* .0 <J f. c H'OSIERY..SALE I. Ail ilkful f«kh&i 3'*4i. 8JU * IFELTMAN & CUR MEI IOur New LocaI'ionÉ-619 Davis St., Evansion 1749 HIoward Street 1~ Songs by Louise Ayres Garnett. distipzinithed Evaiiston composer, ZC4II, Il., sung by John EiWot. polpu!ar Chicago fenor, at a cham ber rusic recital ti bi, liven by the Sivigart Trio Sundav cvtening~, lune 17, ai 8 o'clock, at the home of Ru(t/wda L. Preizel, 1035 Biif rond, Glencoe. The rec iai is openu music evening two weeks ago brought such enthusiastic' response and large attendance that it is suggested, patrons. wyho plan to attend miake reservatioîis in advance for this Sunday's recital. 're work of the trio is excep)tional,. for the three artists-George Swigart, vio- linist, Estelle Swigart, 'celiist, anid Pauline. Manchester, pianist;I have beeni playing together continually for three years, until they have achieved an en-~ semble which nears perfection. Their play ing . is sensitive, musical, and high- 1V n,, J4e ,PTRESS, I WLMETTE GOLF CLUBJ I Lake Avenue at Harms Road Cavatina froin "Faust".......-Gounod -_________ Moigen .,...... . .....Strauss Mr. Eltot John Cassing, son of Mr. and Mrs. V Edward Cassiuig, 326 Oxford road, Trio in D Minor.. ........ Mendelssohn Kenilworth, returned on Tuesday of .Andantte, Scherzo Finale;, Trio ln G Minor.......Blmetuina Iast week fromi the University of. Swlgart Trio Illinois for bis summer vacation. Smat ,nowluzut uoaada-hlgh Sr low heel; b.autfully tzmmeid' with dlty kid tKppýg-canb. tiated to match y7our enoeumle.