TO ~ELEBDATI Forbidden ini Wilmette Cmùso et TO EL BR TESuperiritendent of Police Henry on M onda y figkt ONl EN TIM D'IAV Brautigani directs attention to the Ata meeting of the North Shiore. '~± Y~Y~JF~ . Village ord'nance prohlibitirig fire- District Planning commission at the, crckrsan ohe xplosives. As Village hall *i1 Winnetka Monday Makes Plans for Annual Fourth usuai, lie sttates. cliildren and grown- eening an order Wvas. placéd with of July Observne Dne ups are violaiing the law, and orders WidsadMrho nta 0for Is ehduedfo Eenng have beenl issued to ail police officers a base map which, is, to be the basis sShdldfrEei'. to arrestaIl persons setting off>such for the rkoth vaosco- Peter J. 'Huerter Post 'No.69 explosives. Parents of smaller chu- Mâtéees of the commission., Anîrian ~eioi, s mkig 69.dren are cautioned ag-ainst buving The commission president,, Arthur Ainrîcn Lgiâ, s iakingarrange the prohibited noise-inakers for their Lee of Wilmette, re port ed that Rob- nlients for \N'iliette'oiily bsrvnc oungsters. Older peisons will bceerKigr of\inta directoe of:th liiàaiun's lirtliday aîîîîiversarý.. a rrested andof the public 111 Coopération .%itli its w0ti~l's _____t___________e________ îd department of ubicworks ________ _______buildinigs of the State: of Illinois auxiliar, the Huerter Post is plan-i-aid ielrconedatriy n iiing for an' aft ernoon and ev%-enîn*lg!F re fS tudthe commissioin's programp, has c of ol-fslîone obervace.iiiw hc hcepted a position on, its annexation gaines Of varîous kinds will be an ini- Storm Is Feit Hère andi boundaries committe portant feature. There' will be ice1..; -m tec-i creain. leinomade, popcorn. and aI-I hiiinu %% ith al Chicagoland, The ommision diused7 thertraf- 4she accouteifments of an outdoor-ce le- \Yilrnetie, vas, visited bv a destruc- fic polmo ot 7 rSoi bration, not forgettiîîg, cane racks tîve stori Saturdav nighit that felled bigh%%ia-t,, particularly relating to haz- d'wi eti ght a odtnswich prevail atin' au< bols lee.vron iid ftrees and lroke dinelecr doscnitosn nieclindie wll e o (lsplv. and telephione ivires iii ail parts of' tersectioiis with GlenvieWv road, Lake FrnkKele. 00Sitent sre ! the village. In some cases streets avenue, Willow road. and' Dundee' is n carg of tî'e arrngeent, ere blocked bY. large trees which road. and will urge the state division iinthae 1(1 GrossaPoingemeoot,.,hadfallen -across t-be thioroughfare.s. co-f Iighways to .provide actuated ~Wlï1eavenu.le. on c-half block Soine freak results w'ere nioted. Iin traffic lîghts at these points, i a de- wet f ide oa.wil e hescli instances trees liad fallen with tailed traffic study further substan-, of ctiviies Tîatedfic ~illbetjîe-. branches on both sides of street tiatlest e ed settiîîg for ;an evening..(dance, forlighit standards, but with no da-ae Tesbeto rc ots.through whilitheSndcrorhetra~vlI ur t th sandrd. illage authorities the niorthshrevillges aîso. %\,as dis- inish imusic. isewcgl~ere swaîuped witli cails to reniovecse and~lemte eerdt h i i tar oata thtle debris -Of the stori, as ýý,ere cmnsso s tranisportat.ion commit- goo(l atten(lance. as nio other local Pl)lic utilities to repa îr \vIres and ru- t e e-, o v-mhC0..oha o celebration is lilled. aind: th, e commit -sun -e î nterrupted service, mlette is tenporarv chiairmnan. forna tee is tinl)ounded, iti its assurances A signal-lighit on th.e roof of the rep)ort and recolmmiendationi. tht ioun ~îl ~ulantminerstngbu-ilding at 1238 Celiltral avenue, The finance comnittee, of ivhich nxifat 1 on iltue i-me i iiitre n g used bv the .Wilmette 21 Cab col,,- Village Presidenit C. P. Diubbs of. at 2 o'clock iii thie aftermioon uîîntil pany, ivas blovn oý,vn and the tele- Wilrnette is chiairmnan, reported prog- thelas <lnceis oncmde ii tlipone put ont of commission. res, ini the mnatter of collecting fuinds \Vee sia'i hours of the .miormngmuîcpaites Lvanston is loldîig its usuial cele Daylight Burgiar Fias brIationi, andl will. nu o ubillt.l dra-iv1 Gayý Time in Wilmette Vandals Throw Acid on ,ian-v froin \Vilmette, ec., ll ii theev -li.~ven the annual. (1, 1a1 A ýdaylight burglar vm'sited \imeteJ Horme of WJm. Harridge, of fircevorks ill Ibe lield ati vche ediiesda'1 of..last \ 'vee and madeoicede)aria ta<lîuni. 'l'le sister citv , aI avs ir- oddvsvasI>tlesiîl Te\ilteplie earet st g received a report of van(lalisiaithtlI n akes a ten-strike iîlîits pyro -teclî- mîîans out entering homes aîîd takinigi onofWlanHride140F - nicsho. nd his~-ar viî b nur wliatever of value lie could lav hlis lonefWila Hrrde140F- iiiélîandwond.tThe home of be nàest avenuie,.presidenit of the Amierican exception,,. iJ. Keul-iLeaguie Baselall associat ion.'.Tlie ________________ ow. 611 Greenilei avenue, -wvhere the Ilionsu îc- s o suloc iste- fronit door wvas jinîied. 3ielded a sunii tion, hiad recentlv been t)àiited. V,7am- .Union Services of Two of nîlonev anld a qutatitity- of jew~erv. dals ne oe fiilt pae -t11>5 Tlird street. home of '-Irs. s drcvr fngt pae ChurhesStar Juy 1 - - ithe building witlî acid, ruiining the ~1Chrçhe Stat Juy Florence KFreuncL imore jewelrv antgjo.Tiî:note1is 11ecoingregatioiis of tfhe First pinigwa. hs i s o h is Biaptist and< First Congregational Mrs: J. E. Wortheli, .314 (GreenIeal ila, but i5 ste i one of chtîrcies of Wilnîette \ill. ioin il!avenuie. encouintered the prowî tîagbu on9l uniop services daring the months oi Ithe stairs as she started to deroce rcnndae JlN and Atigtst. The ti..mioii services ýaîd lhe departed with some- spèed..Ati Ivi he held M ithe, Conigreg)ationia'l .' "rii i ;l if id+1.t .. ~ alwavs a P.ederaýl'Building .iHere 'Includ- -ed ini New Building Progràmn Announiced by Government Accordi ng to plians announced june 24 bv- Postmaster General James A. Farlev, and Secretary of the -Treas-. urv Henry Morgenthau, 1Wilm ette'is to have its neW postoffice iin the very near future., The intention, says the announcemnt:, is to "get the contracts on the market and awarded within th.e'shortest pràcticable tiue."y Tihe'Wilmette project j: one of* government buildings to be erected in Illinois.ý the, total for the varions states being 626. The cost, in ,the ag- gregate, is to reach' 110 million dol- lars. The postoffice here it is said, % ill cost $160.000. CsLncellationI Clause in, Present Leas. When the 10-year lease on the presenlt quarters. of the local post office at 1144 Wilmnette avenue finally 1came. through, it contained a 90-day cancellation clause. and thus *offersno obstacle to the construction. of, the new building. The avowed purpose of the, govern- ment authorities to get work ol!al public buildings started at the earliest p)ossible moment stimulates the ex- pectation that the contract for the Wiimnete project will be among the first awarded. The site at Centrai and Park avenues was purchased sonie tinie ago. The architect, Benî- iaiiii Marshall, completed the plans several znontlîs ago. Hence there ap- pears to be, no- reason for delav' in, actual construction operations. Admit Légionnares to Pair Free on June 30, Saturday. June 30,. has been desig- nalted as -'mierican Legion -day at A Centumqy of Progress, and prepara- tions; are uder xvav for miaking it a CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Contagiotis diseas-e cases, reported b!y,,tule Wilinet-fe Healtlî departmîîent for thle week, of jumie 17 to 24 are as follows: chickénpox, 14~ Gerniai îîîeales, 2; 1 vhooping cougli, 2.1 Ho~me anad Garden ........4 Junior Life ............. 16 Real Estate Section....... 43 Recreation ..............48 Society Pages.........34-39 1 A-U * %ýe "V'KIL38 AAý A. -At nioomi Suîiday ami automobile drive;i bv Eriîest Laimîdis, 1020 Lawremîce ave- ine, CIicago, struck a* Bordlenmi lk truck at the itersection of -Mairu street andf Central avenue, ôverturning flthe truck and sliglîtly injuring the driver, Edwin A.î Koehler, 724 Prairie av.:niue. De iii flic offces of VIMWThIFI flot later than 9 1p. m. on Monday v) insuire piublication ini next weeks. issue. W\iiIMrrE LiSE will appreci- ate thiis 'c ooperation on the part of readers, and advertisers.