WI LMEITE 151 IVOI Waltluug-pr@appf Dellvery w di WHY MOT LET.SALADS'TOP -ALL:SUMMER MENUS? BartettPeasrs Stemmed and cored-chill and use for refreshing 2 pNo..21/249 LAKE TROUT Delicately tender, especiaily good when-- bakéd and served with fresh tomatoes. I BON ELESS PERCH Ail mnea, no bones, no waste, ail ready to fry.. 1b. 3,7-C WATERM ELONS The first good ones of theý ice for Saturday and Sunday consumption-. season, put one on 49c Wh.'n the. thermom eter rises, th. most: im- portant item in. any luncheon or <linner, menu is the Salad. Whether the choice b. fruit or crisp voetdablesi, you'll find no finer Sélection - an w. have right .hors. Our'. dressingis, too, are ail espe;cially prepar.d and of spro quality. Press are always Iow end=icldedelively. Thos. J.Webb~' Coffee b i 7 POT ROAST OF BEEF A most economical roast, can be. cooked either in the oven 1 or on top of the stove. lb.UiC- Biltor.Chutney. A jarful -of sp icy good ness-delicious with ailt meats, 1 eithér hot or cold. o4z.35 Buaunschweiger Lver Sausage, The reai old-fashioned 27 imported variety. lb.27 CLU& STEAK Wonderfuliy tender, 37C ~perfect service for týwo. l. i SON ELESS VEAL ROAST Tender white meat, fine sliced, for the cold plate,. too. ib. 19C GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Rost veal, corn ýon theý cob and watermelon fo r dessert, what could make a more perfect Sunday dinner.- The corýn: on sale 39 Thursday, Fridayan Saturday. doz.J7C TOMATOES>> For saiads, frying, bro.iling, bakng or just to eât as they are.3 b.19 jeua *a~ vé%cuum cooggD icxony SMOKEDHAM- #4ELLOW AND, TENDU 5-oz. fin 29C Cib 'HOT HOUSE CUCUM-BERS For satads or cooking. 2fôrI5c VALENCIA JUICE ORANGES Squeeze in no, time at al ifyou use a juicer. 5 doz.,85,c TRAGEDY BLUE PLUMS Fine for eating or cooing, large square basket. 45c At a real bargain price. No CarrYing te Do IV. Doliver to Y.. WILME 402 Liinden Avenue Wiu.ette 160-161, WINNETKA 718 EIm Stret Winutkm. SI LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway Buplklnghsim 2000 ROGERS PARK S1508 Jarvis ILo"ro rsk 0114 Orders B rougisite oY.,.. De.. A Il A long thse North Short JUNE 2,13 Plou y. of 'Parking Space