Wid lnthe i Price A Warrior iBOod.....-e... ......url Dreaboatjack Bracken Cri Eugenia Church. Little Harp Player .......... Goodrich Betty .effrles Marchtng........ ......... Curtis Original Melody Lucille Hal LuIlabye.......... ........ Curtis limogene Wengler P1xles, Gavotte ............... Brown Plies' Goodnlgbt Sonig....... Brown Curous Story.............. Heller Bud Cline Sonta-C mJr(jet nvmt)..- Tu îes...... ..Matthews. Betty Houser -Howard Tanner of Berlin, Wis., was the gUest last week of Bert Mor- Ïtz of 26: Warwiick road,,Keniiwrth.. 1560 Sturman Ave. Iuni.-3444. WUDE RANGE FYter, lottrit Suil Syse Monday to Sa$urday i15C to 6:30 p i ft,.w. ODOn S&L 12:30 P. M THURS-FRI., JUNE 14-15 S pencer Trcy-Madige &ans, «THE, SHOW OFF' * Eugene. U yPhoto Henry, Foivler (le fi), >.1404 Porest avenue,, w electedi presidenlt of the Wilmette Park.boërd Wt the annual meetingj of that body Mopida.y ,,ielt. LHe ha: been a member of the board for fifteen years. Miles B. Geringer, 1000û Michigan avenue, uwz appointed by the Park board Moiiday iiht as'Com- misMotter tu .1111 the unexpired lerin of. Louis K. Giflsn res:qnied.. VISIT 1IN EAST Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Demmon,. 310 Raleigh -road, Kenilworth, re-ý turned Thursday of last week from the east. They motored to Hanover, N. H., to get their son Clinton, Jr., and took bim witb them f0 spend the week-end in Boston wbere they at- tended the annual business meeting of The First Church of Christ, Scien-. trnt. in Boston. after which tbey too !returned- frotu Los Angeles where É he visited ber sisters, Mrs. A. P. -Thir.y and Mrs. J. M. Carson. An- Iother sister,. Mrs. G. C. Davis of Kalamazoo, Mich., went with ber. Mrs. A. M. Thomk rld, M. J., left Monda ter a month's visit w -r and family, the R4 14l Greenwood aven ns. of Bloom-. y of last week ith ber daugh- ger Briggs of What's Brewste r Car? Roi taPlenty of Ford in I s tagiant Ford or a Liliptitiati RIsRoyce -, That is the questioxl being .asked by people who are inter- ested ini the new" Brewster car, preparations for the marketing oi which are being completed by Brews- ter & Co., a Rolls-Royce of America subsidiary. The new car is to sell for $,500, as Jack's mother, Doris'LJetIoff as the old woman, Mary Minor as the giant's ivif e, and Mary Everitt as the giant.- This performance is open fo the public. Even more unusual. wilI be the presentation by these young people of two scenes from William Shake- spae' Taming of the Shrew," in wbich Mary Everitt will appear as Petruchio and: Vivian Engle' as Katherina. Alice Ruth Berlin will be presented in "Foolish Questions" and l"saacsteini's Busy..Day," and Mary Minor in, "I'se:a Lil Niggah Baby." Mliss La Rue has been assisted in lier.work, by Bernard CooperJ direc- tor of the. Medinah Little, Theatre Guild, who has al so been doing. out- standing work ' in' the field of acting at Northwestern. university. Under the cooperativet direction of Miss La Rue and Mr; Cooper there wvill be offered, for five weeks only, a special -summer's course- in creative dra- jmatics. the pupils will create their 1own play and -plot aroiand the leghaId of King -M idas.,and his Golden Touch. i I I tha: it 15 a giant Pr r, ucause ix e mploys- the ýFord chassiç, with Ford' springs, motor, clutch, wheeis, axies, etc. And that surely makes it. largely Ford. The body may be Brewster or some other make, but tbat it is ,a whiz of a body no one will dispute. It is an aristocrat through and through-must be f0 command that price. he chassis bas been length- 'Marionettes to-'Featg're Community Tlzeater Film Twenty years ago a young journal- ist iii Rone. invited haîf a dozen friends to bis homne to view a Puppet show be haci created in his l 'eisure hours. Today the samne liftte wooden actors are performing a spectacular Podrecca's Piccoli Marionettes have traveled a loÏng and ad.venturous road from a makeshift platform in Podrecca's modest living rootu to a great sound stage in Hollyw'ood where they furnished. the background for one of the miost unusual pietes yot, screened. A delightful and., unusual photoplay," says Mae Tinee in the, Chicago Tribune, "that sbouid appeal, 413 Linden Avenu. Phono W~.lm.ff. 4120 aolpn Lugel oiZIU upee Uiac e., I William Williamns, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Williams of 211 Essex road, Kenilworth, is returning today f rom Ithaca, N Y., where hie attends Corneil. .413 Lindon Avenue .Ph 1 ip'n'e. Mrilme'40 4120