_-1.ri A . Hotz, Doulas W. 1 uv After information as to the cost Car A Htz, oula W Shilîe3 R. Hughes, Virginia R. 1 unne' of beach operation had been present- \Veil. cd, it is said, the conferers rec- EdadL. Ives, Jr. Muriel C. onJaitatth 2 eaonfkiv e .Jack .Iennings' Wîiiam E. Ienillg,-o, zdtatte$ eso aiy.e .!msJ. JoUson, Verda E. .Jne' ould îîot cover the cost of the same Uodiî .T;kl oYcei David Kendrcuriej high quality of service hieretofore A~. Kel<en, 1Harriett R. Kirchne,,G proývided at the Lake avenue, beach. <Ijo . slien . Kidy,' ' ; ~As mie, mniber of 'the conference M.I~lop.Stla B . ur,_Janivs E. 1i lru:hLois E. Kunzelman.- put it. -Yo can't 'gei the' betf 11tu B Lamb, John R. Lang. l'au! antiuiig at the lowest, price." 4.Lang, Jr., J., Jarvis Lingel, iiU.l;haud Pr or ot [zbr. lîîjco. J.,AneL. Hîisvh d rtodthat',the Village 'Ruet -P.LonerganRobert <,1' Iisueso Le.slie 1.MtoJ.,RI~îc board NvilI delegatie to the Park board MattIi.Ws.Mit I y, Ij. d<lp? .control:. of. thé beach -at its two lots ManlisA., Betty.J Ltlel)olioËtizhonw hte# .la~s . Mllrath, JulieMlthon ihte new water works Stand, Walte N. ckibban, David Melb>e in order that there may..be no con-' ,leisera. ennmineL s A vflictionof authority or administration. t'IJaril*nes M ille .r, Mo ntess .. ll1, This wilI give thie-.Park board con- .lane M. Naeth ai s, Gordol iN evA. .s trol of the: entire srtho ec Rtivhard B. ogilvie, -Harlolti >Inf rom the canal to 'a point 75 feet Porel. Ow en-r ayJneOrMr north of Foest avenue, except th.ree Portr Oen4, Doris J. Paterson, ,ihir- leY 4%. Patterson,: Jane RItf.>ItVprivatelv owned pièces- South of Lake oerard Peterson, 'Mary TJane pieùrs,,)ia 1venue, previously mentioned. Con- P-etty Jane.: Pose, John . 11 Pfotte.r, trol of these may, alsoQ bé setured Geor-()ge W. Putnam. e Iiirnrd eaanMashal eagnthroughi agreement, it is stated. ~.uêm.E. Richards, Jean gelihannt, .Ja .Riedel, Theo;doi-e 1. Rie:Optimist Club VYli IlrNua ipfley, Nancy Rolb1, william '.Uuhrt.Jean fdetsn.Richard -K Ata eei t th il ene I à>grs .on R. Rosenberg, William P. - isens-teil, Kathryn June iRowley, Jlo.. ! Atameigojh iiet p rihut' M Ruso.,tlimist club last Tuesday,_ plans wvcrte 1,lj(- Sanmuelson., Glenn Samnuelson, compIeted for that organizatioir tî l~weaeC. Schuber, John A. Seddoai ot ot enIdTed% fia"I'Y L. . habino, Pauline à. ShankSuhBnm. usa llarry -SeifertTrv>MaeShet , :june 12, whiere a neW Optiniist-clt,ýt- li iJ. Simon, Bert CG. SimQons. Ray- is to be. established:. The charter !fodB. Srnàll,, Evelyn J. smith, K. will be rsneataàn' mt- 1 » ushIlig Smith, marca H. Smith, Betty rsne tadne cl .jane SiiuiontD. Virgnia Sommers, Don liig Te Vilmette' club) . will g~oiv *ld E. Spee' ht, Freeland F. Stee-ker, a 1)0(13 hy bus. ..an s teen, Peter stewart. Richard 'Paylor, Raymond F. Ta- Ms letSart,51Knl iiian, Bietty E. Todd, Irene Uedelhofeil fît letSarai 2 AfifeMa Varney, Mary K. Vogel,..Jane worth, avenue, Kenilwvorth, enter- L. altruiFrances B. Weber, j-eor- t.ained at a bridge huicheon.W.ednes- %' hltt*lngton, Duncan E. William.i,, day in -bonor of Miss Mary Le.it -1J1111es .Wolff,. Iminet D. Yarlan,' Jr., hs iaraet tri aiano Dooh Yaian, Dudley C. Yoernan' hoC mrig t uts1ahmo .hnc.1.. Yoeman, Lillian Zetter-gineni. lencoe takes. place Julie 10. -o-- RETRNNGFROM C04LEGE Miss Jane Darling oi 2io Ketil- _ Miss Bcth NfcIlraith _îs rcturningi worthI avenue, Keiiilvtrthi. N%-as ,%atirda%, of.this week fromf Connecti- igraduated-.f rom Ogontz Tuesdav of Oit college'.tp spcnd her summer Va- last Week. O Wdnayslc1e cation, witli- ber pare nts, the, E. J. turnied with her parents. who Nweuit la M\cllraiths of 1127 Chestnut avenue,.cmmencement. Iller sister, Mliss Janet, a student at Uandii(olph - fa con collèe, ~cornes home al>out the first of july. She is BC C E ,loi% visiting in Washington, D. C,,r REPA1RED---RENTED SOUGHT .and SOLD -ind Xorfolk, Va., and will attend the inIl ~ F~etWne Declta D)elta Delta National conven- lionat ,Villginia . Beach, Va.,, - e Ridge BicycleShop *i LU LauuL4LiUU teacnïng ior two years before taking up nursing. Robert C. Berger and his daughter. Eleanor, 306 Kenilworth avenue, Kenlilwortb, are I1eaving shortly to otor to the Lawrenceville- school, to sec Robert Berger, jr., graduate, after wbicb they will al take an CX- ténided >motor tOur to Lake placid and Saranac Lake andl through the ýWhite MNIôitainis. mind any p it W, ern in service or only a single teaspoon. D.o ýPAGLIARULO Jewéler. 1166 WiInette Ave. Wilmette 1061, ICET. READY NOW for Vacation fun! THýouft.he heavy tresses,of winter, thaf you'l le, more carefree. end abe to joi ni - the. mad whirl of the, summer s activifies. An arlisfic perme- Knen ... àcJîp and àsnipfrom j a deft hand and you're ready J Y for corne whàf may. For Appoinirnent- Phone Wilmette 4517 Albright Beauty Shop I193 WiImette, Avenue 'The North Shore's Sm.art Beasy Sale." ./25e fl tII l, We re making much ado about these swim suits. Consider the price-con- sider the Iast-minute stytes-consider. the world of wear they'II give you. -The Bible and Works of Mairy Baker Christian Science Literaturp iusy b. the. Reading Room. ail other authorized wed or purchased et '71 r.il THE PUBLIC 55 VORDL,LLY INVITHI> TO ATTEND THE Cn I.RCH SIMVIoES AND VISIT TUE IWADING EOOM Phone Wflo4S I-MMVBM"MMP wm"mmmmmmý FIL