That's why, WC say, 'Try Gas,*Heat without Investing a cent, for equipment-then decide -if you wgnt this great convenience in your home. ITT . OSTS us real money-to inake Lthis offer. But we do kt because we know from experience that every home ýcan now afford £0 heat' With gias. 20,000 fam- dlies in the Chicago atea accepted tiis. offer and tried gashet- now.they wouldn't be without it. Frget you, have 'a furnace, For gas heat is such.a comfort and convefience in an,home. Irtakes aw&>' the labor of shoveling coal and hauling ashes, the nuisance of gecing ûp at daybreak to fix the furnace, the neyer ending -Watching, waiting and regulating to keep the house at healthful,, comnfortable temperatures. SWith gis heat, the temperature îs as you want it, day and night, ail season long. Just ;adjust the littie thermostat on the wail for IIIvAAy in tains, dr decorate rares, yo i reasonable gas.heat is in cost. Remember, thousands of users, cant be wrong. To proveý that every'home can nowaford tohear with gàs, 'Il instali à in your. present furnace: or boiler at our expense. You can try it one montb, two months, a yjear, If within the first year yoUý fnd you dont like gas heat, we'l remove it at our expense and re- place.your former heating equip- ~met in good woikmisiike oïder. While you are trying gis heat, ouay only $3 a month rentai onteaeuipment in the average home, ?or the nine heating months.When you decdé w keep. gis heat,1 the rentai you have paid applies on the purchase price of the qupent. The rental charge is =nfue with the bill for the gis you use. Act now ricLamug vii wal*ka aperies; and you need nearest P"ublic Servic Iess often. At new low estimate on heating 'uli be amazed at how with gas. Gas Hating Divisioni PUBICSURVICE CoMPAN home i Mo~1 - .