nandi two Othei SNo "extraà" for toxls or trans- * USfers-met off yew North Shore * Lin U.train daM ht hre.l Thora oru **plentyof tralnthruilhout the dcy. **A Sm MU Fre'] 2-.DAY ROUND TRIP unri :: from WiImeffe me (xoKenlworth 55c> M Patronizel Our Advertisers kMILY- TURKEY DINNIER shdrssdCbiId's65 ng Tujrke% ~portion....... 65 CHIMNEYS TAVERN Fi up youir'Collection from'our Sc and 10c -Sets Spç 21 f43ire-cent sets, for $100, Speia ~43for .$LOO 66 for, $2,95 DL--t "OU'- - PRICES: WILL BE, HIGRER IN THE FALL! Ci HAHNfor STAMPS Seécnd, Flocf-Oppriite Voth Shore Station h QUI' for'your coawenino *Sr., 811 Park avenue; G~eorge Jones, son of M.%rs, Pearle P. Jones, 737 Park avenue; Walter Merrili, son of Mrs. E. M. Merrili, 1116, Greenwood ave - nue, and Thomuas E., Sullivan, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thornas'Sullivan, 336 Gregory avenue. \IMr.,Crawford xvas prcs*ented with a navy commission by the R. 0.. T. C. department.* Mr. Ackerman and Mr.. Merrili both'received appointments as sophomore assistants of next year's rSyllabus, university yearbook... Mr. Jones was elected vicetSpresident, of the Spanish club." Mr. Sullivan also received a commission tby. the local naval, R., O. T. C. department. Both Mr. ,Crawford and Mr. Sul- livan are graduating seniors ini thé. collège of liberal -arts. The other three,ý Messrs. Ackerman, Jones, and Merrili, are freshm en ini the collegei of liberal arts. Resides- being a. memiber of Phi Mu Delta fraternitv, Mr. Crawford was recently initiated into Sextant, honorary naval fraternity. A member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, Mr. Ackerrnan i s alsoj on the junior varsity, debate teami, and a.photographer for the Syllabus, staff. Mr. Jones is a member of the uni- versity band. Mr. Merrili bas been a member of the Purpie Parrot business staff, as- sistant production manager of the Waa-Mu Show, annual musical com- edy, and a niember of Sigma Chi f raternity. 1M'r. Sullivan is a inember of Sigma Nu 'fraternity and of Sextant, lior- ary naval fraternity. All five students were graduat1edl. from the New Trier high school. . Arlington Golf Club Calîs tO "Round-up", *On Saturdav, June 23 the Arling- ton Count ry cl ub mielnlers will p lay host to their friends at one oifIthe i most interesting invitatioiial tourna- iment s on the Chiicago distri1ct calen- der, . knowvn as the Buffailo- Creek, Iround-up. 1.A schiedule of events, with an ar- ray of prizes await both miemibers and guests. In addition to thes WINNETKÀ Chestaut and Oak Streets Phne Wimoetka 3020 WEST WINNETKA 180 WiIlow Road Phone Winuetka 2049, "Matt"~ Lilig, Maniager HUBBARD WOODS Linden at Gage Phone Winnetka 76 tN/ IOChureh S M 4 E.m st., lnnetka wlnnm. 579 1, Maaagr