Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1934, p. 38

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Invites to Free TaIk on Evergreens .fre.e lecture on "Sunîmiier Care of Evergreenis" ýis to b1 given at '3 o'clockModa , [une 18, ini the N1ýorth ,Shore Garden center rooni at MVin- netka Conînîtitv H , Iouse. 'l'lie Speaker is a great authority. .On ail .kitnds of -,planting. .Arthur Palmigren, l)resi(lent of the l.ii-, nois' Nurseryineii's association. The Gardenî center, is, sponsor- ing the lecture ai denî phasýizes the point 'that. evervone is i- vite(i to. hear Mr. Ialnîgren., freof charge. Seventeen clubs have joiiucd the center, covering the north shore troni Lake, Bluff to' Evanstoni, inclusive, and including 1Barringtoia on the we.,t. A neW project of the center is the' planting of* flowers, around the foun- tain near the Conimunity Ëlouse,,ilali entrance. Mrs. Robert Hl. Gardner. and bIer. helpers are' selecting flowers withiîî the reach' of anyone's pocketbook. and are endeavoring to show how these may be arrangedl artistically.. Helping owners of small gardens tô niake the best use, of the space and means at their disposal is the main object of the center. Experts in varions phases of garden work give free advice every .Monday, in ' the center's rooni at Community House. The North Shore center, which is just onîe month old, received a great, deal of attention at the. annual- con- vention of the National Council of State Garden, Club Federations, held, fn Grand' Rapids last week. Mrs. Cyrus H. Vail of East Orange, N. J., garden center chairman of the'Coun- cil, referred -to it as the "infant?' center,' and made quite a feature of Vist College Lounge The O. 1. Larsens, formerly., of. Winnetka, recently moved to 1301 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette. Ka rmïýr- W'tgei' 5tUii !>e'Cf >iadi, eQrlY 1h 's Wý,ci,'for- Ai lirst il l f"li çunzmcr partie. s/wflsir- ",f the 1io)a' (îd f Il lit' Por this gala icvcuf. il. orcsi' .lI~s !~îîcî-f. I'oîuîq ýof; 218 l)ià /'c phc<'zca. lsiab(irui. Junior Branch of Junior Scliool Enterfains Mothers On Friday, June 8, the Junior branch. 1if the Friends of Chicago Junior. School gave. a musical andtea in1 honor of. thà mothers of the grpup,memibers ýatth homte of Mrs., Ferdinand, A. Bunte, social chairman of the organization. A. business, meeting preceded the mu- sical at which the followinig- officers were- electrd: Miss Dorothy Campbell of- \Vlmette 'president;-, Mrs. George Holmes, vice-president;, Miss Jane Hyjuers, secretary; Mrs. R W. John- son, treasurer, al. of whoin are froni Evanston, and Mrs. W., R. Tobey of Giencoe, social chairnian. Reading Circle Meeting Mrs. Shelby M. Singleton, 1104 Forest avenue, will have the meeting of ber Reading circle Monday after- noon, Junie 18;, at 1:15 o'clock. The Baptist Woman's society clos- ed its t,%,',it-seconid vear of 'V"entur- inig wjth Christ," with a tea and iii- stailation. of officers Friday, Junie 8, at 2 o'clock, the link chairmen acting as, hostesses. ,.Mr*. . Grubn is the iiew president;- Mrs. F. G. Guth- ri(lge, thé vice-l)resi(lent; Mrs. G. ýD. .\llison, sccretarv; Maude Segsworth. treasurer. Comnîittee, chairmen are, Mrs. E Mfeler. program; Mrs. C. H. Joues. nis sionary education:. Mrs. :Howard- Boweni. reading;, Mrs. E. Phelps, Chris'tian Americanization; Mrs. C. V. Clark. white cross; Mrs. Clarence, Clarke. menîbership; Mrs. Johni Dav- is. social; Mrs. Arthur Youngberg, calling.; Mrs. George Conlce, lunch- coil and dinner Mrs. George Green, cèivics; Mrs. Oscar Schmidt, house; MIrs. Percy Ardein, flower ; Nrs. Paul M . Stade. -nxusic; Mrs.- R. E. Dal- -,trom, publicity; Mrs. joseph Dingle, Old'People's home; Mrs. E. A.aClaar, *child-ren's home. 'l'le society wilI have social gath-w erings tbr-oughout, the . summer, n otices of which will appear, in WiL- %IÉflE LWEF. The *installaticin, in* charge of Mrs.. W. S.: C ampbell, was in the form of a candie éeremiony,, with responses. from a, quartet consisting of Mrs. J.C. Belaylock, Mrs. E., Meier, and Mrs. W. D. Millard and Miss Jean Campbell. Mrs. F. Paul 1-anghorne, president of' the mission union, gave the devo- tionals. S. A. E. Group ta Fete. Femiies of Graduates The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Mothers club is arranging a tea' for the fani- ilies of their gradéuates at. North-, western university. Theë tea'is to'be given ini the cloister garden of the* National Sigma Alpha Epsilon temple nEvanston, Friday, june 15.. Mrs. WVilliamn B. Pavey of \Vin- tietka is chairman for the tea asssted INr. Whiîte was best man, Mr. H-us- ting was an usher. A reception at the Pennsylvania hotel followed the ceremony. After a stay at the sum- mer home of the bride's parents at Boothbay Harbor, Maine, the Kings will live in Evaniston. Board Lounge with Luncheon Saturday Saturday, June 16, wvi1l be the daté o'f the fo*rmiai openilag the.. Wornan's Collége Board lotunge on the ground floor of the, Social. Science building at A ,Centuir% of Progress. On that <las the, înimbers of the board ,,-Io rel)resent the twenty-one coll1eges participatig on the boar1. wîill meet at noon-tinie t() view the perinanient, furni- titre. anid decora.tions. After thi.sý they vI proceed to- the Science. ,)uiding an(I have lutncliconi there ini the Trustees lou1nge. SSaturday has been chosen for this event because it is College Board day. On that day memblers of thu board will serve as hostesses. T'hcy will be Mrs. Francis E. Broomeli. general chairman of hostesses; Mrs. Walter G.- Warren, chairman of the personnel committee; Mrs. J aine! ,Madison Stifler, chairman of the, admnissionis committee;, and Mrt s. ,Whipple Jacobs, chairman of Vasser hostesses. June 13, was Wellesley day at it.he College Board lounge, the hostess ,e,, being Miss :Emily Goehst, Miss \Tir- ginia Park, Mrs. Fredrck A. Peitzsch., and Mrs. Francis E. Brooniell. Thursday of thisweek, June 14, is Wells day, and its representatives, are Mrs. W. Z. Pooley, Mrs. Will- Bunneil, Miss Alice Barier, and Miss -Julia Martin. Theý foliowtin.r hostesses, W:111represent, their cot- leges. during the coming.eight days june: 15,. Western day, Miss Dorie, Jane Green, Miss Harriet Doit, Mrs. 4. ýL.. Bomberger, Miss :Marjorie Bomberger';, Saturday, June1 16. formai opening, hostesses given above; June 17, Bernard day, Mrs. R. J. Dobler, Jr.. Miss Sue Osmoth- eriy, Miss V. ManderfeId, Miss H. Maclean; June 18, Bryn Mawr day. Mrs. John W. Brown, Mrs. S.:'S. Gregory, Jr., Mrs. James L.Hotwhli Hostess at Luncheon .Mrs. W., Wallace Kerr, 707 Fore..t avenue, e nte rt ai n ed twentv-fivc guests from La Porte, Ind., at lunch- eon Saturday. They were mostly members of a literary and dramatic club which was organized wvhen MNrs. Kerr wvas, in high school. *1

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