For Appointm.nt. Phone WiImef. 4517 Alb.right Beauty Shop "The North Shore's 'Sifart Beauty Salon" ý,VACATIONAPPARE -for Men.- S Correct styles for'driving, golfing, fishing, ,~. U~!!~.bathinig and summer formai. M'oot Bn tling Tru nks 1- Piece WOOL BATHING SUITS, $1.95 WASHAI3LE SLACKS Pre-shrunk $si95 and$25 BURNS TOGGERY. The Wilmette Store for Men 1164 Wilmette Avenuie WiIxriette 2435 EVERT for your cair Auto Rocker Greasing Quality Ois WashiMg Wetherpru.fing Tire Repairing TEE The dental cliinics have beenl dis- continued for the summer. May report of the Health Centèr: The nurse made 207 houleçcails, and 384. telephone cails; 297 personsi caile tô the he alth center toi see' the nu rse ii regard to some probleni:, 460 school iinspections were madi:twvo- patiènits. ,were sent to hospitals, 66. were, re- ferred, to private ýphysicianis and 75 to dentists; 41 hlours of service %vere given bly Volunteer ý,vorkers of the Hèalth center board., TheHealth center's ai as a coni- niuni 1 ursing serv-ice is to enlighten the public as to better. health stand- ards, to miake' people independent, instead of tlependent., After -al 1a liealthv mincI and bod3,.is alwavs the frst asset toý one's success. The Healtli center,,nurseý is, at the Health center each tlav-from i 1until 2 in the afternoon: telephlonie. \ViI mlette 2402, location, 1901 Schiller street. Wilniete. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMEN 1T Mr. and, Mrs. E. Bachechi of Ev- anston, :announce the> engage ment of. thecir daughter, Lenora, to George \Valkey , Jr., son' of Mi-. and 1Mr s. George.B. Walkey 'of 1607 Lake aveý- nue, Milmette., The vedcing wilIl take place ln the faîl. Mrs. George flurweli and lier two, M-ilss Marjorie and Miss MIiriam Birweli, of Las NMegas. N. M., were guests ail last iýveek of Mrs- C. Rollin SSmiithi, 1728 Highland ave- nue. TlieY are attend ing sme scliool at North.western universtv Chess and Garden club wvho have reg- istered at the water works will assist the head gardener, H. L.. Beach, as individuals, sûbject to bis cali, rather tfhani as a group. 'l'le painting of the niames of the. evegrens.shruhs and flowers on miet- aI sigils to designate ýsuch trees -andi slirubberv on the wvater works prop- erty. andI the paintilng of the chessmen, will- be continued at Vattmain park, un- der the auspices of 'the hanidcraft dle- partînent of the Recreation board, with .,Hap" .Gathercoal as instructor. at 3 p. m. everv Fridav after.ioon. Louis Paul d'Autremont, of Duluth,. Mini.,ý the inventor of the new. game of angel cb ess. wvho demonstrated' andi jexhibited for the first.time. at. the chess, ehbar sect e(l tuofePrrest ate .earhis e a tCen tury iPrres at clb meeting at Vattman iPark Friday afternoon of this ýveek. He wili give. a frëedernonstration t(> oans' who did not see the game asplayed at tht fair. Hé also desires to take photographs of> the outdoor cIess-men the childreti arc de- sigIlng. 'l'le imeetings-- of the Chess and Gar- dIen club are free to anyonie h vse to hielp 'in tihe .Work or toù secure the advanltages of free practical lsevsni, designing,. pai 1ntinig and gardenling. GýO TO, CAMP, Tîn-te northi bdiYs lfký it .n- day for Camp MNin.oc<qua at -Mitoc- qua, Wis. 'rheyl are \Villiam B Pavnie, son of 3,r. and j Mrs.» F. E Payne of 191 V t~ôh avenuie, Glencoe; \Va Itet- Boyle, son of Mr. and MIrs. H. L. Boyle of 620 xor road, Keiiýorthi; and iahants'S. M.\cCoy,, Jr., son of Mr. and Nirs. Charles S.,. [cCo\- of 785 'Willoxv roarL, \Vinnietka.. Dick, Joslin, 240 Essex 'road, Kenil- worth, w~ho is one of the councilors at Owvakonze, camp 'at. Baril Lake, Canada, left Stundayý to assume is .duties there. oseph Jeangerard of XViîinctte libas gone to France to l)ring bi's mother l)ack to live witlh Iimi anti his famiily. J ail other authorized' owed or purchased et THE PUBLIC IS ODIIDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING R0OOM ýp you Iooking smart and weII d in spite of your out-of-door 1 l I 83 vlumenfe Avenue SPECIAL OCENTFRAï HAT CLEANERB Strewi cleaned, IIocked ... soc Panamas. cIeaied, blocked 75o, 9y9%'CCa/IanoDe' Vver 7-ee 18 CENTRAL AVE.WI.536I the Reading g j"" I I $f*95