ossyou nofhing extra! *Ceaseless and i*nrerciful abuse on the tougixest roads-worse treatment than vou ever give a tire even with your fast-springing, higher-p)owered -easy- braking car-tbat'9 what the-new ý"G-3" took,' better. than aûny tire ever buit before! ..Corne seethe greatest Goodyeà 'vr offered-Iet us point out.itsý mavlosfeatures ,and quote you. on a7set. Widor ROud Ipim* Shobws D ifferonme -WilmetteBttery and ElectricSrieII 740 Twelfth -Str-et-Phones Wilmet 9.44I SHAWEE 8RV~C GAAGE YNAMSERICE ARAG SHMONE sERICECOMMUNITY AUTO SERVICE I al 1M HMS. Wioe .5045RIDSE AVE., WIL. 5426 803 MARIN SM., WiL. 8847 I828UVILMEE AVEW. 38I L UDOWI CI.VENE-ERINO B RICK Tiiheonêivicai Way to'Rýo,modei or'Modhrnize O.Id Buildings Extraordinary savings are effected with this new patented light weigbt brick whch j, applied to building surfaces, either old or new, by means of metat strips. Ludowici Vene.ring Brick have the same surface measurements of standard, face brick but only about one-fourth th~e thickn.ss. Th.y include specially constructed corner brick and baif brick for breaking joints and are made in ail popular colors. The outstanding feature of both brick and method cf application is economy, particularly in the remodeling or. modernizlng of oId buildings. Available figures indicate a saving of from 300/ to 35%/ over regular brick veneering.j To recover an old building, it is not necessary to disturb the foundation, since I I È M ..a 0 ., . - -A- - -L -.£ 1 - GUARANTEED COAL-COKE FUEL. OIL RES cait wiliIbring you compiee ï ntrmatlion Iosu @Com5mpany A CON S'UM E'RS,, Y ARD >I:N :ýýYO ,U R fures of this inew brick. A phone ithouf obligating you in any way. WILMETTE 1200 WINNETKA 3386, GLENCOE 75 HlGHBOR HO0.OP Tour chfidrefl wilI enJoy th]§s roomy and ver>' attracti've Pis>' bouse. Weil IuiI& wltli rosi Win- dows and Woopd flOOr. Dlvered ready for asseimblY. Choice. of even ftor IEFORE THE III