FridaY, .(une 22,. marked the' 92nd antii ~versary of the birth. of John <-L Hood, familiarl%, kinozk to a haost i'f friends as "Daddv" Hood. Th'e event iias celebrated by his 1iei('idate famnily atf a birthday dûti- ne'r givien at the' Lindce. Tea roon ad participatcd in. by twent y.- four children. giraiidchilàre;i and great-grandchildren. 1 ie V tI11LUA5iM8 ýtjilu cellent health. Me is keeniy interested in the events of the day, both political and agricul 'tural, and is- a devoted fan of A Century* of Progress, to which lie hold5 a season complimentary pass :,Presented to ýhim by the management. N. 4 NEW SOrT-LKÏTE >,( ~ec acle alu.itL ""ELwerà> evety te 1atenun joý eet iir 9 Eyes to see efficiently rneed plenty of light. Eye.5 to see comfortablv demand elimination of alare. And ALMERB CON &COMPANT 105 North Wabash Avenue 18 South LaSalle Street 79 East Jackson Boulevard. 1645 1 Orrington Avenue, Evanstqn.