional bargain. Mr. Martn- B3AIRD & WARNER, hIc. 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE Glenicoe 1554 Briargate '1855 111LTNS-ltc AN OPPORTUNITY LARGE 7 ROOM COLONIAL PL.AN, havlng 4 bedrmse.,,2 baths, slpg. porch, lst fir., lIav., att. gar., finle yard and trees, in eholce East aide location. Near lake and "L." Exceptional value ait BILLS REALTY, INC. q.30 Spanish Ct. Wllmette 3740 1IlLTN5-lt- WVOODED CHARM A MODERN BRICK HOME WITH tule roof and attached garage on 5a beautiffflly wooded lot with rock pool, etc. 7 rooins, tile bath, oil heat, extra Iavator3y. Convenlent to school and fast. transportation. Former mortgage, holder M-i11 seil on eayternis and at the 'right price.> QUINI4AN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 2600 111LTN5-Ite A TINY HOUSE wilh big trees and bulît by an location. Phone Wllmette NICELY FURNISHIED I or '2. Garage, avallable. Phone Glencoe 976. transp. ýM5-1tri *ti LI.Y s ea IU 8ACl p Prospect Ave.;~ IeES UN PARLOR. led lot, close mical furnace ieater. Avail- 'longer, $10)0. L. Gundlach, :ka 154s. 97LTN5-ltà lancuicapeJu. Foe 5.U ~X~uienoeiï . . 98LTN5-ltp DISTINGUISHEfl HOUSE. CHARM-I ingly furn1shed. 10 rnis., 3 baths, 2- cargr,âlovely yard. Many other lovelyI unlhebouses. Mrs. Fu'%ller and Wun. Plckatrd. Winnetka 3603, 8T5-t EXCEPTIONAL I3ARGAIN IN COLO- niaI home, East Wlnnietka. 5 bedrms., 3 baths, suan r.. book rm., att. gar.,. oIl heat. Price 16,010 or rept $110 pier month. . HILL & STONE 543 LnonAe WInnetka 1544