Becomes Bride of The- wedding of Miss Barbara Holden, daughter of Mr. 'and.. .Mrs. Sanford S. 1-olden of 527 Warwick road, Kenilworth,: to William Linton Searle. ofEv anston, sonof Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Searle of Pittsbutgli, took place Saturday.eveningý at,8:30 .o'clock in. the >preseiice of, the immediate families. Dr. Herbe'rtý L. Willett officiated. A reception followed. The bride wore- white satin:fashion- ed with 'a long train. Hertulle veil was bordered. with rosepoint lace' which was used on ber mother's wed- ding gown. White roses and lilies of the valley -formed lher shower bou- quet. The mati-on of honor, Mrs. Ricl- ard T. Scott (Jane Wilson) wore peach colored organza ovelr tafffeta, with a smnall hat to match, -and car- ried a muf of wliitedaisi es and, tali s- man roses-.The brides twin sist-ers- Jane and lHelen, attended lier as bridesmaids, wearing pale yellow or- ganza over taffeta witb matching hats and carried muifs sinijiar to that of tlhe matroný of honor. The, Mrs. Holden -va.s dressed ini dusty pink crepe with a corsage. of orchids. The bridegroorn's mother. wore flowerced chliffon 'with a, shouilder bouquet of gardenias. John Searle served lilshrother as best man., The ceremiony took p lace in the living roonil)efore an improvised altar of ferns ' At each side stood a tal.- eight-Iigbt candelabra holding White tapers and a taîl standard filled with White peonies,' g psophi*la and W ~ hite annual larkspur. WVhite roses w ere.' arranged in the muisic, roorn where ýthe orchestra plaved, and iwhite. iris and gypsophila were in the din- ing room with the all-wb.ite bridaI table wjth its white »lace clôth, its * candies, and its three-ticred weddiîîg cake. Mr. Searle and bis bride left on a CroçPhot Ke;uilî(,or/lh s/tarcs iM t/e lisi of June brides .fkrough the. ntarriagje of Mliss Barbara, Ho/den and 1'Vl- liain Lin ton Searle of Evanston Saturday evening, June 16, inIi lle Ways, MeanIs Chà memn Gives' Luncheon> Mrs. Thomias P. Gibbons, 1500 Forest 'avenue, w ias hostess at lunch. con and bridge at Xestnoreland Country club last Saturday for mem- mers Guesis of Daughte The Honorable and Mrs. John1 Summers of Washington, D. C.,a .spending several inonths with thl daughter, Mrs. James Wither, (Hope Summers), 128 Dupe. pla( Wilmette., Mr. Sumniers is ,nÉ temporarily in the state of Washin ton (Wbere he is congressman frc the fourth 'district) camfpaigningf his next term. On june,9, 'Mrs. Summers and'M Witherell were guests at a lunche( given at the Rockford Counîtry eh by Mrs. Benjamin .F. Harper ai Mrs. R&ôyairW. rwin of Chicag formely of Rockf ord, in ý honior Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg of, Mjc' igan, wife of Senator Vanidenber who delivered the, commencemec address at Rockford. college. t ber denberg's, daughter being a me:i btof the, graduating class.. T here were -one. hundred 'gue. Lpresent at the luncheon,' and.Mr Sulmmers wvas second honorary gue because of lier long standin g-frictu ship wiîth Mrs. Vandenberg. A pr% kgrami of songs ia.s given by Mi Ruby Spencer Lyon of, Evansto (lramatic, soprano, -accoxnpaniedl Mrs. William H. Barries, pianist, ai of Evanston. Mr-ls. Witherell reviec cd nd gave cuttings froîn "Tl Grèen Day' Tree," which is now plai ing ig e ok ýOn June 8, Mrs. MNarcus Hobart to Evanst on was hostess at a' lunchec for Mrs. Summners and MNrs. Withei Sunset Ridge Golfers WiII PIay.for Low Nef Low, net -With classes. A,. B, and 1ie be the event at Sunset. Ridg Country club Tuesday, W'omeii;s- go day. Tuesday of this Wveek thé vorn players had an old mnembelr-neýv mer, ber tournamen)t. The eveit' was evi holes usinig haîf the handicap. 0f th o)Id members, Mrs. Adolph Luickc Chicago wvas tlhe. wimnr with a Aý .Mrs. A. R. McCarthy, with' a 56, wo thec prize for the new members. Wedding Another W. are Event of Mid-June eir rel miss. Helen, Mary. Spillane, .ce,an i da uglnter of tMr,.an Mrs. XVil- îg- Iiam James Spillanie of 724> Ash- omland avenue, became. thebrd for of Francis, joseph Oelerich, son rs. of M\r. aniNIMrs. Franik.Oelericli, on also. of Wîilmette, Saturday, Iub j une .16, atý 10 0o'clock High Mass .nd at: St. Francis Xavier chuirch. of The Rev. Bernard Brady per- :Ii- formed the Wedding ceremnýny.. ýrg, The bride wore a gown of wbite. nt, satin with a. train, a tulle veil, whic h he fel f rom a1 cap of rosepoint lace, and m- carried a s hower bouquet of white orc.hids and valley lhues.. sts The bride's sister, Elizabeth, .wasi rs. maid. of honor, wearing a whitec nect id- gowni and a cartwheel hÏat ýof -whi.te rod borsehiair, and carryirig a spray bon. Squet of American -beauty roses and rs. baby's breath. The bridesmaàids-'vere 011 another sister, Dorotby, 't.he bride- bygrooînls sister, Olive Oelerich. 'and 50o Mary Lynch of '.Kenilworth. Thev W-also wore -white- net ., gowns, with 'lewhite .off-the-face bats, 'and' carried y- similar flowers. of Mrs.- Spillane wvas dresscd iii gray' 011 and bline crepe with a shoutlder bou- r-quet of laverider orchids. A.dreso worn by Mrs. Oelerich. After the ceremony, a wedding breakfast for thec immecliate famnilies w'as served at the Edgeivater ]3çach. hotel, theI young, couple departing f rom theré on a mot or trip to Caànada. On. their return they wili make their Cý home in Niles Center.. cil 'en he of 14. Kenilworth WomnnWin Honors in FIower Show Mrs. Mlark Cresap, president of the Kenilworth Garden club, was awarded the sweepstakes prize at the Lake Forest Flower show whichi was held Saturday and Sunday in the riding arena at Onwent.sia club. She sbowed To Entertain Wives Members of the Conversation Club of Wilmette will entertain their wives at a dinner party at Shawnee tomorrow, after wbich W. W. DeBerard will show theý group around the new filtration plant. a recepl road, 1K ley sail will 'be netka.. Briggs hndeti hI1 i m ageU C 10 ig 324 Sherdian day of last week in ýd Mrs. Buck- Char-les Freeman of Europe, and is 'leaving soon for ýer 1, in Win- The guests were friends. field, 1014 Elm- os tess at lunch- ght on Wednes- lionor of Mrs. Evànston, who a trip abroad. all Evanston. The Kenilworth Garden cl ub will. have its next regular meeting Friday in the Horticulturai building at the Century of Progress. Char-les N. 'Evans of Wilmette, supervisor of the rose, exhibit at the Fair, wilI give a talk on roses. The club will have. luncheon. at. the Century clu b. il