~4. Thre corner stoie - of the inezu' St JosePh's Paroch'lishoudrcn struict ion on Lake avenue a short distance :east of Ridai, road, is to bc laid .Iuith apProfriate ceremon les at 10 o'clock On Wediiesda ' înoring, July 4. MFonseignieir Biermaii of R aiistoit u4ii plaethe .stoii,u ;'d the Rei-t Mfichael Sesterleieunof Chicago, wzlio grczutip ii St. Joseph's paris/z, will deliz'cr the address. 1Ti.e. irinposing strüctu re, an iarchitect's drazcn whcra 'aS abv is expected tobc be copleted about Sel'ternber 1. It ii being erected at a cosf of $200,000. 7'he Rev. J. .4. Nèunn is ýastor of St. Josephi's CatJ.oIic cinirci,, ze'th zclich the netî' sclrool ýis affiliated. M1rs. William HT. B. Stephens. 019 young men are vvorking in the West- SENIOR PRESIDENT Cntral avenue, had as her guest last ingbiouse exliibit at the Fair. M~r. Miss Helene Nancy Adler, former Monday ber nephew, Carl W. and Mrs. Stephiens will entertain lu- Waldow, and b- is friend, William formally on tbe Fourth of. July for New *Trier' student and Winnetka White, botb -of Pittsburgh. The Mr. Waldow and '.\r. White. resident, was elected president of tbe __________________________________________________________senior class at Sargent's Scbool of, IPhysical Education, Boston univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. Miss Adler C'ADILLACLA4 SA L s the daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Adler, now einga 5000 East End avenue, Cbicago, and EXPERTS was graduated froin New Trier in Cadillac andLa Salle owners may now drive their'cars' to the D-X Service Station and be assured of expert, service by men who have had many years' experience in the servicing of these cars. A complete service by,,men who know how.. SERVICE DflxSTATION Nash S3uit* Expert one SSamuei B. Groves Dies; î.Funeral HeId oh Monday Samnuel B., Groves, 1223 Wilmett.e avenue, died Iast Saturday., Surviv- -ing him are his widow, Clara A., one son, Brenton Groves of Chicago,.,and one daugbter, Mrs. Helen Nicholas, who, with ber husband, liv-es at the Wilmette avenue address. Private funçral servi*ces were held at Scott's funeral home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, Monday morning with the Rev. Hjor- ace G. Smith, formier pastor of the Wilmette Parish .Methodist Episcopal cburch, officiating. Burial was at: Ioudenville,. Ohio. RETURN FROM ANN ARBOR Mrs. Albert Weber and iber rlaugli- ter,' Marv Clarke, of, the Georgia.t hotel, formerly of Wilmiette, returned Fridav fromn Ann Arbor, Mici., wher.e they attended commencement exer- çises at the UJniversity of Michigan. Mary Clarke was a guest at the S. Frank C. Vii 708> CHURCI Wilmeff.4020 STREET, EVANSTON Greenleaf :608,1 of TUE '. 1 1 ý