Deadl1àa for advertiuements wiIlb. mc- DeadlinET forBI.sLrtEoor-cePted Up to Tueedayo 9 p. m. for WILETT LF rail thréee PaPers Wednesday 9- p M. for WWNETKA TALE andi Thursday 5 p. M. flor GLENCOE NEWS. TelePhones: Wiimette 4300, Wilnnetk&, 1000 <Wlnntka 500 A.tter.8 P. M.)$ Greenlef 4300 or Sheidrake ,5681. WlrLL PERSON ,WHOl FPO0UNMD Mother's Day box centaining pInk ceedres, slip, etc.,. on Friday in Winnetka please return te Mrs. J. C. Risk 787 Foxdale. Ave., Winnetka. ]Re- WILL TUE BOY WHO BY MISTAKE took bicYcle frem Lake Front Park bemch, Wlnrnetka,. Saturday. June 9. Please .comnmuni1cate with Jamie Pien- treas, Winnetka,41. 3LTNG-ltc ;O-ST - WIRE ýHAIRE D TERRIERt, ail white, but black spot on tail and bea.d. Winnetka, license lNo. 929. An- Mst teNosey." Phone Winnetka 1243. >3LTNC-ltc 1I41T - WI-IE HI4UED PIPPT, 4 mo. ol~d. White. rhwa~i1n,.i nu n t ;Wers te.mne 'Pepî eNo. 383. Phone G] ALE WIRE HAIR1 Lnd white. Nameý YOUR HOME! LIUT US KODERNIZE TOUR HOME! 1Bassinent recreation roms, additions, attie modernization, home repa iinur ln 11 branches. No job tee e mali,. Seasen- abie low picés. We -have bult more tlaa 100 home» on the north shere and know our business! F..H. GATHERCOAL 1611 Hlgbiand Ave.._ Wilmette, 111. Phone Wilmette. 225 COLLETTE SOEURS DIESIGNRSf & MAXERS GOWnu -WrÉap.9- Suite - -Coats Oritinl - v Ceid styled *- Altered 833 Ehnü. St. Winnetka 1011 22LT6-ltp FARM PRODUCE MrSSION CREST POULTRY PARU Preducers oet FRESH DRESSED POULTRY'AND QUALITY EGGS for particular peopie.. TEL. NORTHBRýCO 210-A-2 24LTN46-4tp FOR SA-LE.--POWER LAWNMOWIE Ccomnpletely . verhauied an~d sharpene Carnies same guarantee as n« Pniced teo eIl. Call Winnetka 180., 27LTN6-: le ANNUA. Bedding,%I A. D. Plit, Oakten St.,1 xesl, and !ape r FAMILY LAUNDRY CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED GLENCOE 73 34LTN6-4tl, WASHING TO TAKE HOME. WILL 1 au lfor. and'deliver. Phonü Wilixette: 3479'. 34LTN6-ltc PAINIiNa AND DECORATiENG Païint, Paper 5 Rms,,, $34-150 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP tel. 'w. tp .vit e iKepaîv tuyiniIg used ln the home. Phone Winn. 1040. ROBOT SHOP, 1083 G4AGE ST. 6ILTN6-ltp SEgwiNG MACHi IE RCÎPAIRIN SEWING MACHINES AND. VACUUM ICLEANERS. AL L kinda repaired. Establisbied more than flfty Years are. NOW located i Wl-' meitte. L. E. Blunt, Tl Wlete754 or 4368. :53LTN429-tfe UPHOLSTERtY AND SI COVERS SLIP .COVERS. Draperies and curtainu made te order. Expert workmanàhip.> Ph. Giencop 1419. 58LTN4-4tp * WgARING APPARIEL, Clevier, Winnetkans ARE ýCONVERTING THEIR GOOT) but misfit garments and furniture iii- te cash. We. wili seli your don't want, can't'use -or. eut gronn articles. Cal Mrs. George Van Filt, Winnetkà 2067 for appraisai, 970.Linden Avenue. 59LTN8;-ltp BEAUTIFUL WHITE DRESS SUIT- able for graduation. Aiso other dtresses. Site 16 te 20. Phone Winnetka 2976. 59L-ltp - LOANS ON AUTOMOBfÎES- S. Confidenitial service, leral rates als. MOTOR LOAN CO. 727 Itp State ]Ba.nk Bldg., Evansten Gre. 32 65LTN36-t - ir^liy SITUATIW WANT-FEMALEl P aulînie's tEmp. Agency WILMETTE. 2171 Foôurth and Linden Opposite L Ter. 68LTN47-tfe EXPERIENCED HELP--, WE SPECIALIZE IN' HIGH GRADE demestic help, ail nationalities. No charge te employers. References Investi- gated. Under State supervision. 1Reinhart's -Empi. Agency 748 Elin St. Winfletka 3399. RiTLT2Eitfe or hour. Phone Winnetk1552h~.* 6l*L-ltp YOUNG MARRIED MAN, WHITE, wants positiou as chauffeur, housemian and gardener or any house repair work. 5 yrs. exp. on,,N. S, Ph. .Winnetka 3863. 69L6-ltp EýXPERIENCED JAPANESE. GEN- erai 4-ousework. Good cook,- useful and rellabie. Best reference. Greenleat 1020. _____ 69LTN6-Itp CHAUFFEUR, HOUSEMAN, OR AXY. kind of steady eznpioyment;. 'hanidy with *tools; by rellable man; A-1 ref. Lewis, Fairfax .4185. 69LTN6-ltp SEr'. WTD.-MALE AND FIEMALE CàrIs on's Emp. Agcncy' 304 ELM STREET INNET}CA 3328 RELIA.BLE HELP -Ail domestie positions NO CMARGE TO FEMPLOYERS 70LTN1-tfc, YOUNG. LIGHT COLORED COUPLE.ý experienced chauffeur, houseman,.but- 1er. Wifie good cook. 17 Mo. last place. Phone Glencoe 322. 70L6-ltp HELP WANTED--FEMALEg GIRLS! GIRLS!, ,$16 Gen. 2 adults, 1ildi. no 1aundry. $12 Gen. 2 adults, 2 children, ne Idry. $15 Cook, lst fir. Family of 5 adulte. $12 Second. 3 adulte. $12 Gen. 2 adults, 2 cblidren, somne ldry. Many geod positions for $10. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 71LTN6-lto AGE NTSXVANTED ON NORT 'H SHORE'TO INTRODUCE .perfume made Wifthout.alcohol, non- evaporatlng-lasting fragrance. Estab-. Ilsh a profitable business for yourself. Phone Wiimette 2925. 711LTN6-itp WANTý'ED -- EXPERT ENÏCED -MAID. Gen. hsewk., good cook. 4 in family. Good position. $12. 1 Patiline's Enipi. Ageýncy 421 Fiourth St, Wilmette 711,TN6-lte WANýTED-WOMIAN OF E>[PERI- ence in, caring for. young chiidren, who would like to.'aceonlpaiy 5-year-old girl east for. 1jUly and August, Expenses 'paid, plus-,saiary.' Write A-S2, Box* 40, COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED with good references. Appiy in person. ALL EMPLOYi-t.ENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251, 71ILTN13-tfc BEAUTY.OPER ATOR Ail around experience, for north shore shop. State age and exp)erience. Write A-83, Box 40, Wilnette II.- DRESSMAKINC jPiA~iMo UNUNG SITUATION WANl E XPE1UT PIANO TUNING $3. R-CAFER beElMA-NGPair woik guaranteed. 22 years Chiclc- enced. Winuetka n beplning and cutting at your home or erlng. Boston. 1-14C. Thiomas, 517 Fi-wr attm.Cl mine. Ph. Wilmnette 2159. 22LrN5-4tp Vie.r i dge69-R.IrTN-tp ar tme one Wil- WE CAN USE ALL THE D( iTN6-îtp -hIelp we can get. Good IL S-H-A-Y Agcey, 14 W. W; ~!....[Chicago. Central 9800. 71 :XPERI-1 EXPEURIENCED,,WHITE G]: Will . general heusework and laun 69a 3232. 1 family. Home nfights,. Phoine 6L-Ilp 17712. 711