wil de*iver it, and passing over hie Pupils of Prof. John Dewar wilI wilpreserve it" (Isaiah 31:5). present a dance recital on Tuesday Among. the citatiOns whichi com,- night, June 26, at 8:15 o'clock i Mati prised the lesson-sermion Nvas the fol- hall, Winnetka Community House. lowing f rom the Bible: "Preserve The recital will assumne an interna- me,: O God : for in thee do 1 pu~t my tional aspect in that dances of dif- trust.' Tht Lord is, the portion of ferent countries will be presented. mieinheritance anid of imy 1Cu p: About 75 -children fromthe New 'Trier thou maintainest n lot. 'Thelunes villages are expecteil to take part. arc fallen unto -me ini pleasant places,; Prof. Dewar's pupils,-whio meet every yea, 1 have a goodly heritage.I av aturday afternoon atCmmunity set the Lord. alwavs before mne: 'be- 'Housee have, been favorably' received cause he is at mny riglît hand, 1 shal l i appearances l>.eforte.a: number of floôt be nioved" <Psalms 16: 1, 5. 6, organiizations, including the Winnetka 8). Rotary club. i'lîe lesson-serinon also ýincluded the folloving .passages fromn the Mrs. Alfred L. L.angtr and chit- Christian Science textbook, "Science. dren, 423 Cumnor road, 'Kenilworth, andi Health with. Key to the Scrip-ý are leatéing July 7, to spend the sum- tures.» bv, Mary Baker Eddy:- "Thk m ner at Green Lake, Xis. Mr.Latr divne mdifl thlat imade imatimain- IM-111 spend the, week-ends with'them.ý ata ins Ilis n'vn image andl likeness" ~. arrangement con b. made without exira tuitio-n for swim.ulng and beach play and for individue~listruction in fundemenfal subjects. Limousine service ai moderato fe.. Six week session:. June 18 to July 27. Visit the sci'ooi. Writ or telophone Clore Belle Baker.. Director, Dept. W-2. Sheridan, R@d., lEvanston, Illinois. Telephone: Greenl.af 0221 Rogers Park Il807 Thýe Chi'dre^n School Natio'naI College- Of Education Prize- Winning Phqotos. on Display ait Field's A >trikinigview - 0f the Ci1cago river hv iý0is (;eyler, 17,5 \est Jitcks5)lon boulevard(. Chicago, wvas the %îiner of the' grand prize in the first animal :photographic, contest for amnaütr pllot( graphers staged by the, camiera Cto of. Narsliall Field and COfll)ay. Theprize ining Photo- ral.together with ý others which wvol prizes and honorable mnention in * the coîîtcst, Nwre exhibited ini the rya1room on thée seventhi floor at F àld's loop store .b)egîiing Monldav.. junile 18. Other prize wvînners in the varions classi1fi cations were Mrs. Elsie M. Kevser, San Francisco: Robert Sacks anld Charles Lindsay, Chicago; janies Emmnett, Hinsdale: Arthur Pyfer and Paul 0. Schimidt,. Evaniston ; Mîtldred' M. Keeton. Munsinig, Mic.; or- V-1,i e. ýOak ,Park;;ýýnkFn ner ixl ackCantreil, Chicago;: Wil - liam, 1. Lyon, llarvey-,Harmv H. Larson and L. H. (opelanîd of Chica- go. J udgeýb werc Dr. George Pound- stone,. présidenit of the Chicago * Cailera club; Il. K. Shigeta, of the FL I)earborn Camera club: Miss Eleanor -Jewett, art editor. Chicago Tribune: 1-. M. -Becker of Marshal Field and comipany and Leo. Steffenl, t he phiotographer. Approxomately 1,000 pictures were OIL COMAN WiIIow Roud. West of Skokie DIvd.. Winnel'ka (Plant No. 6), Wilunette 900 PHONES Winntko:855 Fuel .Oil.,Protection MURPHY-MILES FUEL OIL CONTRACTS give the customer the fulf benefit. of prc eductions and protection against excessive increases. MURPHY-MILES COMPLETE SERVICE covers al desirable features of modern, fuel oil distribution, giving you a maximum value for your money. *well qualified to speak on that sub- ject, because he was in Russia at the time of the revolutioli and had many thrîlling experiences. He saw active service on the Russian firont cluring the war as a member of the Polar Bear dvsion of the A. E. F. n( PLANT NO. 2 PHONE ROGERS PARK 8300 Kjnmb*U Iand Touhy Avenue& PLANT NO. 4 (Evanstoit) PHONE GREENLEAF 2020 7112 Iimbali Avenu. PLANT NO. PHONES 5{ IMEI WiIowm Rd. (Wst <of SI. 900 emBIvd.)