Everythiag for A etemobi le, Rrestoe on'an AdjustmnetBasis' for i TEAR 721 MAIN STREET Phone ViImette 2600-2601 De presenead byMiss Viole. iTne pub- lic is invited, it is annnunced. Pupils taking part wiIl be Clara Kerekes, Allan Thompson, Anita Turck Louise Hickman, jean Pitt-, man, Jean Spanuth,. Mary Jàne Fal- vey, Avice Evanis, Evelyn Thompson. Margaret Kerekes, Josephine Aleksa an& Blanche Weinbergh. Fred Clarke to Addresis meeting in Minneapoli*s Fred M., Clarke, 931 Oakwood ave- nue,, vice-president of* the Institute of Farm Brokers and Managers oéf the National Association' of Real Estate boards, isà to. address th at body on June 27,'the occasion being the annual convention,: which will be held in Minneapolis.. Mr. Clarke, wbo is a member of the Chicago Real Estate board, wilI speak on "6Selling L.ands Today." The Chicago organi- zation is to leave for Minneapolis ,nçxtMcm4ay. by specil train. A'-. Order aions rAVE. I $ Rate roduced on Ail lIns Ab@ve $100. Loaaus $30 t. $100 et rate peraiitted b>' Stêt. Se..1 Lon Law. 0 Fainilien, k.ppmg house, who eau repay monthly, now may borrow $100 to $300 at a real saving. Quick, private sevice. Ouly' husband and v1fe sigu. 20 monthe to repay. Visit, wrltc, or 'phone for information., M0 Church ;OIAL FINANCE, CO. ,et, Evam»to,, Wilmette 4020 MreaefGi, tU m uIC c anaJLI , U.is UVw open ir AIAJI ndersen, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. 10 a. m. to 9 p. mn. Arthur Andersen of 44 Locust road, The Illinois Emergenc.y Relief gave Winnetlca. the library workers to redecorate the building, and the CWA gave personal Mrs. Willis Litteli, 2121 'Beechwood s ervice enough to take a complète in- avenue, 'wi1l be luncheon hostess to ber, ventory,. cut and file the picture col- bridge clb Tuesclay, july 3. b *O * * * I 4 inany I