In recent months, 1 have noticeci quite a bit of editoril. Comment ýon- cerniîlg these FE'uropeanl starlings which are driviing other songbirds i out when they corne ln. 1 happen to know several peopfle -who are ,bari)or- ing starlings with theý mistakeiibdea that they are blackbirds, and turning out large. broods iiin the classic cri- virons o)f our lovelv suburb. .IFam] sure if they knew these birds hetter, theywould probably feel' more. ike 1 do about it. I atu just passing. this along filVOu for whatever vou think il is worth, because I an sure that manyof vour subscriliers mnight. have missed the editorial c-ýmmeit, on this latest- bird- pest in tht.- papers. * (Signed) H. S.'Orwig ..The United States is threatened with a foreign bird tip which the iinporWt hou'e sp)a rro(W, t he-ealled Engli sh pa- row, Îs a nothing. -Eurupean starlings,. broùght frr<iii England in sinailllots tep Ilassachusetts - and NeW York in 1876, 1890 and 1.410,. now number millions. They ire dénnet- in the east., They hav e învaded the, C~hicago region. They.. have sprýteàidt'C Canada. They have crosàed, the ~iss sippi and a re reported from Iowa and' Minnesota. If allowed toPgo on lunche.k-, ed, they wilI on oe the country., "These bobtailed, blackbirds were ini-: troduced by well-nieaning, ,but is- guided, persans on the theory that they w()uld help destroy siich harînful ilisets as the clover wveevil, thegrshpe and the gypsy nmoth.. They doy <<' littie gôod ln that way. But the hai;t- they do in other wayýs is far gr'ater. "in the frst place, they are dri-%ingý out, wherever they go, our beloyed flitive Amneriean birds, in particular th(e purpie, mnartin, the red-heaided wo<dpecker, the: cardinal aind the [mOurniing dove. fil the second place, they de.stroy large <uin~- tities (of fruit and vegetales. Ini th(, third place, they aire persistent *w'eed- seed, distributors. Ili the 'fourth place,> they carry deadly chicken d~ac.l the fifth place, ne.-ting gregai<'usly la11 vast fiockso. they drop filth ani destroy: whole grove8 0f fine trees. In the sixth1 place,. they are noisyý and altogether l'n-!i lovely. . I short, there is nothing to 1e said in favor of their presence on Ihis i continent. "Jack Miner, ovia' ell-knownV bird lover. has de i-àrdwar (on thien. In Mrs. J. B. Farrior of 'Annapolis, Md., (Marie Boylston) is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyls- ton, 1302 Chestnïat avenue, and wait- ing to be joined by her two daiugh- ters, Mary and Jane, who-bave been attending boarding schools iii 'CaIi- fornia. Lieut enant Commander Far- rier ÎS attached to the. U. S. Naval hospitalat the acadeuy.. PATRONIZE REVJEW ADVRRTISERS THE NjEWEST lA STRAIONT EIGHTj Here'sYourlui*ckatthe PriceYou Con Ny WILMTE53 NO MAN'S LAND, WHN lTTER * AUTylONOI ARB IITDEEWL UILD - TRUIEzn