Robert S. KeIIing Married on June 9 Miss Cathierine Frances Leary of Wilinette wore a, white silk princess dres when she becane, the bride last Saturday morning, of Robert S. 'Kelling, also of Wilniette. Her white tulle veil, caught with orange blossoms, was attached to a cal) with a face veil. She carried a large bouquet of white roses and liles of the valley. Miss Eileen Leary,, the bride's sister, as the maid of honor, wore a pale green mousseline-de-Soie dress with'a green sash, a matching horse- hair bat, green,'slippées, and long green organdy gloves. The bride- rnaids, Miss Maxine Kelling, sister. of the iMegroom.i. and Miss Maia Condy of Wiltnette, wore yellow mousseline -de -soie, and yellow bats, and green slippers. AIl tbe attendants carried 1 bouquets of taiîsman roses and blue delphinium. Tbe bride's mother, Mrs. William D. Leary, wore black and white chiffon, a black horsebair bat, and a shoulder corsage of gardenias. The groom's mother, Mns. M. J. Kelling wore a dustv pink gown and.a large French precedeUd y severai slo D Tn bride's maternai uncle, joseph Kutten of Wilmette, baritone, who sang "Oh, Promise Me," "I Love You Truly," ami "Ave Maria' by Rosewick. The altar of the church was decor- ated wtb .Pink and white, peonies, palms, and ferrus. Serv ing IMr. Keli- ing as best man was Walter Somer- ville of Chicago, while the ushers were Charles F. Lauer of Wilmette and Herbert J. Prussing, Jr. of Ken- inwortb. ledding Colors. Green and. White Photo by J. H. Coquille The ouldoor pool ai Knollwood Country club zvill bc the ccenter of activities of a functioi planmed by the' Christ ch.urch guild for lunpte 20. Bridge tables zvill bc set up at one end of the pool, near a group of cabanas, and a prize «'iii be au'arded at each of the' tables, il is apnonowced. Sm*iminig in the' pool zviIl bc one' of the major attractions of thc part v. and luncheon wiill bce another, this being an all-day a.ffair. T1he marriage of Bernice Rose Wieland, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Wieland of 1111 Sheridan road, to Paul Edward Kling of Chi- cago took place Saturday afternoon at .4, o'clock, in the garden of thie summer home of the bride's parents atPistakee Bay,_III. Rev, Rudolph John of St. Paul's Lutheran churchi in Chicago officiated. The bride hiad but one attendant, the bidegroom's sister. Mrs. Arthur Harrison. M r; Mrs.. Richard M. Corbett of ýNin- netka, president of the Wrangler auxiliary since the organization of that group last faîl, was reelected to the presidency at the annual meeting held early this mnonth at the Wrang- 1er house in Evanston.. Mrs. Pau!. Gilbert of Kenilworth is the inew vice-. president; Mrs. Walter, Paulison of Evanston, recording secretary; Mrs." Wallace Rigby of Evanston, cornes- ponding secretary; and Mrs.. John \Vhite and' green fornied the keynote of- color af the wedding> f ..Iis.s Dorothy Dayton o>f Wil'- niette and Beresford Ellsworth, ec.k (of F.vanstoni, which took 1l)lace Iast, Tuesday, evening ini the ch apel of the First Method- ist. EpIiscop)al' church, Eranston. .%Ilhouigl h te 1)ride %worc .a L-anivini gowvn of blush satin lier attend(ants, wore various shades of grcen andi carried , vhit(k flow~ers, chieflv stock. liîe Iride's gowvn was, iashioncd< aàlong princess Iiues with a cowl neck.' long tight,,fittjing sleeves, and a train. Her tul.1le *vel* formed a smnall corot and was caught at the back of the neck with orange blossomis.. Also at- tachied to the veil and forming a court train ivas an exquisite panel of very fine lace, whichi had heen tire veil of the 'bride's miother The brid- ai bouquet was of gardenlias and lilies of the valley. The mnaid of honor, Miss Peggy- Belden of Minneapolis, wvore . an em- pire green chiffon gow ri embroidered with Ihues of the vallev. The brides- mnaids, Miss Joan Walker and Miss Anne Mfilîs of Highland Park wore spring green, and Miss Peggy Gil- Jette of Mfinneapolis and 'Miss jean Dunibar of Wheaton wore Nile green. They ail had 'on slippers and gloves to match their respective gownis, and each .wore a crescent of seed pearls' at the back of the head. The brid's. miother, Mrs. Burt J. Denmnan, wore aBois de -rose lace gown, slippIrs t ,match, and a corsage' of white -or- chids. The bridegroomi's mother. ýMrs. William D.. Beck *as iipeacli colored lacei. The marriage ceremony was per- formed byv Dr. Ernest F. Tittle at 8 o'clock, and afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Denuman gave a reception at their of the i, told e by th ment pf 'aio of the go ,fied of adulte, e goverfiment inà the emergency nursery ,ut the country, and 1being donc in the [ication.. Peggy Lou Doering of 1335 Chest- nut avenue, Ieft Sunday on a, two. wceks' -visit -to Mansfield, Ohio. dessert hr bers and, v at a gardcu Party and e at 1:30 o'olock. Miem- nde are invited. Mrs. David F. Hall will be hostess at her bomne, 809 Central avenue, Fri- day evening of this week. at a small dinner party given in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Miller, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. James Hewitt, Jr. Her, son, Carl Hall, served as best man at Mr. MilIer's wedding, in* Apeil.