"Pitck That Bail" shouts the, wearer of this mnanly -basebali cap in sporty colorings. Note the protecting Sun visor and c olor contrast. A .buy et 25c dI did9't raise my boy to be ýa> soldier" ..neverth.l.ss there's a pack of fun in on. of thes. Playboy machine guns, gaily paintod and -modrately priéed >at 98c "«Greenithings groing7 " bn rW ,I .... don't grow so. long when wanna.be, a «nacrobat'!"' on. of thes. toy, Iawn mowors And they can almost1 qualify after begins to do ifs stuff.. This one. a. Summer's bout with one of k bt..........2k these gym.sets* of r.guler $7.45. Ote st c value. Buy on. now at. $6.98 ""Ski fas Tisat Pass" . .. in the doaytimel They are of celluloid and mechanically run and assure heurs of funil Priced at only, . . . .. . . . 59c, Sal Boats, IOc to $1 .50 "Jest toti»' 'round!ý" Carrying thingsinl a wheel- barrow is ever so much more ipod-than Iust carrying them. Thi sturdy. littie model k $1. 19 Others from 89e to $1,.49 «We were rolrng alon g"- *.on what looks lik. 'a sied but is in reality a sçtMling coaster witk bell bearings-a nd a guidng stick., More fun than anything, and just ... ....$1 .98 f4J e're goipsg streamline"p ia Tootsie toy train set pat- tern.d after the one the. young- sters wiII, sec wh.n they visit A Century of Progress. What aà thrill they will havel Set. ....25 WJEBOLDT'S-E o. Devis St..tt "-juWnm s wUEBOLàDTs MoNTH EN EVANSTON", FON WiImette 1100 JUNE i 1,193j4