ThaC's why "we sy TyGas Heat 'without investing a cent for equimn-h1 eiei you want this'great convenie .nce in your home." ITT COSTSus real mone y t makeý Jthis offer. But we -do it because we know from experience that every home cani now: afford.ïw heat Wih .gas. 20,000. fam- ilies in the Chicago area accepted this offer and cried gas hea- now they wouldn',c be withou, it.. Forget you have a furnace For gas heat is such &cobmf.ort and conveniencein any home. Ir cakes away the labor of sboveling coal and hauing ashes, the niuisance of getting Up ar daybreak to ix the furnace, the neyer ending watching, waiting and regulatinf to keep the bouse ar healrhfu, comfortable remperacures. With gas hear, the temperature is as you want it, day and night, ail season long. Just adjust the littie thermostat on the wali for any heat you wanr. Gas hear is cdean. You save ime and labor ini duscing, save money in cieaning on walls, ciir- tains, draperies; and you need decorate iess ofcen. At new low raeyou'Il be amazed at how, reasonable> gas -hear is in cost. Remember, cthousands of users can't be wrong. To prove char every home can now aford to heat with gas, wýe'lI instali irt in your present furnace. or bolier at our expense. You can, cry ir one m onth, iwo monchs, a year. If wirhin the first year you find you don't like gas hear, we'il remove ir ar ouf expense and re- place your former heating equ*P- ment in good workmanlike order. White you are trying gas heat, you p ay only $3 a month rentai on t euipment in the average home, for the nine hearirig months.When you decide to keep, gas hear, the rentai you have paid applies on the puirchase price of th e equiment. The rentai charge is inc[uded with the bilfor the gas yQU use. . 1 b Gas Heating Division _PU9LIC SIERVICE COMPANY op NOMI#HERN ILLINOIS JU N E.4, 193 4 ~~1e e>p leee es estimate on fleating your hiome witb gas. i